American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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I hope the college that was studying the lion and animal rights organizations sue the red out of his blood cells.

Financially destroy his life.
Such a senseless waste of a beautiful animals life.

This needs to be held up as an example of the ridiculous nature of big game sport hunting of some of natures finest and most noble creatures.

Those involved need to be held accountable and brought to justice.

I hope Cecil's family can be helped and/or saved in the future.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
If this dentist wasn't a known liar about his other hunts I might of believed that he didn't know. Now I hope the backlash of this all ruins his business.



I am fuckin pissed. Piece of wasted oxygen he is.

ed: that fucking last tweet. what the fuck. I can understand the fallout that this has for whole clinic, but the PR should better not write anything and everyone should search for other job, or rebrand.

That's a fake twitter dude.


I don't understand these hunters who kill for sport and not need. As someone who catches spiders and flies to release them outside and steps over ants, I can't fathom being able to kill something like a lion for fun - let alone a trusting one with a collar on. I don't know how, but this man needs to pay for the crime.


I'm so sad. He should go to jail for sure he must be a secret serial killer. Who has the heat to do such a kill. Cut off a head of such a beautiful creature.:(
Hopefully there's an investigation and someone gets prosecuted, because there must be rules to follow to not kill the lions specifically chosen for research.

If he went with official game hunters to kill a lion, someone with him must have known not to kill Cecil, you know the famous lion with the markings and tag around its neck.

I wouldn't be surprised if in a "round-about" way they blame the American merely because there's pressure put on finding a lion to kill for the Americans who visit.

based on his statement, he's already throwing the guides under the bus even though they all had to have worked together in order to pull this off.

Well congrats, but that has nothing to do with legal, regulated deer hunting, which you obviously know nothing about. I think most of us can agree that big game hunting in Africa has little to do with conservation and everything to do with governments trying to give their economy a boost.

oh if only the Deer's natural predator had healthy numbers again.....
but alas, we can't allow that. nope.

Eh, injuring an animal and then tracking it down until it dies or is unable to move so you can finish it off is a way of hunting that has existed since forever. Of course killing an animal with the first throw/shot is preferable, but if it doesn't kill that's what you have to do. The one advantage we have over animals is our stamina and that way of hunting makes good use of it.

Obviously this guy is a scumbag, but there are better things to mock him about than his hunting technique.

that was back when humans needed to do that. emphasis on needed to. not the case anymore.


The people he hired did. Sure they do this all the time. This time they got caught because they killed the wrong one. Its why they tried to destroy the GPS. But they found the GPS tag. Thats how they got caught.

This is big business over there. Just Google search it...

You think this guy paid these guys $50k to just carry his arrows? If this was his plan he didn't need to pay someone $50k.

Just doesn't make any sense.

or perhaps he purposely pay over the market rate to get this special Lion ? :)


this guy is probably a bad person and everything but there should be standard tools to punish him for his actions rather than an international real-life and mediatic lynch mob


this guy is probably a bad person and everything but there should be standard tools to punish him for his actions rather than an international real-life and mediatic lynch mob

Wasn't it all legal? I don't know much about this, but I got the impression that everything he's done is 100% sanctioned by the government. He's an ass, but there's no punishing him.

This internet lynch mob is fucking gross. Really fucking gross.
"In early July, I was in Zimbabwe on a bow hunting trip for big game. I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits. To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted. I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt. I have not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or in the U.S. about this situation, but will assist them in any inquiries they may have. Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."

That statement, so he's throwing the guides/land owners under the bus since they are in Zimbabwe and can be tried, all the while he's happy to help with enquiries

I sincerely expect that won't extend to extradition for any charges

I also wonder, if he had no idea that it was illegal (like the 2008 bear incident) then why did he leave the country so fast without his trophy? if it was all above board and he knew he'd done nothing wrong why did he flee?

