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EuroGamer: More details on the BALANCE of XB1


extra source of jiggaflops
Will say one thing, poly counts are seemingly showing up diminishing returns if Ryse's main character Marius really is supposed to have more polys than character models in KZ and BF4, because I sure don't see the difference.

You can't see the difference because you cut off the toes from Marius. The toes are amazing.


This might be a stupid point, but doesn't resolution limit the fidelity to which we can see the poly count, and therefore mean there's a hard limit at which additional triangles are basically invisible?

To some extent yes, but not for 3d models. Your point is valid for 2D. As technology advances, the amount of details being shown in 3D would increase, so there is always scope for more poly counts per character. For example, instead of a texture of a chain painted on the character, you would now have a real 3D chain, thereby increasing the poly count. Same goes for clothing. RoboPlato gave a good example of Marius' armor.

This needn't necessarily be just a superfluous visual touch either. If everything on the character is a 3D modeled object, then realistic damage/wear/character customizations can be made a lot more dynamic.

So I don't think we would reach any hard limits for a while :)


To some extent yes, but not for 3d models. Your point is valid for 2D. As technology advances, the amount of details being shown in 3D would increase, so there is always scope for more poly counts per character. For example, instead of a texture of a chain painted on the character, you would now have a real 3D chain, thereby increasing the poly count. Same goes for clothing. RoboPlato gave a good example of Marius' armor.

This needn't necessarily be just a superfluous visual touch. If everything on the character is a 3D modeled object, then realistic damage/wear can be made a lot more dynamic.

So I don't think we would reach any hard limits for a while :)
Well, the KZ guy looks better to me, so maybe my eyes have hit their limit, even if my screen hasn't.

And the IQ on those screens is better than the games will be, so looks like I don't need anything more.

In fact, I'd say Max Payne 3 was about the level to which I don't really think I could tell if they were better.
EDRAM total memory:10MB
ESRAM total memory:32MB(3x more than 360)

EDRAM bandwidth: 32GB/s
ESRAM bandwidth: 109GB/s(3x more than 360)

OG Xbox total memory: 64 MB
360 Total memory: 512MB(8x more over the OGX)
X1 Total memory: 8GB(16x more over the 360)

OGX memory bandwidth: 6.4 GB/s
360 memory bandwidth: 22.4 GB/s(3x more over the OGX)
X1 memory bandwidth: 68.3 GB/s(3x more over the 360)

360 flops:0.24 TFLOPS
X1 flops: 1.31 TFLOPS

I think its a little disingenuous to say the X1 is any less of a gaming machine than the 360 was if we're basing it off specs.
right on... good post.

You still think both arent close?


You stream them in, they are invisible from the distance so it doesnt matter. You dont have all geometry, even on smaller lod to be visible, You stream it on demand, so House can be totally empty from 1km away, but when You get close You can stream everything in.

KZ models look a lot better than that to me. However, unlike Ryse I haven't seen any of the models from Shadow Fall running in the game so until I see that Ryse wins from that standpoint. Though the only impressive feature of him is really his face. I think on the whole KZ is the best looking game right now.
Will say one thing, poly counts are seemingly showing up diminishing returns if Ryse's main character Marius really is supposed to have more polys than character models in KZ and BF4, because I sure don't see the difference.


Is that BF one from the PC?

And boy.. the other two look gorgeous. Can't wait.


Well, the KZ guy looks better to me, so maybe my eyes have hit their limit, even if my screen hasn't.

And the IQ on those screens is better than the games will be, so looks like I don't need anything more.

In fact, I'd say Max Payne 3 was about the level to which I don't really think I could tell if they were better.

