By all means have fun. You obviously found your own unique way to enjoy the World Cup.No, I'm not. Competition in sports isn't about mindless patriotism. It's about having fun.
If Uruguay or Mexico win the Cup, you can be sure as hell that I'll be partying hard with them here in Brazil. You can keep your "competition" if it means I can't have fun when my team isn't playing.
If you want to go by the rules, that is considered dangerous play and isn't sanctioned with a yellow
You root for Argentina do you? I refuse to believe it!It's not weird. We love our neighbors. Why shouldn't we root for them?
Japan were pretty fun to watch. But its pretty obvious they lack the size
a bigger and longer Japan would get far in this tournament
It's incidental contact Giroud wasn't even looking at the guy and the kick wasn't that high considering where the ball was.
Shut up, I'm a ref in RL.Lol at the armchair referees on GAF
Japan were pretty fun to watch. But its pretty obvious they lack the size
a bigger and longer Japan would get far in this tournament
Even if not intentional, it's incredibly reckless, and should have been a yellow
Shut up, I'm a ref in RL.
Lol at the armchair referees on GAF
You root for Argentina do you? I refuse to believe it!
Chileans hate Argentinians. Argentinians hate Chileans. Peruvians hate Chileans. Chileans hate Peruvians. And everyone hates Bolivians.
Hating your neighbors and relishing in their suffering is most of the fun of football!
Shut up, I'm a ref in RL.
Wasn't high??? His kicked his damned head and it wasn't high??? What is a high to you then??? Sorry he was imprudent and deserved yellow for that stupid action.
Japan were pretty fun to watch. But its pretty obvious they lack the size
a bigger and longer Japan would get far in this tournament
Japan were pretty fun to watch. But its pretty obvious they lack the size
a bigger and longer Japan would get far in this tournament
Because it not only means that Costa Rica is better than the Euro-snobs thought, it means that the US and Mexico and Honduras and Panama, et al. are probably better too.
I'm a referee irl
What the fuck, ref? Straight leg from the back is always yellow, you stupid sucker!
I'm a referee irl
Japan were pretty fun to watch. But its pretty obvious they lack the size
a bigger and longer Japan would get far in this tournament
Also, whats with all the yugoslavs in the Schweiz and Australia team?
I don't root for Argentina. But I do root for all the other LA teams.
Hating European teams and relishing in their suffering is more than enough for me.
DerZuhälter;117456863 said:Enjoy watching the underdogs win while it lasts, I'll definitely skip their shitty round of 16 matches. Costa Rica vs Cote d'Ivoir/Greece will definitely be a bummer to watch.
Yeah they fight with heart and run till they fall over dead, but you see nothing great in terms of strategy/tactics with those teams.
Long balls up front and through passes to the sides followed by crosses. Even Brazil played creatively bankrupt, with Oscar whipping in cross after cross. The fuck am I watching here? Is this Brazil?! South American football used to be flamboyant, it had style, it had great dribblings and precises passes and runs. I've seen nothing of that so far.
So I say fuck this world cup so far. You fucking event mugs, who come out like rats during the WC, talking about salt and piss off again when it's over and the league starts and just have some interest for the sport when the Classico is on again can suck a big fat dick. Fucking cunts.