American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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Have you ever heard of this lion before this? I sure as hell hadn't.

You do know big game hunting is its own subculture, right? Just because you, an average citizen who likely does not participate in big game hunting, didn't know about Cecil doesn't necessarily mean this guy didn't either.

Regardless, he should have known where he was (a national park) and acted accordingly.


I'm more bothered by the angry mob mentality than the lion murder.
Lions are not animals to hunt. They don't tend to run or attack humans unless provoked. They are lazy and just lay around. They won't hide from you. There is literally no skill needed in hunting a lion. There is absolutely no reason one would kill a lion.

You don't eat lions for food.
There is no sport or thrill of a hunt in killing an animal that sleeps all day and doesn't avoid humans.

Why wouldn't someone get outraged?


yeh, you're right. still, I find all this witch hunt quite disturbing, up until a couple of days ago no one gave a fuck about lions in Africa and suddenly this asshole is the new Hitler.

Fuck him. He deserves whatever is coming to him, via lynch mob or not. He can hole up in a bunker with all his money if the pressure is too much for him.


btw. Is it normal to shoot a lion with an arrow? It's kind of a big animal, so no surprise it survived getting shot. All it achieved was to prolong its suffering


Something important to note that was stated in the video. They tried to destroy Cecil's colar. They were trying to hide what they did.


btw. Is it normal to shoot a lion with an arrow? It's kind of a big animal, so no surprise it survived getting shot. All it achieved was to prolong its suffering

I think it gives you extra points in the Hunter Cunts Club.
I remember some bitch shooting an elephant with arrows too. Also took hours and hours and hours for the animal to die.
Err yeah, he pretty much admits that's what happened.

he did, but in reference to him not knowing anything was illegal, that quote is out of context, i was saying he knew he was illegally hunting a lion from a game reserve, something he thought would go unnoticed. shit only hit the fan when they found the collar, you can just imagine them riding over to the dying lion all proud of their "skilful" kill and then the realisation of and fear washing over them as they see that collar and realise this wasn't just a random reserve lion it was being watched, studied and they new exactly where it was! Its at this point he made a concious choice to evade justice and flee the country rather than if it was a genuine mistake or he was mislead go to police and explain (possibly even after they tried to destroy that collar and then he fled)

If it was a clear cut as he say's and he's innocent he would have stayed, he knew how it looked, he knew they were shady, he knew how big a deal it could be (although probably didn't expect it to be this big) and so got on a plane and flew home thinking he'd get away with it

Do we take it at face value some shady American Poacher going on a game trip to kill a lion using shady tactics, where they lured a lion onto land they had permits for, he killed it and tehn discovered just how bad a mistake it was, or as the pro-hunter/have to defend them lobby state he's just a really dumb and lucky guy who despite doing almost the same before is just unlucky and totally innocent, and we (the collective use) should leave him alone because he has a livelihood and employees - i know which one seems the most likely


I for one am genuinely glad that the guy is ruined and has to spend the rest of his life in hiding.

I doubt it'll be the rest of his life, but yeah looks like his practice has closed. He'll be on Fox News in a few weeks where they'll treat him like a victim of the liberal lion huggers.


Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin'
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin' at fools like me
Who in the hell d'you think you are
A super star
Well, right you are


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just saw the picture of Cecil... after what this douche did to him.

I feel sick.

Damn, respect to Kimmel. Epic but restrained takedown. And it's something you can see he feels strongly about.

It's like there's the one half of the planet that's evolved and developed empathy to the point where they can't comprehend the insane mindset of someone who would want to go and shoot a lion and claim his head as a trophy, and then there's the other half who are stuck in this barbaric, outdated, unexamined practice that has no place in the modern world anymore.

People like this dentist really need to sit down and ask themselves, what the hell am I getting from shooting these animals. What's the gain here, what part of myself am I feeding with this behaviour and why am I getting a kick out of this.
He didnt even hunt the lion.

he baited in across the protected area to 500 or so yards outside of it and shot it with an arrow.

thats the equivalent of me telling you to get in the car and pulling forward when you reach for the handle for like 3 miles then stabbing you in the chest.

Not only that, when he went to shoot, they put a spotlight on cecil. a spotlight. he was just hanging out like hmm thats weird its not morning OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK
This could get pretty dangerous for Palmer. His name and looks are known...and people who are pretty serious about this could do something.


Speaks to how unreliable Yelp reviews can be and how easy it is to lie about reviews. If I'm Yelp, I'm not happy to see that at all.
Not necessarily. His business, regardless of its technical ability, now has ethical and moral concerns surrounding it. I wouldn't expect a Nazi dentist's business to thrive or review well either.


The feeling of being powerless in protecting these animals is a horrible one. It eats away my calmness like a wildfire.

And you know what? Witch hunts are not okay, but people will say extreme stuff when faced with the ABILITY for these subhuman beings to just spend money, fly to the other half of the planet, kill something, fly back, and continue living your life. It is horrible.

And yeah, lets not delude ourselves. With most abuses, whether the victims are people, animals or our enviornment, the same pattern repeates. Those with power just abuse the system and keep getting away with it. Their ability to harm stuff is bigger than a normal's person ability to heal or help stuff. That is not fair.

Speaks to how unreliable Yelp reviews can be and how easy it is to lie about reviews. If I'm Yelp, I'm not happy to see that at all. not do morally reprehensible stuff? Should not be too hard.


Thread name should be changed to "American asshole illegally killed Cecil the Lion." The guy didn't even hunt. Just pathetic and sickening.


Just saw the picture of Cecil... after what this douche did to him.

I feel sick.

Fuck fuck. I saw that picture on the Yelp page. Holy shit, it's horrifying. I don't know much about Big Game Hunters, but apparently animal torture and mutilation is part of the fun.

Won't someone think of his employees....that he harassed.


This guy is human waste. The Kimmel bit made me choke up.

I hope his business goes to shit and he can't afford his "hobby" any more.


I think it gives you extra points in the Hunter Cunts Club.
I remember some bitch shooting an elephant with arrows too. Also took hours and hours and hours for the animal to die.
I actually googled a little around about hunting with bow and arrow and stumbled upon those "green hunts" where they put a tranquilizer at the tip of the arrow. People who pay for it get the thrill of the hunt, but the animal survives and gets its body and blood checked like it would have anyway. (there are still some ethical issues because only a real veterinarian should apply tranquilizers)

Still, with that option available it seems nuts to me that someone would insist on murdering an animal.
Fuck fuck. I saw that picture on the Yelp page. Holy shit, it's horrifying. I don't know much about Big Game Hunters, but apparently animal torture and mutilation is part of the fun.

Won't someone think of his employees....that he harassed.
and ruined their livelihoods. That dental practice is definitely over and all of those poor individuals are jobless now (probably).


Fucking humans.. that's all I gotta say. I know there's a lot of good people in the world but it's fucking hard to have any faith in humanity with dickholes like this.


A guy who's a total asshole to animals behaves like a total asshole around humans as well? I'm shocked.

Shocked, I say.



You do know big game hunting is its own subculture, right? Just because you, an average citizen who likely does not participate in big game hunting, didn't know about Cecil doesn't necessarily mean this guy didn't either.

Regardless, he should have known where he was (a national park) and acted accordingly.
But he said there was zero percent chance the guy didn't know it's name. I'm sure there a rather high chance he didn't.
what kind of scumbag kills such majestic creatures just for a trophy in 2015.

The bloodthirsty rich need something to do with all that money. Truth be told, folks like this guy would probably rather be hunting people The Most Dangerous Game style, but the law gets in the way so they have to settle for animals.
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