Haha! Visually yes, I agree with you. The characters look great. But there is still so much that can be done with the same killzone character as our capability to increase polygon counts improves. Imagine if all the NPCs had procedural damage to their armor. That can't be done in a believable way without modeling all their armor separately in 3D, which would invariably increase poly count. Don't know if they are modeling armor separately in killzone. I'm just citing it as an example where there is scope of increasing poly counts in meaningful ways, even if their visual appeal has reached diminishing returns.
EDRAM total memory:10MB
ESRAM total memory:32MB(3x more than 360)

EDRAM bandwidth: 32GB/s
ESRAM bandwidth: 109GB/s(3x more than 360)

OG Xbox total memory: 64 MB
360 Total memory: 512MB(8x more over the OGX)
X1 Total memory: 8GB(16x more over the 360)

OGX memory bandwidth: 6.4 GB/s
360 memory bandwidth: 22.4 GB/s(3x more over the OGX)
X1 memory bandwidth: 68.3 GB/s(3x more over the 360)

360 flops:0.24 TFLOPS
X1 flops: 1.31 TFLOPS

I think its a little disingenuous to say the X1 is any less of a gaming machine than the 360 was if we're basing it off specs.

in a vacuum perhaps but not in relation to its competitors - namely the PS4 and perhaps even the upcoming Steambox


Haha! Visually yes, I agree with you. The characters look great. But there is still so much that can be done with the same killzone character as our capability to increase polygon counts improves. Imagine if all the NPCs had procedural damage to their armor. That can't be done in a believable way without modeling all their armor separately in 3D, which would invariable increase poly count. Don't know if they are modeling armor separately in killzone. I'm just citing it as an example where there is scope of increasing poly counts in meaningful ways, even if their visual appeal has reached diminishing returns.
Is that something you would actually be able to tell unless the game did some obnoxious slow motion matrix bullshit to show the bullets hitting someone? In the game, these people are moving firstly, and they're, for the most part, not directly in front of the camera, so they don't take up much of the screen at all. I can't see that there would be a benefit at all to what you're suggesting.
Will say one thing, poly counts are seemingly showing up diminishing returns if Ryse's main character Marius really is supposed to have more polys than character models in KZ and BF4, because I sure don't see the difference.


Given how we know how poly counts tend to work... models with hgigher polies placed in the right places will look better under closer inspection. We have already seen how fucking strange the BF4 faces look in close up...

I would imagine Marius' model allows him to be view much closer than those others...


Is that BF one from the PC?

And boy.. the other two look gorgeous. Can't wait.

It is yea. A high end character render.

Well, the KZ guy looks better to me, so maybe my eyes have hit their limit, even if my screen hasn't.

And the IQ on those screens is better than the games will be, so looks like I don't need anything more.

In fact, I'd say Max Payne 3 was about the level to which I don't really think I could tell if they were better.

Next gen it's going to be all about those close ups!



Is that something you would actually be able to tell unless the game did some obnoxious slow motion matrix bullshit to show the bullets hitting someone? In the game, these people are moving firstly, and they're, for the most part, not directly in front of the camera, so they don't take up much of the screen at all. I can't see that there would be a benefit at all to what you're suggesting.

Of course there is a benefit! When your are shooting someone and you see their armor getting shredded to pieces exactly where they are getting hit, clothes getting torn, helmets flying off their heads, visors getting shattered, the effect would definitely be pronounced and noticeable from a distance, even without slow mo. Same goes for applying physics on these 3D modeled objects. Now if systems get advanced enough to keep all that data in memory, you would see a dramatic effect after the firefight. Stuff belonging to fallen characters would be strewn all over the place, reminding you of what you just did (a la hotline miami)

EDIT: Here is a crude example to demonstrate what I mean. The best way to achieve this effect realistically based on where you hit, is to model the visor separately. I guess most visors are already 3D modeled in most games, but I don't see why such impressive effects cannot be done for other portions of the NPC by modeling them separately.



The DF interview was really interesting. It's always good to have technical people go into details, rather than relying on guessing and leaks. Saying that, this is obviously a PR push, and the infamous Major Nelson 360 vs PS3 'stats' will never be forgotten. Microsoft Maths™ at its finest. Some of the memory bandwidth claims seem to in this territory, especially based on actual dev comments that the Xbone's memory situation is a pain and a big bottleneck.

