Thank you, again Wilbur to the rescue.Okay:
- you're all fucking weird for supporting continents. Costa Rica played brilliantly today, but it's fucking odd that you're all saying CONCACAF YEAHHH when a) USA won a game against a team they were pretty even with and have two left and Mexico aren't guaranteed to go through, and Honduras got thrashed, and b) that it's a completely different way of looking at it to the Europeans, who hate all their neighbours. That's weird. Please hate your neighbours.
- you're all fucking boring for posting pictures of salt. At least post ones of snails dying in it or some salty chips.
- you're all fucking gr8 cunts m8 to enjoy footy with but pls for the love of Martin Scorsese's coke infused asshole stop talking about fucking continents like anyone gives a shit about any other team but their own
Forza England World Cup winners 2018
DerZuhälter;117456863 said:Enjoy watching the underdogs win while it lasts, I'll definitely skip their shitty round of 16 matches. Costa Rica vs Cote d'Ivoir/Greece will definitely be a bummer to watch.
Yeah they fight with heart and run till they fall over dead, but you see nothing great in terms of strategy/tactics with those teams.
Long balls up front and through passes to the sides followed by crosses. Even Brazil played creatively bankrupt, with Oscar whipping in cross after cross. The fuck am I watching here? Is this Brazil?! South American football used to be flamboyant, it had style, it had great dribblings and precises passes and runs. I've seen nothing of that so far.
So I say fuck this world cup so far. You fucking event mugs, who come out like rats during the WC, talking about salt and piss off again when it's over and the league starts and just have some interest for the sport when the Classico is on again can suck a big fat dick. Fucking cunts.
- you're all fucking weird for supporting continents. Costa Rica played brilliantly today, but it's fucking odd that you're all saying CONCACAF YEAHHH when a) USA won a game against a team they were pretty even with and have two left and Mexico aren't guaranteed to go through, and Honduras got thrashed, and b) that it's a completely different way of looking at it to the Europeans, who hate all their neighbours. That's weird. Please hate your neighbours.
- you're all fucking boring for posting pictures of salt. At least post ones of snails dying in it or some salty chips.
- you're all fucking gr8 cunts m8 to enjoy footy with but pls for the love of Martin Scorsese's coke infused asshole stop talking about fucking continents like anyone gives a shit about any other team but their own
Forza England World Cup winners 2018
DerZuhälter;117452405 said:Insigne, Cerci and Cassano have done shit so far. Great subs Prandelli.
Worst overall World Cup I can remember so far. Shit officiating, shit match results, shit bus parking by shin-stomping South-American teams, great teams leaving too early.
DerZuhälter;117463169 said:Everybody posted their reply .gif yet? Cool.
Took a shower and cooled down a bit.
England vs Italy was still, by far the best game (that wasn't a complete thrashing of one side) in this competition.
All other close matches (except maybe Australia vs Holland) were a sore to watch.
All African teams so far:
Good control of the ball and solid build up play, as soon as they get close to the last third of the pitch they lose all their cool, play unprecise passes, start whipping aimless crosses or shoot out of the distance.
Exempt of this: Disgraceful Cameroon game vs Croatia and Algeria which scored with a penalty and had no clear cut chances or good build up play.
Argentinia and Brazil.
Both disappointed so far. Argentina would get rect in a matchup with a proper offense if they think 7 men defending is enough. Messi, Aguero and Higuain did nothing defensively and not much more offensively.
Brazil as said before: Aimless crosses by Oscar and very dependant of Neymar's genius. Creatively bankrupt.
Colombia. Easy group, showed a great and calm performance against Greece, even match against CIV.
Honduras. Weak overall(shin-stomper, some horrendous tacklings, sorry pulga).
Ecuador. Match against the Swiss team bored me out of my mind. Unbelievable they lost it. Showed no composure.
Chile. Great composure on the ball, highly technical but can switch a flip and go into physical mode. Best southamerican team I've seen so far. Will probably beat the Dutch.
