American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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People can be outraged by more than one thing. The reason why people tend to focus on the smaller issue is that it's seems more attainable to enact change. It raises awareness on larger issues. It gets more people involved.

Absolutely. This is a good explanation as any. I suppose I could be less harsh on folks.

Yeah, but there will be outrage for a week or two, then everyone will move on to the next thing and forget about it. It's like clockwork for this type of stuff.

This is another unfortunate truth. I even think that guy talking about shooting the hunter dude in the nuts will forgot what he said lol.


Junior Member
And to those of you questioning why some of us are emotionally attached to these animals, why ARENT you? There are 4 white rhinos left in existence and you better believe it breaks my heart knowing that such a beautiful creature is going to NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN in the coming years. Humans have the capabilities to be care takers for these wonderful animals, yet we take a 50,000 paycheck, throw aside our morality and plant a lions head on our mantle. If you can't see why that's fucked up then I can't help you.
I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.

Apparently he was a favorite among the locals and tourists. People gave a shit about him so understandably there's going to be more of an outrage.

And you're right, he was actually past the average life expectancy of a lion in the wild, so he had the kind of genes you want passed along for a species that's nearing endangerment. Instead not only is he dead but they're speculating his cubs will be killed too.


Yes but with this degree of shock and outrage, people clearly didn't notice CECIL wasn't around for a month.

Most of us don't live in Zimbabwe to know Cecil's daily comings and goings. How would anyone but the researchers notice it?

As for why they didn't release any info about it til now, sadly I don't have that information for you, though I could take a guess that it has something to do with coordinating with local authorities and not wanting to prematurely drop info during an open investigation.
Most of us don't live in Zimbabwe to know Cecil's daily comings and goings. How would anyone but the researchers notice it?

As for why they didn't release any info about it til now, sadly I don't have that information for you, though I could take a guess that it has something to do with coordinating with local authorities and not wanting to prematurely drop info during an open investigation.

Most of you have never heard of Cecil once before yesterday is my whole point.


Aftershock LA
From what I was reading, lions in captivity can live for up to 25 years. Cecil was 13. There's. Chance he could have lived past 15, granted one of the other male lions didn't challenge him and he lost. We'll never know.

This is a horrible act, and it's reasonable for people to be upset about it. There is so much large scale injustice in the world, that the "smaller" injustices feel magnified because internally, you're thinking, "Why can't this one thing get some justice, dammit! Just one fricking time can the asshole get what's coming to him?!"

We'd love to have world peace, but that shit ain't gonna happen. At the very least a shady poacher could be prosecuted for his crimes.


Yes but with this degree of shock and outrage, people clearly didn't notice CECIL wasn't around for a month.

And so what? I do not need to keep track of every single animal and human in the planet that I would never even consider hurting. Out of sight, out of mind is only partially applicable to this, because there are many, many more cases like this each day - that do not get documented or spread as news. Does not make this news any less palatable, imho.

Why is this a point to even brought up? We had to know of the lion before the tragedy to occur for us to have a valid reason to be angry?


If I had to guess, I would guess that this is a variant of the "all or nothing" fallacy.


Scary Euro Man
I understand people being upset about it, but not to this degree. Especially since the lion was probably near the end of its life regardless.

When you reach what age exactly will it be okay for other NeoGAF members to hunt you down and kill you? 70? 60? Just want to get an idea of where you think it becomes reasonable.


Just a friendly reminder that lions are awesome... and also a threatened species on the decline.


Honestly I doubt anyone would care if someone did that...

I remember there was a video floating around of a guy who bought a mouse from petsmart just to taser it. The mouse was seen dying to repeated (2-3?) taser shots. There was a huge backlash against the guy. So yeah, people do care.
Shitposting is a banable offense. Your posts have no other point to them than to just troll the people that are reacting emotionally to this story.


In what thread are you where I'm shit posting. I responded to a conversation on a previous page about why there seemed to be this strange reaction to this story and how this specific animal was being personified when no other animal that dies in the same way every day is. This post is just a culmination of that point.

I didn't say people can't be outraged, I (and others) said it was an odd reaction to a news story that was also reported very oddly.

