American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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To be fair it will stop him from poaching so it's not entirely worthless to the effort of stopping poachers. The sad truth is that a person's business is an extension of themselves and thus if we punish his source of income it will punish him. It's not much different from people going after the vet that shot the cat with a crossbow. Only in this case he is the boss so the only way to hurt him is to hurt his business.

Of course it will. He won't have the money to go on these expeditions anymore. That's the best we can hope for rather than dream about some pie in the sky scenario where these hunting clubs change their desire for money or the Zimbabwe government toughens its stance against poaching.

On the surface this sounds like a good idea but the justice or punishment is far more severe than the crime. You've potentially stopped one poacher. What next? Go after the next one? What about the next one that shows up after that? It's not a long term solution, this is more about how much a horrible person he is rather than wanting to stop poaching. The idea that this will stop poaching means nothing when the goal of the group is more towards making him worse off.

Maybe we could donate and they could set up a nice nature preserve where the lions are tagged and it's illegal to hunt them. That should keep them safe.

Please explain how you are going to eliminate the profit motive for illegal poachers without going after the trophy hunting tourists.

How are you going to stop trophy hunting by going after the current trophy hunters? Your solution is a band-aid. It doesn't work long term because other people will become trophy hunters. It isn't a deterrent. You have to see the laws change in those lands and actually be enforced, education is also key. Shaming, threatening, and wanting his income gone is not going to stop trophy hunting, at best it will make you happier because some asshole got it coming to them.

Can you actually articulate how this will work as a deterrent when we know in reality things like the death penalty aren't actual deterrents for crime? There are other ways to handle his crime. Punishing someone like will not solve the underlying issues that cause trophy hunting. To say again, all this will do is make you happier for 5 minutes because you helped some asshole get what's coming to him.


Junior Member
Man, watching Jimmy choke up was sad. Is exactly how I feel about the subject. Such a beautiful creature and to needlessly kill it for sport. Disgraceful.


I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.


I think these big game/illegal hunters' days might be numbered though.

I was in South Africa not too long ago, I did a safari, and the experience really sticks with you. I've kept an interested eye on the poaching situation ever since. When I was over there, I spoke with a number of very experienced guides and told them they should be pushing for drone tracking in anti-poaching efforts. They were all aware that this was a possibility (they were extremely curious about performance details) and knew about drone trials happening in the next few months for gov't contracts to provide security drones.

African bush in particular is suited to this application. You could see a rotating fleet of infrared-camera-equipped drones doing constant surveillance in a perimeter, landing and recharging and taking off again in sequence, creating a pretty effective net over a game preserve. That would be automated. In the case of manned security drones, from the attitudes I gathered from the guides, they would have very little compunction in mounting a taser or a tracking marker gun (or as one put it, "a fucking harpoon") to a piloted drone. They already have orders to shoot on sight, especially the ex-Israeli antipoaching rangers who did not seem like people with whom one fucks.

The major problem is that the money equation is totally fucked; rhino horn is the most valuable substance on the planet by weight, I believe; how do you match that with the extreme cost of doing security on large wildlife over zillions of kilometres, when a successful result is simply that something didn't die? The only thing that makes any security possible at all is political will to do so.

I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.
We can't easily comprehend big stats, it's too big for our ego, it just gets dismissed or intellectualized. A single story with a name and an "arc" hits personally.
I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

I'm super confused too. Putting the topic of hunting animals aside, wtf is Cecil the lion. This is a famous lion? Everyone in this thread knew Cecil the lion? How did I miss the Cecil the lion train all of these years. Not to mention apparently this happened almost A MONTH ago. The lion has been dead for weeks. Yet no outrage until now.


Mr Git

What a massive thundercunt. I'll never understand hunting mentality. Hopefully considering the amount of media attention this is getting he is actually prosecuted properly. "Thought everything was legal" hmm yeah luring a lion out of a safe zone seems legit. I wish him terrible fortune.
I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

With all of the terrible things that go on in the world, learning that someone would spend an incredible amount of money to add to the list, is sort of the straw that breaks the back.
I'm super confused too. Putting the topic of hunting animals aside, wtf is Cecil the lion. This is a famous lion? Everyone in this thread knew Cecil the lion? How did I miss the Cecil the lion train all of these years. Not to mention apparently this happened almost A MONTH ago. The lion has been dead for weeks. Yet no outrage until now.


people dont like seeing something innocent get killed cause some rich asshole decides he wants to kill it, go figure.


I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

Being outraged at animal cruelty is nothing new especially from media. Even wearing a fur coat will get protesters at your door


Junior Member
Don't really understand the desire to hunt animals with high powered weapons.

