So, after about a week, I'm starting to appreciate which of my townsfolk I like and which I simply tolerate or feel indifferent towards.
I started off with: Biff, Cookie, Miranda, Skye, and Wart Jr. Phoebe, Joey, and Ed moved in later.
I would say the ones I really like are Phoebe, Skye, and Biff. Didn't expect to like the stereotypical jock Biff at first, but he ended up being a pretty cool dude. Miranda has her moments too -- she has some adorable animations when she's trying to show off her dance moves. Ed and Joey I haven't gotten to know too well yet. But Cookie and Wart Jr. are just okay. Cookie's nice but I just find her personality kind of boring, and Wart Jr. is just whatever. He's fine, I guess, but his house's exterior looks like a dump and that has entirely coloured my impression of him. His voice is annoying too.
After another couple weeks, I might look into seeing if I can get some of the townsfolk I'm less fond of to move along.