I'd suspect its because he knew it was a shady hunt and they'd be luring a lion onto Honest trymore's land (because if it was already on land included on the permit, why would it need to be lured by a carcass dragged behind a vehicle? they'd just kill it once sighted) to kill it skin it and return home with his trophy because nobody would be able to tell a lion on Trymore's land from any on neighbouring land

but see here's the stinger, after they shot it and it ran off they probably noticed those massive data recording GPS collars on it, because no normal lion would walk round like a domestic cat with a giant leather collar - it will be at this point he'll have gone to the airport to flee and the guides will have gone to try and finish the job and cover their tracks

shit only hit the fan because Cecil was tracked, they'll have known that the GPS will have tracked him onto Trymores land and once the media was involved the guide etc will have gone to the police to hand themselves in and try for a deal and put Poaching dentist shit in the frame - the same he's doing from the comfort of his Minnesota non extradition home

The guy should be extradited and face trial ASAP, but it won't happen the US will never extradite, the absolute best case would be he stands trial in the US and is fined like the bear incident
but see here's the stinger, after they shot it and it ran off they probably noticed those massive data recording GPS collars on it, because no normal lion would walk round like a domestic cat with a giant leather collar - it will be at this point he'll have gone to the airport to flee and the guides will have gone to try and finish the job and cover their tracks

I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt.

Err yeah, he pretty much admits that's what happened.
Wasn't it all legal? I don't know much about this, but I got the impression that everything he's done is 100% sanctioned by the government. He's an ass, but there's no punishing him.

This internet lynch mob is fucking gross. Really fucking gross.
Yeah, the lynch mob stuff is disgusting. If it's illegal then let the law deal with it.

However, if people decide not to use his Dental Practice any more because they disagree with his actions, then he has no one to blame but himself.


To whom did he pay $55 000?

I thought trophy hunting / big game hunting was legal in most places in Africa? (not that I support it, though apparently it's pretty significant to African economy and local economy in some places, so I guess you could make an argument for it) This hunt was illegal?

I saw it on the news already, but I assumed that it was a legal big game hunting kill authorized by the local government (they didn't give much information on the topic on the news that I saw) and for which the hunter paid $55 000 to kill the lion legally. (though they mentioned the lion was worth much more than $55 000)

Anyway, unfortunate. :l RIP Cecil the Lion.

As ruthless as the hunter may be, I really don't think the social media mob revenge is appropriate. Some of the revenge responses on what hunter deserves in this thread are also mind-boggling, dreadful and hyperbolic..
I can't understand the thought process behind big game hunting like this, and honestly I've got no sympathy for the guy if his business is ruined as a result. What sort of pathetic streak of piss do you have to be to pay $55k to hunt and kill an animal as majestic and beautiful as this, regardless of whether the law deems it legal or not.


I can't understand the thought process behind big game hunting like this, and honestly I've got no sympathy for the guy if his business is ruined as a result. What sort of pathetic streak of piss do you have to be to pay $55k to hunt and kill an animal as majestic and beautiful as this, regardless of whether the law deems it legal or not.

so killing an animal for fun is OK if it's ugly but bad if it's majestic? what kind of logic is this?


Junior Member
I thought trophy hunting / big game hunting was legal in most places in Africa? (not that I support it, though apparently it helps African economy and local economy in some places, so I guess you could make an argument for it.) This hunt was illegal?


As ruthless as the hunter may be, I really don't think the social media mob revenge on Yelp is appropriate. Some of the revenge responses on what hunter deserves in this thread are also mind-boggling, dreadful and hyperbolic..

The part that looks illegal is luring the animal out of the national park (where it is illegal to kill him) to private land. From some other information I've read, the landowners where the lion was eventually killed didn't have the necessary permits / quotas to allow a kill on their property.

I've lived in southern Africa... knowing what I know, there's no way you can convince me they weren't intentionally luring the lion to get their client a kill, and that the client wasn't aware of what was happening. He had probably done some rationalization in his mind to justify it.

As for the revenge responses, I don't like seeing calls for more violence, but if someone wants to post pictures of his "trophy" kills on his business's website and clients then choose to find another dentist, I'm on board.
pathethic sad little man. how is killing animals from a safe distance and posing with their corpses a fun hobby? i'm sorry but that sounds like a serial killer in the making to me. very psychotic.

that Kimmel response was great at least, he seems like a good guy =)


Well the dentist's life is basically over. He'll be hunted by animal activists for the rest of his days.