Weirdest thread I've posted in, man.



In what thread are you where I'm shit posting. I responded to a conversation on a previous page about why there seemed to be this strange reaction to this story and how this specific animal was being personified when no other animal that dies in the same way every day is. This post is just a culmination of that point.

I didn't say people can't be outraged, I (and others) said it was an odd reaction to a news story that was also reported very oddly.

Weirdest thread I've posted in, man.

I just want to know why you think people need to know of something/someone in order to have a good reason to be upset? I mean... what are you getting at when you say "A month ago you didn't even know that lion existed so why are you so upset now?"
I just want to know why you think people need to know of something/someone in order to have a good reason to be upset? I mean... what are you getting at when you say "A month ago you didn't even know that lion existed so why are you so upset now?"

Again, the conversation from the previous page was essentially "why are people choosing this exact situation to get so emotional (the Jimmy Kimmel video was referenced)" and I chimed in that I was confused too. The only thing I could think of was that this was some beloved, well-know, celebrity animal that everyone had grown up together with. But that's not the case. So the question essentially became -

- why is this animal's death such a big thing when another lion died yesterday the same way and today and tomorrow?

Why is the "Cecil" part so important? It's not. But I have no idea where people got the impression that I said "you are not allowed to feel bad about this story."



In what thread are you where I'm shit posting. I responded to a conversation on a previous page about why there seemed to be this strange reaction to this story and how this specific animal was being personified when no other animal that dies in the same way every day is. This post is just a culmination of that point.

I didn't say people can't be outraged, I (and others) said it was an odd reaction to a news story that was also reported very oddly.

Weirdest thread I've posted in, man.
There's nothing odd about being upset or angry about poaching. That this particular lion was characteristically non-aggressive and trusting of people is what makes the story even shittier.

Give me a break, you knew exactly what you were doing. If you don't want to give a shit that's your prerogative, but don't insult others for expressing some feeling about the story just because they didn't have a personal tie to the lion or because the media didn't pick up the story until yesterday (and therefore, no one but the researchers, Palmer and his guides could have possibly known either).



In what thread are you where I'm shit posting. I responded to a conversation on a previous page about why there seemed to be this strange reaction to this story and how this specific animal was being personified when no other animal that dies in the same way every day is. This post is just a culmination of that point.

I didn't say people can't be outraged, I (and others) said it was an odd reaction to a news story that was also reported very oddly.

Weirdest thread I've posted in, man.

It's pretty clear that people aren't upset that that specific lion was killed but that a lion was killed in such an illegal and unethical manner: lured out of the park, etc. But you already know that and you're just trying to get a rise out of people and then you'll play wide eyed and confused when called on it. So proceed.
There's nothing odd about being upset or angry about poaching. That this particular lion was characteristically non-aggressive and trusting of people is what makes the story even shittier.

Give me a break, you knew exactly what you were doing. If you don't want to give a shit that's your prerogative, but don't insult others for expressing some feeling about the story just because they didn't have a personal tie to the lion or because the media didn't pick up the story until yesterday (and therefore, no one but the researchers, Palmer and his guides could have possibly known either).

I genuinely have no clue what you're talking about. I woke up, saw all this buzz on the internet, saw this thread, and posted. I have like five posts here, from one page back. Please go read them and then point to me where I insult people for expressing feelings. Give me a break.

It's pretty clear that people aren't upset that that specific lion was killed but that a lion was killed in such an illegal and unethical manner: lured out of the park, etc. But you already know that and you're just trying to get a rise out of people and then you'll play wide eyed and confused when called on it. So proceed.

Ok, I'll respond to this one point because I think this is a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. According to the news story the hunter and the dentist did not know this was a protected animal. They didn't deliberately target this specific lion because it was Cecil. This is just a case of hunting gone wrong. So I genuinely don't see anything "unethical" or malicious about this. I don't like or condone hunting, I'm just saying I think this story is being played up insanely as if these evil villains plotted to kill THE Cecil the lion. And I think you're all falling for it. That's all I have to say.