The amusing thing for me was in trying to downplay the PS4's power advantage. MS saying that CUs don't scale linearly is moot. It doesn't matter if an on-paper advantage is 50%, but in real world it's only 25%. It's still 25%! That's not to be sniffed at, seeing as they are making a big deal about a tiny 6% clock increase.

And claiming a console is 'balanced' when it's more complex and harder to develop for than it's rival is ridiculous. The term' balanced' here is just a marketing term, as they can't say it's powerful, or fast, or the easiest to develop for. So they came up with this meaningless term. Like seeing food products labelled as 'natural' which doesn't have any legal meaning.


Given how we know how poly counts tend to work... models with hgigher polies placed in the right places will look better under closer inspection. We have already seen how fucking strange the BF4 faces look in close up...

I would imagine Marius' model allows him to be view much closer than those others...

Having more polygons doesn't necessarily mean looking better up close. Very much depends on the shaders and textures that are used. You can have something super high poly but it won't count for much if the textures up close look blurry or lack details.


Sure! When your are shooting someone and you see their armor getting shredded to pieces exactly where they are getting hit, clothes getting torn, helmets flying off their heads, visors getting shattered, the effect would definitely be pronounced. Same goes for applying physics on these 3D modeled objects. Now if systems get advanced enough to keep all that data in memory, you would see a dramatic effect after the firefight. Stuff belonging to fallen characters would be strewn all over the place.
That certainly sounds rad, but what sort of poly-count do we need to have that kind of result? It doesn't seem like it would need to be higher, in terms of our ability to distinguish exactly where a bullet hit. Lets say you shoot a man in the chest, and he's twelve feet away, you could certainly say which quarter of a chest piece it hit, maybe which sixteenth if you're extremely keen eyed, but which two thousandth? No, not at all.


That certainly sounds rad, but what sort of poly-count do we need to have that kind of result? It doesn't seem like it would need to be higher, in terms of our ability to distinguish exactly where a bullet hit. Lets say you shoot a man in the chest, and he's twelve feet away, you could certainly say which quarter of a chest piece it hit, maybe which sixteenth if you're extremely keen eyed, but which two thousandth? No, not at all.

I think you are conflating resolution with poly count for this argument (though they are related in general). You are right that the poly count per object is reaching a high limit, since there is only so much that can be shown for a given resolution and what the human eye can discern. What I'm referring to is that the number of objects that constitute a character model can still be increased, so that those objects can behave independently. Increasing number of objects on the character, increases the character's poly count. And we haven't reached the limits on number of objects yet.


Having more polygons doesn't necessarily mean looking better up close. Very much depends on the shaders and textures that are used. You can have something super high poly but it won't count for much if the textures up close look blurry or lack details.

This! I will also add lighting models and AA to that list. All of them contribute to better close ups. A good example of this is the last of us. I read somewhere that the models used in the cut scenes and in-game are exactly the same, except with cranked up AA and better lighting. Though the in-game models look fantastic, they are a far cry from the cut scenes. With next gen, I'm guessing all games will look like their in-engine cut scenes. No wonder RAD wants to call their game 'filmic'. :D
True! Unless the luminous engine really delivers what they have promised in their trailer.


This reminds me to ask the gurus here. How are things like hair considered when estimating poly count???

hair usually has a fair bit of poly's but that's not the problem - the problem is that it's a fairly complex physics problem and so also a fairly heavy GPU compute task

my guess is we'll see a ton more of it on the PS4 than XB1 considering the ACE and CU counts and the revelation here that the XB1's architecture is more optimized for graphics efficiency than graphics+compute like the PS4


Oh, trust me, I know that already. Some people were never actually interested in hearing anything about the system, hence why so much of what is actually said in this article is more or less being ignored altogether, or is just being twisted to mean something entirely different from what was actually said. Fact is, for people that were actually really interested in getting these details out of genuine curiousity about the system, and weren't just looking for something they can troll and make fun of, those people have a lot of interesting and detailed information to reference in this article. Some of the more negative reaction this article has been getting is proof of the fact that there was never any information or kind of clarification that Microsoft could have the engineers or architects that actually worked on this system provide to all of us that would satisfy them.