You really want to hunt something? Get butt naked, grab a pointy stick, and go fight an animal. If you kill it, then you can take it as a trophy of your manliness.

If you die, oh well.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.
people dont like seeing something innocent get killed cause some rich asshole decides he wants to kill it, go figure.

That's cool, but that happens every day. "Legally." My thing is, all of these headlines seem to be playing off of CECIL THE LION as if anyone knew there was a Cecil the lion except a handful of people. Putting "lion in controlled study" makes more sense than trying to portray the lion as if it were a celebrity outside of the local area.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I shot a bird once with a bb gun when I was a kid, felt terrible afterwards. Don't see the appeal.

Are you Bart Simpson?



We can't easily comprehend big stats, it's too big for our ego, it just gets dismissed or intellectualized. A single story with a name and an "arc" hits personally.

A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. Or something like that.
Not necessarily. His business, regardless of its technical ability, now has ethical and moral concerns surrounding it. I wouldn't expect a Nazi dentist's business to thrive or review well either.
Well its more about the ability to leave reviews without visiting an establishment. That goes for all places on Yelp.

You're right, though. I don't care about the well being of this particular office.


I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.

The combination of it being the worst case of poaching in years (not to mention most grotesque) and a rich asshole thinking he can do whatever he wants is why. People joke about it but between things like this, the affluenza case, and the growing inequality gap - at this rate the rich will actually be hunted down and killed in about 10 years time.
I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.

His 6 cubs are all going to be killed by Jericho the Lion or other rivals:
Officials are now concerned about Cecil’s six cubs, because they will likely be killed by another lion.

“The saddest part of all is that now that Cecil is dead, the next lion in the hierarchy, Jericho, will most likely kill all Cecil’s cubs so that he can insert his own bloodline into the females,” the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force said.

“That’s how it works… it’s in the wild; it’s nature taking its course,” the head of the task force, Johnny Rodrigues, told the BBC.
I actually googled a little around about hunting with bow and arrow and stumbled upon those "green hunts" where they put a tranquilizer at the tip of the arrow. People who pay for it get the thrill of the hunt, but the animal survives and gets its body and blood checked like it would have anyway. (there are still some ethical issues because only a real veterinarian should apply tranquilizers)

Still, with that option available it seems nuts to me that someone would insist on murdering an animal.

no i've never heard of that, but man why don't they do that? the only thing killing gets more than that is watching the life leave its eyes and taking its carcass for a'd have to be a sadist to want those over the artificial green hunt, which surely gives a real hunter the sport of tracking the animal and the superiority of tagging it


I'm super confused too. Putting the topic of hunting animals aside, wtf is Cecil the lion. This is a famous lion? Everyone in this thread knew Cecil the lion? How did I miss the Cecil the lion train all of these years. Not to mention apparently this happened almost A MONTH ago. The lion has been dead for weeks. Yet no outrage until now.


Group / horde mentality.


Junior Member
I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

It's because, believe it or not, many of us ADORE and LOVE these creatures and it is HEART BREAKING when something like this happens.


The impact of Cecil's death is far reaching compared if someone just ran over this big game hunter and left his body in a ditch. I'm still so mad at this asshole. And at posters that can't wrap their head around preserving life, especially life that is getting close to being endangered. What sort of bubble must you be in to not be able to comprehend this. What are we going to do in 20 years to educate the coming generations of all the species we've managed to eradicate? Send the kids to watch 3D movies depicting said animals, all on the Occulus Rift? Because that's all they're going to be able to see.



Junior Member
The impact of Cecil's death is far reaching compared if someone just ran over this big game hunter and left his body in a ditch. I'm still so mad at this asshole. And at posters that can't wrap their head around preserving life, especially life that is getting close to being endangered. What sort of bubble must you be in to not be able to comprehend this. What are we going to do in 20 years to educate the coming generations of all the species we've managed to eradicate? Send the kids to watch 3D movies depicting said animals, all on the Occulus Rift? Because that's all they're going to be able to see.




I'm super confused too. Putting the topic of hunting animals aside, wtf is Cecil the lion. This is a famous lion? Everyone in this thread knew Cecil the lion? How did I miss the Cecil the lion train all of these years. Not to mention apparently this happened almost A MONTH ago. The lion has been dead for weeks. Yet no outrage until now.


This is the precise reason why I find posts in the beginning of this thread to be weird as hell.

I'll go as far as to say I wish I could make one of those TDK Joker meme pics comparing how folks don't get as riled about any other issue brought up about African countries and peoples, but when news gets out about a lion getting killed by a big game hunter, then everyone loses their minds.
This is the precise reason why I find posts in the beginning of this thread to be weird as hell.