Gold Member
I genuinely have no clue what you're talking about. I woke up, saw all this buzz on the internet, saw this thread, and posted. I have like five posts here, from one page back. Please go read them and then point to me where I insult people for expressing feelings. Give me a break.

Ok, I'll respond to this one point because I think this is a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. According to the news story the hunter and the dentist did not know this was a protected animal. They didn't deliberately target this specific lion because it was Cecil. This is just a case of hunting gone wrong. So I genuinely don't see anything "unethical" or malicious about this. I don't like or condone hunting, I'm just saying I think this story is being played up insanely as if these evil villains plotted to kill THE Cecil the lion. And I think you're all falling for it. That's all I have to say.

Why are you ignoring other posters calling you out on your bs?

This story made me very sad. This old great Lion is just murdered because some fuckbag wanted to claim its death. Disgusting.

He is clearly lying. The hunters hobby is hunting so he would research the park and its surroundings and know of the animals living there, as well as the professional hunters he hired.
Dude is a scumbag, but this internet mob justice is very scary, honestly.

Has anything actually happened though? I know he had to close his business til it blows over and there were supposedly death threats but until anything actually happens I wouldn't call it scary at all. It actually seems pretty tame considering the coverage this is getting.

Ok, I'll respond to this one point because I think this is a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. According to the news story the hunter and the dentist did not know this was a protected animal. They didn't deliberately target this specific lion because it was Cecil. This is just a case of hunting gone wrong. So I genuinely don't see anything "unethical" or malicious about this. I don't like or condone hunting, I'm just saying I think this story is being played up insanely as if these evil villains plotted to kill THE Cecil the lion. And I think you're all falling for it. That's all I have to say.

He watched them illegally draw the animal out of the protected area so he could shoot it and then they tried to destroy the tracking collar after they realized the lion was being surveyed. How is any of that ethical?


And to those of you questioning why some of us are emotionally attached to these animals, why ARENT you? There are 4 white rhinos left in existence and you better believe it breaks my heart knowing that such a beautiful creature is going to NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN in the coming years. Humans have the capabilities to be care takers for these wonderful animals, yet we take a 50,000 paycheck, throw aside our morality and plant a lions head on our mantle. If you can't see why that's fucked up then I can't help you.

Some of us find emotional attachment to animals very strange. I mean people see humans die and don't care. They then see an animal hurt and go berserk. I find it insulting and bizarre.
Why are you ignoring other posters calling you out on your bs?

This story made me very sad. This old great Lion is just murdered because some fuckbag wanted to claim its death. Disgusting.

I got bombarded with like 10 quotes, I'm not going to reply to each as they all essentially said the same thing. And I'm genuinely blown away by it. Like I'm sitting here wondering how so many people interpreted my posts a completely different way than what's written. It's like people in this thread were waiting to jump on something. I'm not even disagreeing with them or the spirit of this thread. Fuck the whole African hunting scene. I was just trying to understand why this specific story blew up this way, and I feel like the reporting of it is sneaky in a way. But apparently I'm an asshole that hates lions and thinks everyone here is not allowed express their outrage. I don't know man.

Are people given a grace period to admit they're trolling?


Did I read the story wrong? Doesn't it say the guide and the hunter had all the permits but they went onto the wrong land? Please, correct me if I'm wrong. Is the story being reported that this group specifically hunted this animal knowing what/who it was? I honestly did not get that from reading the story.


Again, the conversation from the previous page was essentially "why are people choosing this exact situation to get so emotional (the Jimmy Kimmel video was referenced)" and I chimed in that I was confused too. The only thing I could think of was that this was some beloved, well-know, celebrity animal that everyone had grown up together with. But that's not the case. So the question essentially became -

- why is this animal's death such a big thing when another lion died yesterday the same way and today and tomorrow?

Why is the "Cecil" part so important? It's not. But I have no idea where people got the impression that I said "you are not allowed to feel bad about this story."

