Missing The God of War Collection.
- Killzone 2
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Ratchet & Clank Future Collection
- Resistance Trilogy
- inFAMOUS 1 & 2
- MotorStorm Collection
- Heavenly Sword
- Puppeteer
- Siren: Blood Course
- Twisted Metal (2012)
- Warhawk
- Starhawk
- Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
- LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Blasphemy I tell ya!!!let's see... nah get rid of Killzone 2, Heavenly Sword was also terrible as fuck, MAG? never played it (who has lol it was a massive flop) but it was supposedly great... so maybe, Twisted Metal 2012 was also awful IMO and also get rid of LBP.
the rest tho, yeah... gimme that MotorStorm and especially MGS4!
There's been quite a lot of talk about backwards compatibility and remasters for the PS5. And while there are plenty of PS4 titles that could benefit from improved visuals and DualSense functionality, several PS3 titles deserve to be brought into the new generation as well. Let's take a look at 15 PS3 titles that need to be remastered for the PS5.
It comes from the Youtube channel that leaked information about Battlefield 1 (including the name, setting and other details) and BFV ahead of anyone else. Regarding Battlefield 3, it was reported would launch alongside the next mainline BF game in 2021 (similarly to Modern Warfare Remastered in 2016) on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC, including all the content from the base game and it's DLCs.Wait, where's the BF3 rumor? Because that sounds amazing.