I'll go as far as to say I wish I could make one of those TDK Joker meme pics comparing how folks don't get as riled about any other issue brought up about African countries and peoples, but when news gets out about a lion getting killed by a big game hunter, then everyone loses their minds.

Why do you have an Iwata tribute ribbon when people die of horrible diseases all the time?

See how that logic is bad?


Junior Member
This is the precise reason why I find posts in the beginning of this thread to be weird as hell.

I'll go as far as to say I wish I could make one of those TDK Joker meme pics comparing how folks don't get as riled about any other issue brought up about African countries and peoples, but when news gets out about a lion getting killed by a big game hunter, then everyone loses their minds.

Your IWATA tribute ribbon though


I get that this guy is a douche and I don't agree at all with him killing the lion, but what I don't get is the amount of emotion people feel from it. I was kind of in awe hearing Jimmy Kimmel start choking up.

People are upset that someone would kill something for what could only be seen as vanity. Though this happens sickeningly often, finally having a target to go after instead of a statistic allow people to show their disgust.
My dad used to trap for population control in South Carolina and would take me along with him. Always made me really sad to see the animals trapped. I don't even like talking about it.

Oddly, I love fishing, which is kind of the same thing but in water. I do clean & eat whatever I catch, though. But still, it's weird how I make it different in my mind. Maybe because fish don't seem to have the intelligence of mammals.

The Cecil stuff bummed me out.


I'm super confused too. Putting the topic of hunting animals aside, wtf is Cecil the lion. This is a famous lion? Everyone in this thread knew Cecil the lion? How did I miss the Cecil the lion train all of these years. Not to mention apparently this happened almost A MONTH ago. The lion has been dead for weeks. Yet no outrage until now.


Because it wasn't reported until yesterday?

People reacting to news as it's announced, go figure!
This is the precise reason why I find posts in the beginning of this thread to be weird as hell.

I'll go as far as to say I wish I could make one of those TDK Joker meme pics comparing how folks don't get as riled about any other issue brought up about African countries and peoples, but when news gets out about a lion getting killed by a big game hunter, then everyone loses their minds.

People can be outraged by more than one thing. The reason why people tend to focus on the smaller issue is that it's seems more attainable to enact change. It raises awareness on larger issues. It gets more people involved.
People can be outraged by more than one thing. The reason why people tend to focus on the smaller issue is that it's seems more attainable to enact change. It raises awareness on larger issues. It gets more people involved.

Yeah, but there will be outrage for a week or two, then everyone will move on to the next thing and forget about it. It's like clockwork for this type of stuff.
This is the precise reason why I find posts in the beginning of this thread to be weird as hell.

I'll go as far as to say I wish I could make one of those TDK Joker meme pics comparing how folks don't get as riled about any other issue brought up about African countries and peoples, but when news gets out about a lion getting killed by a big game hunter, then everyone loses their minds.
As others have pointed out your argument is flawed since you've already betrayed your bias elsewhere. It's an important issue that is worthy of attention. That doesn't diminish the importance of other issues. How we treat animals is also a reflection of how we treat each other.


My dad used to trap for population control in South Carolina and would take me along with him. Always made me really sad to see the animals trapped. I don't even like talking about it.

Oddly, I love fishing, which is kind of the same thing but in water. I do clean & eat whatever I catch, though. But still, it's weird how I make it different in my mind. Maybe because fish don't seem to have the intelligence of mammals.

The Cecil stuff bummed me out.

That's the difference... you go out into nature, catch the fish and eat it. You don't walk into PetSmart, pay a clerk to let you shoot a fish in an aquarium, take it's head off, leave the body and hang the head on your wall when you get home as if you did something that took skill.
I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.

If a Lion has survived long enough in the wild to be at the end of its life naturally, then it deserves to die with dignity, not butchered by some asshole with a micropenis for "sport".

Normally im not a tree hugger or anything, but just seeing the photos of this dude posing over the dead bodies of these absolutely magnificent animals, just makes my fucking blood boil. Id love to see this cunt do Jail time fro this


My hobby is surfing. I know the gear, I know the names of the pros, I know most of the famous spots (and have been to them too)!

When I go on surf trips I do crazy amounts of research: tides, bottom contour, swell forecasts, which boards to bring, localism, weather, etc etc. I'm no pro, just an enthusiastic dude who loves the sport.

This guys hobby is hunting, he considers himself an expert at it. The research he did and his fore knowledge of the spot make it almost impossible that he didn't know who Cecil was or what the collar on his neck meant or even where he was hunting.

Disgusting human being.
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