Nevermind the fact that many of the more strongly held beliefs or claims constantly made by posters about the Xbox One architecture were, in some cases, completely shutdown as false. None of that matters apparently. What would one of those things be? For a good long while I've been saying that a comparison to the 7770 and the Xbox One GPU made very little sense, and that it made much more sense to compare the Xbox One GPU to Bonaire, or the 7790 -- something I was mocked often for saying -- and as it now turns out, the Xbox One GPU is based on Sea Islands Architecture, and, as such, a lot more similar to Bonaire than many thought.

And that's a just a tiny fraction of the information shared in this article. Again, for people that were looking forward to this, lots of cool bits of info and some things were finally cleared up. Look forward to seeing what some tech sites say about some of the information shared. Would especially be interested in seeing what Anandtech and some other sites have to say about the revelation regarding the ESRAM layout actually being 32 individual modules.
Oh please, dont try to act like you got redeemed by any means. The main point of contention of using a 7790 against a 7850 (for comparing Xbone to PS4) was that they both have similar shader power (<3%). Other than that people have admitted that the 2 prim/clock is the only thing that is similar in terms of performance metric for the Xbone. So please you were not redeemed, not even remotely.

Pretty sure no one would have any problems if you disabled two CUs on Bonaire, downclocked it to 853 and used that against a 7870 with two CUs disabled and downclocked to 800. But ofcourse, you're going to link me to a vague Dave post now, arent you?

Sure. I think I'm just over the war part of the spec discussion at this point.
You keep coming in a spec thread and repeatedly saying you're not interested or dont care or something similar. Maybe it's time to not post in here?

Balance had been a frequently used word since it's unveiling, the Xbox.com pages even said it dating back to May.
The use of balance dates back to Reiko days&#8482; when he tried to float the idea that the Xbone is more efficient.

Good post but there's no point. The same posters that flood every X1 thread have already selectively shredded this article apart. I still come to gaf for new news but certainly not to partake in any meaningful nextgen discussion. At least not until things cool down post launch.
I see .. like this "meaningful" discussion;
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.

PSA on the Digital foundry comparison

The Xbox One GPU has 14 CUs with 2 disabled
Bonair in a 7790 has 14 CUs fully enabled

So the numbers are actually more favorable to the Xbox One than they should be.
No, the Xbone GPU has 12 (active) CUs with 2 disabled.

It's not more favorable unless you are going to cling onto the hope that they will be unlocked with the stereo&#8482; driver.


No, the Xbone GPU has 12 (active) CUs with 2 disabled.

I'm really confused by this paragraph. Could you help clarify?

"Every one of the Xbox One dev kits actually has 14 CUs on the silicon. Two of those CUs are reserved for redundancy in manufacturing, but we could go and do the experiment - if we were actually at 14 CUs what kind of performance benefit would we get versus 12? And if we raised the GPU clock what sort of performance advantage would we get? And we actually saw on the launch titles - we looked at a lot of titles in a lot of depth - we found that going to 14 CUs wasn't as effective as the 6.6 per cent clock upgrade that we did."

Doesn't that mean 14 CUs with 2 disabled for redundancy?

Also, are they implying that increasing the clock rate by 6.6% is better than enabling the 2 CUs, which is a 16% increase? Doesn't that mean that they're claiming the inefficiencies in linear scaling are pretty significant? I find that very hard to believe!


I'd be in the dick
I'm really confused by this paragraph. Could you help clarify?

Doesn't that mean 14 CUs with 2 disabled for redundancy?