I'm just confused by your "my point is.." statement. So, you do feel like a person needs to know someone/something beforehand in order to be outraged? edit: and if it's not reported/found out about instantly the event is no longer worth reporting?
I just confused by your "my point is.." statement. So, you do feel like a person needs to know someone/something beforehand in order to be outraged? edit: and if it's not reported/found out about instantly the event is no longer worth reporting?

no -_-

my point was the degree of attention this story was getting seemed to be for the wrong reasons. It's essentially the same as if a celebrity died to gunfire in a city, when every day someone normal dies to gunfire in a city. I don't know at this point. People are picking my posts apart for no reason now. Now I'm a "troll" for posting in this topic. That's enough for me. I'll go back to my gaming thread.


I genuinely have no clue what you're talking about. I woke up, saw all this buzz on the internet, saw this thread, and posted. I have like five posts here, from one page back. Please go read them and then point to me where I insult people for expressing feelings. Give me a break.

Ok, I'll respond to this one point because I think this is a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. According to the news story the hunter and the dentist did not know this was a protected animal. They didn't deliberately target this specific lion because it was Cecil. This is just a case of hunting gone wrong. So I genuinely don't see anything "unethical" or malicious about this. I don't like or condone hunting, I'm just saying I think this story is being played up insanely as if these evil villains plotted to kill THE Cecil the lion. And I think you're all falling for it. That's all I have to say.

When you lure a lion away from a protected area to shoot it, you start to question the hunt as.. "going wrong". When the dentist himself has a history of illegal hunting, I question his ethics. IIRC, there's a reason bow and arrow hunting is illegal. They made the lion suffer for 2 days. There's a reason why the other two are in jail and the dentist is a suspect. None of the evidence points to it being just another hunt going wrong.


Junior Member
Some of us find emotional attachment to animals very strange. I mean people see humans die and don't care. They then see an animal hurt and go berserk. I find it insulting and bizarre.

Showing empathy towards animals =/= lack of empathy towards humans. And FYI, the lack of empathy towards these beatiful creatures is why this shit happens in the first place. When you view a lion and just another paycheck your life views are beyond fucked. Seriously, why is it wrong to be emotionally attached to animals? Why? Seriously, give me a good reason why it's weird?


Ok, I'll respond to this one point because I think this is a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. According to the news story the hunter and the dentist did not know this was a protected animal. They didn't deliberately target this specific lion because it was Cecil. This is just a case of hunting gone wrong. So I genuinely don't see anything "unethical" or malicious about this. I don't like or condone hunting, I'm just saying I think this story is being played up insanely as if these evil villains plotted to kill THE Cecil the lion. And I think you're all falling for it. That's all I have to say.

The guy is a poacher who thinks he is above the law.

Palmer had a permit to hunt bears within a certain area near Phillips, in the north of the state. But on September 1, 2006, he was part of a group of people who killed a black bear 40 miles outside this permitted zone, according to the court documents from April 2008.

Realizing what they had done, the group agreed that "if any authorities were to ask where the bear had been killed, they would say" it was hunted within the correct area, the documents added.

They transported the carcass to a registration station where they certified the animal had been killed legally, the documents said, adding that the body was later taken to Minnesota, where Palmer lives.

Palmer was charged with knowingly making false statement to an agent of the Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, having "falsely stated that he thought the bear had been killed legally" during interviews with officials the next month.

He was also convicted in Minnesota court in 2003 for fishing without a licence.

We won't get into his sexual harassment problems since it's not relevant to the thread. Whoops I guess I mentioned it.


I got bombarded with like 10 quotes, I'm not going to reply to each as they all essentially said the same thing. And I'm genuinely blown away by it. Like I'm sitting here wondering how so many people interpreted my posts a completely different way than what's written. It's like people in this thread were waiting to jump on something. I'm not even disagreeing with them or the spirit of this thread. Fuck the whole African hunting scene. I was just trying to understand why this specific story blew up this way, and I feel like the reporting of it is sneaky in a way. But apparently I'm an asshole that hates lions and thinks everyone here is not allowed express their outrage. I don't know man.


Did I read the story wrong? Doesn't it say the guide and the hunter had all the permits but they went onto the wrong land? Please, correct me if I'm wrong. Is the story being reported that this group specifically hunted this animal knowing what/who it was? I honestly did not get that from reading the story.
No, the lion was living on protected land and baited out into another area where the hunter could "legally" shoot and stalk him.
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