Velcro Fly
Villagers randomly moving in is why I'm waiting until my town fills up before I decide to plan any fruit tree planting or paths or anything. It's bad enough Biskit moved in almost on top of where I have my house now.
Clock is till the 29th.
Ah I just saw him I think, just didn't have time to talk to him while on the busI forget when it unlocks but when it does, there will be a guy standing near the arches in the Market, talk to him.
Rainbow Screen is for the Month of June (1-30)
Palm Tree Lamp is for the Month of July (1-31)
The clock is this week only. Maybe try it again?
Did you do "BestBuy" or "Bestbuy" as the WiFi SSID?
Bestbuy, do I need to update the data before I start the game? I'm updating my 3ds software right now.
I basically just connected my 3ds to the Bestbuy ssid, and then went straight to the post office in-game.
If you're time traveling, figure your shit out!
I'd ask her for another gift.
Welcome to the club.
That looks gorgeous.
That looks really nice!
Also, as I've been harping on about all day, be prepared to have to alter your path. Villagers just set down their houses without any thought to your city planning.
Yeah it's annoying that you can't really manage where people move in. I decided to move some of my flowers in places I think they wouldn't move in. As for the trees, I hope they don't get removed!Villagers randomly moving in is why I'm waiting until my town fills up before I decide to plan any fruit tree planting or paths or anything. It's bad enough Biskit moved in almost on top of where I have my house now.
I don't care at all for US 7-11s, but Japan 7-11s were my place. Would love to have that junk.
Started up a Tumblr for my daily diaries.
Mint is good people.I got Clay who is the Homer Simpson version of Bear Grylls; that is, he's lazy but "wild".
I also have Mint who doesn't look cool, but at least she's nice. She's best friends with Bunnie.
Most of my neighbours are short. At least that's going to change tomorrow when Hans moves in. He's like a yeti.
Followed you!
Here is my ACNL tumblr.I followed on the wrong tumblr before, sorry (I barely update that one). lol
Saw it was raining this afternoon and half an hour of fishing (Lots of sharks) later...
Feels so good.
Ah, you have the tumblr posts in IMG tags, rather than the actual images. You'd need to do something like right clicking and copying the picture link, so that you can use that.EDIT: what am i doin wrong here dudes??? come on
Fuck me. 62 hours and 50 minutes D:
I hung out with that Japanese girl again from the other day. She gifted me a yellow balloon, Varia pants (completing my Samus costume aww yeah), and a carp banner or something. I finally had the courage to ask her how old she is.....19! Whew lol. I'm still way older, but that's in the acceptable range
It was pretty fun though. Basically just chatted the whole time about this and that. She really likes Robin Williams and Mrs. Doubtfire of all things!
Also some of you who linked your tumblrs, I followed you, hope it wasn't too creepy since I didn't say anything til now ._.
Similar to the Sea Bass but a little slimmer and longer in the tail if I remember correctly.What kind of silhouette does Coelacanth cast?
I showed her my Luffy outfit and she said it was cute. Made my day. Then we blew bubbles using a bubble blower she gave me for a few minutes. When someone else showed up to my town, she also gave them a bubble blower. But then, just like a deer in a forest, she fled when another person showed up. And that's the story of how some girl from Japan came to my town. When I checked my friend's list right now, she changed her Mii greeting to "Baroque>>seeyou" Adorable. (Baroque is the name of my character in ACNL)
but anyways can someone srsly help me test my connectionand maybe give me some tools cause my town is sleepin
what kinda tools you need
Fuck me. 62 hours and 50 minutes D:
I hung out with that Japanese girl again from the other day. She gifted me a yellow balloon, Varia pants (completing my Samus costume aww yeah), and a carp banner or something. I finally had the courage to ask her how old she is.....19! Whew lol. I'm still way older, but that's in the acceptable range
It was pretty fun though. Basically just chatted the whole time about this and that. She really likes Robin Williams and Mrs. Doubtfire of all things!
Also some of you who linked your tumblrs, I followed you, hope it wasn't too creepy since I didn't say anything til now ._.
but anyways can someone srsly help me test my connectionand maybe give me some tools cause my town is sleepin
I'm sorry, but I laughed.Sorry about that, eheh.
I want a Japanese friend. All I get are people who shout "no!" at me when I ask them to repeat what they said at the island. ;_;
All these connection errors are driving me nuts. It seems totally fine with western US players, but as soon as I head east at all it turns into New Super Resetti Bros. Ugh. Anyway, got a path down today, I'm okay with not moving trees too much. I'd have to wait for a lot of them to re-grow their fruit so I don't get rid of something important.
but anyways can someone srsly help me test my connectionand maybe give me some tools cause my town is sleepin
she's a dude
Sorry about that, eheh.
I want a Japanese friend. All I get are people who shout "no!" at me when I ask them to repeat what they said at the island. ;_;
Anything, really. Just kinda sucks right now to have an empty town with literally nothing to do.
she's a dude
Who knows what could've been if that bastard Boomer wasn't prowling around during our private convo!
See him skulking waaaaay in the background? Dude wants to leave my town and still gets all up in my shit.
Also here's my new villager that just finished unpacking today:
Muthafuckin Drago the dragon. Crocodile. Crocodile dragon.
Eh it's all the same, whateverchatting with a Japanese person is chatting with a Japanese person, it's cool finding common ground
what's your native fruit
:II'm sorry, but I laughed.
Alright, I'll try that out. Knew what it meant, but never thought of using it, lol. I know some Japanese and stuff, I'm just an extremely slow reader when it comes to it. I do a lot better in the listening department. Hence the "No!" and leaving the island It's okay. Also, just gotta be patient. I had a lot of dudes from Japan blow me off before I met her. Also, Wakarimasen is your friend. For whenever you don't understand something.