Also, are they implying that increasing the clock rate by 6.6% is better than enabling the 2 CUs, which is a 16% increase? Doesn't that mean that they're claiming the inefficiencies in linear scaling are pretty significant? I find that very hard to believe!

It has 14 on the chip, two are disabled for redundancy. They looked into opening up the disabled CUs to add performance but found that the clock rate was more useful. The RAM set up probably couldn't feed more CUs.


Not really. Triangles don't always refer to polygons, I've seen developers try to list vertices as triangles before. Marketing is a powerful drug.

Why go crazy about character models anyway? choosing that hill to die on is weird considering the Sorcerer tech demo for PS4, or the characters models for The Order clearly trumping Ryse (and are confirmed as the same models in cutscene and gameplay by Ready at Dawn).


There's no secret sauce, whatever Crytek is doing on Xbox One (regardless of if Ryse ends up even being a good game or not) is perfectly able to be replicated and improved on the PS4.

I agree completely with you! The characters from the order are incredible! For me are the only characters ever see in a videogame that seems have "real clothes" because their clothes seems so consistent, and heavy, and the details is amazing! Ryse have this "gaming" look to his characters that don't do anything to this 150k polygons, at least for me....



It has 14 on the chip, two are disabled for redundancy. They looked into opening up the disabled CUs to add performance but found that the clock rate was more useful. The RAM set up probably couldn't feed more CUs.

Ah interesting! So this could have more to do with the way they are architected than Penello's outlandish claims of linear scaling inefficiencies.
KZ models look a lot better than that to me. However, unlike Ryse I haven't seen any of the models from Shadow Fall running in the game so until I see that Ryse wins from that standpoint. Though the only impressive feature of him is really his face. I think on the whole KZ is the best looking game right now.

I agree that KZ looks a lot prettier, but there is the fact that Ryse has the armor completely separate from the character. I do not believe KZ's character models are completely separate from their clothing/armor, at least not as far as animations go and not in the same way as Ryse.


I'd be in the dick
Maybe this has posted before but this is the first multiplatform game that I have seen footage from both systems. I didn't see much difference but this isn't my area of expertise. Anyone wanna take a stab at a comparison?

X1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpk_-fIH5zY
PS4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0Z_K8R3TkY

The game has only been shown on PCs so far and considering how closely those two demos were shown to one another I think it's safe to say that this footage is PC as well. KojiPro would have had to polish two completely separate demos if they were on difference consoles and these looks exactly the same.

Ah interesting! So this could have more to do with the way they are architected than Penello's outlandish claims of linear scaling inefficiencies.
That's my take on it. He probably misunderstood some of the info about more CUs being less beneficial to XBO and applied it to PS4. The thing about this article that's so annoying is that it would be a very good piece on the XBO architecture if it didn't have the implication that the PS4 is somehow unbalanced. Both are very well suited for the power levels they're aiming for, PS4 just aimed higher and is a more straightforward and easier to use architecture. Not to say that XBO is hard, just not as easy.


luca, could you please quote your images? Thanks.

I'm really confused by this paragraph. Could you help clarify?

Doesn't that mean 14 CUs with 2 disabled for redundancy?

Also, are they implying that increasing the clock rate by 6.6% is better than enabling the 2 CUs, which is a 16% increase? Doesn't that mean that they're claiming the inefficiencies in linear scaling are pretty significant? I find that very hard to believe!
In addition to what Robo said above, below is the actual trade-offs for both approaches;
Easier to understand what compromise/trade-off was done in going for a higher clock with lower CUs.


