American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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Someone faked a website registered since 1997?

they deleted their social media presence, but somehow decided to leave their twitter account up and start trolling everyone? Come on dude. Also notice that twitter account was not active until about 7h ago. Let's use common sense here people
I'd love to see all of his employees and/ or partners sue him out of existence for fucking up their livelihoods with his abysmal, criminal life choices.


If these "big game" hunters want to impress.. go out there with a fucking rock and spear like your ancestors used to do it. If your sorry ass comes back in one piece and you've got the head of the lion...then ok you get to keep it because you are truly a badass.


Is there any good reason that instagram would block the #cecilthelion hashtag?

Good move IMO.
If these "big game" hunters want to impress.. go out there with a fucking rock and spear like your ancestors used to do it. If your sorry ass comes back in one piece and you've got the head of the lion...then ok you get to keep it because you are truly a badass.

He was hunting with bow and arrow.


I don't mind saying I wish to place this individual into a pit with a lion. Man vs Beast, only with what nature gave them, hands/paws/teeth/etc. I'd be ok with that.
Always believed recreational hunting was a fundemantelly disturbed activity that reflected badly on people who enjoyed it.

That said, I'm incredibly disappointed with the widespread support of vigilante mob justice. I thought GAF was better than this.
If these "big game" hunters want to impress.. go out there with a fucking rock and spear like your ancestors used to do it. If your sorry ass comes back in one piece and you've got the head of the lion...then ok you get to keep it because you are truly a badass.

Or...get a camera, learn how to use it, and capture an amazing picture, leaving the lion unharmed. That's impressive to me. In the caveman days there weren't 7 billion humans in the world. The definitions of what's badass have necessarily changed.


Yknow, while I think we can all agree this is a situation where what he did isn't really excusable I don't think all of the posts suggesting he should be put in a situation where his life is essentially forfeit are really necessary.


Always believed recreational hunting was a fundemantelly disturbed activity that reflected badly on people who enjoyed it.

That said, I'm incredibly disappointed with the widespread support of vigilante mob justice. I thought GAF was better than this.

Well I don't think its surprising. Some people feel more strongly about animals than others. Many treat it like he lured and murdered a human, which is fair depending on your point of view.


Always believed recreational hunting was a fundemantelly disturbed activity that reflected badly on people who enjoyed it.

That said, I'm incredibly disappointed with the widespread support of vigilante mob justice. I thought GAF was better than this.

While totally against anything like that kind of justice I think it's important to understand the depth of feeling many have to animal cruelty and to the injustice this represents.

Also let's note they guy killed and animal of a species that's fairly limited while there are over 7 billion human beings alive on the planet. Put bluntly, the death of this guy is insignificant next to the human population and is percentage wise far less significant that the impact of his actions in killing this lion.

In short: many, many people feel hugely about animals and their anger is not to be trifled with.

That said any kind of death threat etc is also unacceptable IMHO, Imprison the guy, fine him hugely, make his life a miser but don't take it too far either.


Not everybody views the life of a lion on the same level as raping a child.....

I never said the two acts are the same in any way shape or form. I said looking at something beautiful and wanting kill it and make it suffer is equally as fucked up as looking at a child and wanting to molest. I was referring to that in both cases something is clearly not right in the persons head. I never said doing the two actions are the same. I do think people that want to do harm to beautiful living things are similarly bent.


What's laughable is people like you not being able to grasp really basic concepts about how an ecosystem works. What exactly do you do for the environment and conservation efforts other than chastise people on the internet for something you don't understand?

I just put my money where my mouth is and just got back from 3 weeks in Africa, so I have a decent first hand knowledge and understanding of the ecosystem we are discussing and also put considerable of my own money into the conservation of it. I don't think that entitles me to talk shit on the internet, that has always been free.
Hopefully there's an investigation and someone gets prosecuted, because there must be rules to follow to not kill the lions specifically chosen for research.

If he went with official game hunters to kill a lion, someone with him must have known not to kill Cecil, you know the famous lion with the markings and tag around its neck.

I wouldn't be surprised if in a "round-about" way they blame the American merely because there's pressure put on finding a lion to kill for the Americans who visit.
Education? Better laws regarding trophy hunting? Enforcement of these laws? Saying shaming is the only way is not helping your argument.

Yes. His work, his practice, is his source of income. Should his next job suffer the same? Chances are it will if mob justice has anything to say, he wouldn't be the first person to have his job prospects dramatically changed. If your argument is his source of income is part of the problem then making changes regarding trophy hunting will be difficult.

You silly naïve bastard *sigh*


I can see hunting buck for sport, but a fucking LION? Jesus Christ, man. The twitter account for the office is doing terrible damage control too, let's see how this plays out.
I can see hunting buck for sport, but a fucking LION? Jesus Christ, man. The twitter account for the office is doing terrible damage control too, let's see how this plays out.

Yeah. Deer is an abundant prey with good meat. Hunting in the wild is really the most humane way to eat meat! You can't eat a Lion... it's just sport hunting. I don't approve of killing senselessly.


Not sure if this has been posted but the news on Cecil is really getting out there. Jimmy Kimmel opened his show on the topic and got emotional about it too:

Hopefully increased protections can come in for lions and other wildlife now, and Walt Palmer has now officially ended his animal killing ways, and actually can find ways of helping wildlife rather than killing them.