Mexico: 5-3-1-1 vs Brazil. If that's not bus parking I don't know what is.
Asian teams except for "Australia": Snore and borefest.
To be honest id support anyone playing Scotland at a world cup or european championship as well.
Don't think i'll ever get to do that again though.
But then again the tennis starts on monday. Andy is british until he loses ofc.
This xboxadvertis so shit.
- you're all fucking weird for supporting continents. Costa Rica played brilliantly today, but it's fucking odd that you're all saying CONCACAF YEAHHH when a) USA won a game against a team they were pretty even with and have two left and Mexico aren't guaranteed to go through, and Honduras got thrashed, and b) that it's a completely different way of looking at it to the Europeans, who hate all their neighbours. That's weird. Please hate your neighbours.
- you're all fucking boring for posting pictures of salt. At least post ones of snails dying in it or some salty chips.
- you're all fucking gr8 cunts m8 to enjoy footy with but pls for the love of Martin Scorsese's coke infused asshole stop talking about fucking continents like anyone gives a shit about any other team but their own
Forza England World Cup winners 2018
Costa RicaGAF How's the party going on in your country? You were already surprising people by beating Uruguay now your flying to the sweet sixteen.
England wont qualify for the 2018 WC.
Costa Rica are playing a dynamic 3-5-1-1 formation with a small young joel campbell as the lone man up front and you're telling me that they are doing nothing in terms of tactics/strategy?
Meanwhile spain and england have played a rigid & boring 4-2-3-1 formation and both are out.
Either you're trolling or you really dont have a clue about football.
Best anthem. There's Europe finally winning something.
Hopefully this match starting will stop the continent crap for a while at least.
shame it had to come down to italy vs. uruguay. i can't choose between pirlo and suarez.
i think italy will go through, though. italy that knows a draw is good enough will be tough to crack.
Best anthem. There's Europe finally winning something.
This xbox is so shit.
If only there was some kind of way to decide which confederation is the best. A sort of confederations cup if you will. That would be super neat.
Fixed that for you. We are everywhere. And despite everything; we love to root for our confederations bros(and we love to have any reason to party too lol)
if you root for Suarez then you are a racist.
if you root for Pirlo then you enjoy the finest things in life
continentalism is the new nationalism
Costa Rica are playing a dynamic 3-5-1-1 formation with a small young joel campbell as the lone man up front and you're telling me that they are doing nothing in terms of tactics/strategy?
Meanwhile spain and england have played a rigid & boring 4-2-3-1 formation and both are out.
Either you're trolling or you really dont have a clue about football.
If only there was some kind of way to decide which confederation is the best. A sort of confederations cup if you will. That would be super neat.
This xbox advert is so shit.
I hate both these two teams, one bores while the other cheatsOh no there is no one to hate! Both teams are from uefa![]()
so who should I be rooting for here?
You'd think there'd be more PS4 ads since Sony are sponsors. Who the fuck would want an X1 after that ad?
- you're all fucking weird for supporting continents. Costa Rica played brilliantly today, but it's fucking odd that you're all saying CONCACAF YEAHHH when a) USA won a game against a team they were pretty even with and have two left and Mexico aren't guaranteed to go through, and Honduras got thrashed, and b) that it's a completely different way of looking at it to the Europeans, who hate all their neighbours. That's weird. Please hate your neighbours.
- you're all fucking boring for posting pictures of salt. At least post ones of snails dying in it or some salty chips.
- you're all fucking gr8 cunts m8 to enjoy footy with but pls for the love of Martin Scorsese's coke infused asshole stop talking about fucking continents like anyone gives a shit about any other team but their own
Forza England World Cup winners 2018
DerZuhälter;117464066 said:Are you trolling right now?
3-5-1-1 is by far more defensive than a 4-2-3-1. It's basically off the ball the same as a 5-3-1-1 defensively. So either you are admitting that they are parking the bus and agreeing with me or you are watching a different sport.