(Using Xbone's current production configuration as a baseline)
And yes, I agree with you that the scaling wasnt just there and it was done for performance reasons (and not cost). Another gamble, only time will tell which approach was better.
EDRAM total memory:10MB
ESRAM total memory:32MB(3x more than 360)

EDRAM bandwidth: 32GB/s
ESRAM bandwidth: 109GB/s(3x more than 360)

OG Xbox total memory: 64 MB
360 Total memory: 512MB(8x more over the OGX)
X1 Total memory: 8GB(16x more over the 360)

OGX memory bandwidth: 6.4 GB/s
360 memory bandwidth: 22.4 GB/s(3x more over the OGX)
X1 memory bandwidth: 68.3 GB/s(3x more over the 360)

360 flops:0.24 TFLOPS
X1 flops: 1.31 TFLOPS

I think its a little disingenuous to say the X1 is any less of a gaming machine than the 360 was if we're basing it off specs.

For perspective

OG Xbox released 2001

Xbox 360 released 4 years later in 2005

Xbox One released 8 years later in 2013


Maybe this has posted before but this is the first multiplatform game that I have seen footage from both systems. I didn't see much difference but this isn't my area of expertise. Anyone wanna take a stab at a comparison?

X1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpk_-fIH5zY
PS4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0Z_K8R3TkY

it's a cross gen, it's useless for comparison, we need games builded in mind with next gen features and just that. Nothing connected to this generation.


luca, could you please quote your images? Thanks.

In addition to what Robo said above, below is the actual trade-offs for both approaches;

And yes, I agree with you that the scaling wasnt just there and it was done for performance reasons (and not cost). Another gamble, only time will tell which approach was better. (perf-wise, keeping cost out of the equation)

what do you mean for quote ? Below specific post ?


No I mean put the images in a quote, like this;


It makes scrolling easier. ;)

but they are already in that format, i used the insert image option from the forum message tool, and they are in
format.... O___O


No I mean put the images in a quote, like this;

but they are already in that format, i used the insert image option from the forum message tool, and they are in
format.... O___O

Quoting downsizes them until clicked for those of us who don't want to see source size images. It only takes a second to do, just edit your post, highlight the image URL and its existing code and click the quote button.


Oh, trust me, I know that already. Some people were never actually interested in hearing anything about the system, hence why so much of what is actually said in this article is more or less being ignored altogether, or is just being twisted to mean something entirely different from what was actually said. Fact is, for people that were actually really interested in getting these details out of genuine curiousity about the system, and weren't just looking for something they can troll and make fun of, those people have a lot of interesting and detailed information to reference in this article. Some of the more negative reaction this article has been getting is proof of the fact that there was never any information or kind of clarification that Microsoft could have the engineers or architects that actually worked on this system provide to all of us that would satisfy them.

Nevermind the fact that many of the more strongly held beliefs or claims constantly made by posters about the Xbox One architecture were, in some cases, completely shutdown as false. None of that matters apparently. What would one of those things be? For a good long while I've been saying that a comparison to the 7770 and the Xbox One GPU made very little sense, and that it made much more sense to compare the Xbox One GPU to Bonaire, or the 7790 -- something I was mocked often for saying -- and as it now turns out, the Xbox One GPU is based on Sea Islands Architecture, and, as such, a lot more similar to Bonaire than many thought.

And that's a just a tiny fraction of the information shared in this article. Again, for people that were looking forward to this, lots of cool bits of info and some things were finally cleared up. Look forward to seeing what some tech sites say about some of the information shared. Would especially be interested in seeing what Anandtech and some other sites have to say about the revelation regarding the ESRAM layout actually being 32 individual modules.

Not sure, a lot of info Crytek put out seems to lean towards that being the case, but I can't remember where I saw all that information on the game.
It's a gimped Bonaire, that's why I like many other people used 7770 for comparison. Bonaire has 1000 Mhz core clock speed, Xbox One GPU is clocked at 854~ Mhz. Bonaire has 14 CUs active, Xbox One has 12 CUs active. Bonaire is paired with GDDR5 memory, Xbox One is paired with DDR3 with some ESRAM.

Bonaire is at 1.79 Teraflops
Xbox One GPU is at 1.31 Teraflops.

With specs at hand it's essentially slightly faster than a 7770 and no where close to a 7790.
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