For his sake I hope he has enough to retire to a bunker somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Hey peeps don't be hating on dentists, we aren't all like him! This guys a fucking bastard, think it's only fair we throw him into a cage with another Lion and see who comes out on top. Also shooting an arrow into the dentist and just letting him bleed out for 40 hours would be another viable option.

His career is fucked anyway, at least his current practice. The money he paid also made my jaw drop, dude must be beyond loaded. Really think I should ditch the NHS and make my way to the USA to make some serious moolah.


Hey peeps don't be hating on dentists, we aren't all like him! This guys a fucking bastard, think it's only fair we throw him into a cage with another Lion and see who comes out on top. Also shooting an arrow into the dentist and just letting him bleed out for 40 hours would be another viable option.

so many anti-dentites on this website.


There is zero possibility he didn't know the action was illegal (why spend the time and effort to lure it out of the park?) and zero possibility he didn't know the lion by name. Fuck him.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I agree with Jimmy Kimmel's sentiments, although I don't think he properly emphasized the added absurdity of PAYING $55,000 UNITED STATES DOLLARS to do it. I mean jesus do you have any idea how much good you can do with that kind of money if you want to make yourself feel special for your achievements? There are SO MANY OPTIONS that don't involve killing innocent creatures.


Wow that Jimmy Kimmel called out his dentistry location and his name on tv on that. This dudes practice is DEAD. Good riddance.


It's illegal to kill an animal in the national park, so let's lure it out and kill him when he's outside, that will make it legal! What a dumb POS.


yeh, you're right. still, I find all this witch hunt quite disturbing, up until a couple of days ago no one gave a fuck about lions in Africa and suddenly this asshole is the new Hitler.

I saw a TED talk linked on GAF recently regarding the online lynch mob and destroying the person who said something bad, or, not even bad - but taken badly, did something, etc...

People like to play vultures and this age allows that.

Hyun Sai

There is zero possibility he didn't know the action was illegal (why spend the time and effort to lure it out of the park?) and zero possibility he didn't know the lion by name. Fuck him.

Yeah, the whole lure it out the park sounds legal as fuck.


I never said the two acts are the same in any way shape or form. I said looking at something beautiful and wanting kill it and make it suffer is equally as fucked up as looking at a child and wanting to molest. I was referring to that in both cases something is clearly not right in the persons head. I never said doing the two actions are the same. I do think people that want to do harm to beautiful living things are similarly bent.

"I never said these two things were the same, but they are the same"


Wasn't it all legal? I don't know much about this, but I got the impression that everything he's done is 100% sanctioned by the government. He's an ass, but there's no punishing him.

This internet lynch mob is fucking gross. Really fucking gross.

well was it? why are the head and the skin confiscated then?
that lion was from a national park where hunting is not legal, he was lured out to an area where it is legal. I doubt that's how it's supposed to work. and I don't know what the usual prices are to kill lions, but I can't imagine it's 55k for the legal ones so my guess is that he planned this all along.


There is zero possibility he didn't know the action was illegal (why spend the time and effort to lure it out of the park?) and zero possibility he didn't know the lion by name. Fuck him.
Have you ever heard of this lion before this? I sure as hell hadn't.


Wow, just read about something called "canned hunting".

an animal is kept in a confined area, such as in a fenced-in area, increasing the likelihood of the hunter obtaining a kill. According to one dictionary, a canned hunt is a "hunt for animals that have been raised on game ranches until they are mature enough to be killed for trophy collections.

Lions are being bred to be shot.
Some human beings are really fucking disgusting.


Have you ever heard of this lion before this? I sure as hell hadn't.

Not at all. The last named animal I remember are Knut the Ice Bear and Paul the Octopus, but that's probably mainly because I'm German (even though both gained some sort of international fame apparently).


Not at all. The last named animal I remember are Knut the Ice Bear and Paul the Octopus, but that's probably mainly because I'm German (even though both gained some sort of international fame apparently).
Yeah, only animal I've ever known by name was a local elephant named Ruby who would paint shit.

Sadly she died because her baby died in her womb and she got a massive infection.
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