His statement:

"In early July, I was in Zimbabwe on a bow hunting trip for big game. I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits. To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted. I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt. I have not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or in the U.S. about this situation, but will assist them in any inquiries they may have. Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."
While I think he should be shamed for hunting an endangered species, it's also disturbing that the government in Zimbabwe allows such things. And even if it were made illegal, the money would be too good to pass up for a lot of people. Not sure what the solution is. Let's hope we can clone them after they go extinct.
His statement:

While I think he should be shamed for hunting an endangered species, it's also disturbing that the government in Zimbabwe allows such things. And even if it were made illegal, the money would be too good to pass up for a lot of people. Not sure what the solution is. Let's hope we can clone them after they go extinct.

regardless of his shitty statement - dont fucking kill lions. It's pointless. Like...i dont see how anyone can do it. The way someone treats animals really can show the kind of person they are.
If these "big game" hunters want to impress.. go out there with a fucking rock and spear like your ancestors used to do it. If your sorry ass comes back in one piece and you've got the head of the lion...then ok you get to keep it because you are truly a badass.
This so good on so many levels.


I just put my money where my mouth is and just got back from 3 weeks in Africa, so I have a decent first hand knowledge and understanding of the ecosystem we are discussing and also put considerable of my own money into the conservation of it. I don't think that entitles me to talk shit on the internet, that has always been free.

Well congrats, but that has nothing to do with legal, regulated deer hunting, which you obviously know nothing about. I think most of us can agree that big game hunting in Africa has little to do with conservation and everything to do with governments trying to give their economy a boost.
Not sure if this has been posted but the news on Cecil is really getting out there. Jimmy Kimmel opened his show on the topic and got emotional about it too:

Class all the way. A+ Kimmel.

This idiot Dentist is finished. Whatever comes his way good riddance.

Sorry may have missed it but did they mention where Cecils head is or have they recovered it?


His statement:

While I think he should be shamed for hunting an endangered species, it's also disturbing that the government in Zimbabwe allows such things. And even if it were made illegal, the money would be too good to pass up for a lot of people. Not sure what the solution is. Let's hope we can clone them after they go extinct.

This guy is full of shit.


Well congrats, but that has nothing to do with legal, regulated deer hunting, which you obviously know nothing about. I think most of us can agree that big game hunting in Africa has little to do with conservation and everything to do with governments trying to give their economy a boost.
I'm fully aware of legal deer hunting and Im not a fan but as a Canadian I'm perfectly fine with people coming here to leave their money and kill a deer. We have plenty off them and this is not a third world country that you can throw money around and do what you want. The only thing I said about deer hunting is it has nothing to do with the current topic, it is not even remotely the same as killing a lion for sport.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Class all the way. A+ Kimmel.

This idiot Dentist is finished. Whatever comes his way good riddance.

Sorry may have missed it but did they mention where Cecils head is or have they recovered it?
It's in the OP....

The 13-year-old lion's head was reportedly cut off as a trophy, and his skin was taken as well. Rodrigues told CNN that the head and skin had been found and confiscated, and were being processed as evidence.


He didn't craft the bow and arrows himself, he failed to kill the lion with it, and then killed it with a gun when they found it later. Not exactly the same thing.

Eh, injuring an animal and then tracking it down until it dies or is unable to move so you can finish it off is a way of hunting that has existed since forever. Of course killing an animal with the first throw/shot is preferable, but if it doesn't kill that's what you have to do. The one advantage we have over animals is our stamina and that way of hunting makes good use of it.

Obviously this guy is a scumbag, but there are better things to mock him about than his hunting technique.


Just turned BBC Breakfast News on and it's one of the lead stories.

Absolutely sickening.

My day is already ruined.
He not being shamed. People are targeting the business where looks like 20 other people work.

Oh well fuck those guys. Their boss did something I don't agree with. Nothing at all he did at work btw.

Its not OK however you spin it. This does nothing to stop the problem with big game hunting. Lets not use this to raise money to help protect the lions.

Fuck that it way more fun to try and ruined people lives.
It sure is a shame that his actions have had a terrible knock-on effect on his business, but it is what it is.
If you make yourself a universally hated figure worldwide, it seems obvious to me that you're fucking over anyone who depends on you.
So what you are saying is that your moral standard is based on existing laws. If Lions aren't endagered, shoot them in their fucking faces to your heart's content. If the law is struck down, wipe them out—all of them.

I'm saying I'm a realist at that point.

The preservations need money, they let people hunt there for payment, when the hunting isn't hurting the overall population of the animal.

Yeah, basically shoot them to your heart's content, as soon as you got the permit.This man did not have a permit. He is hurting the population of the animal. He has to be punished.


Would've loved to have travelled to Zimbabwe to see Cecil - what a gorgeous lion. Now that he is dead, his cubs will likely be killed in his absence (since that is what happens when other male lions take over a pride). It's terribly sad.




I am fuckin pissed. Piece of wasted oxygen he is.

ed: that fucking last tweet. what the fuck. I can understand the fallout that this has for whole clinic, but the PR should better not write anything and everyone should search for other job, or rebrand.

ed: fake twitter, ty DarkFlow
I'd gladly shoot the asshole in his testicles twice!!! One bullet for each ball. And a Magnum for his small dick. That's three bullets and we have a winner.
This guy is full of shit.

Most likely. The focus on the guides and them already being tried probably ensures Zimbabwe won't pursue anything. I bet they doubly won't as it'll spook a lot of would be poachers that would otherwise come to the area. It's big business for them I imagine. Well what do I know maybe most of these guided hunts are done under the table anyhow I don't really know how it works.
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