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Anyone else not give a shit about customising their character?

Character customization?

  • Give me a fade, hightops, tattoos, a nice beard and big muscles

    Votes: 53 35.6%
  • Dude is still named "Player 1" and only wearing underwear.

    Votes: 96 64.4%

  • Total voters


Mouse Ball Fetishist
I always go with the default, mainly because I can't make a character that fits in well with the game. I'm also lazy and just want to start playing immediately.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
No, I always go with the default character model.

I do like customizing his appearance with the equipment, specially in medieval games with all the cool armor pieces. KC: D is amazing at that.


I have deleted and remade Wow characters after putting dozens of hours into them because I didn't like how they looked.
Well it depends? If you can choose gender and fully customize the looks of the character (Skyrim, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, Mass Effect) then yeah, I go all in and create a very customized character and spend a lot of time creating it. That's super important and I could never ever just pick a stock dude.

If it's just changing the hairstyle, clothes or beard or the character (Red Dead Redemption 2 for example) then I couldn't care less.
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Hari Seldon

I think it depends on the type of game. Single player RPG sure I like it. MMO where I spend thousands of hours, then definitely.

But a game with cosmetic rng loot boxes, fuck no. I refuse to engage with that nonsense. I just use default everything.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I love it when I'm playing an RPG and actually get to see the damn character.

Cyberpunk's customisation was a colossal waste of time.


The only game I really bother customizing my character in was Saint's Row IV, because in that you played as the President punching aliens in the face. So of course I gave him a blonde comb over, and an orangish tan. That game was huuuuuuge.


I love when I can customize everything because devs nowdays always try to check all checkboxes to please the Twitter mob and the result is boring. Mods are fun too. Devs usually just give me a boring Nathan Drake type of character and a flat pants lady.

Ulysses 31

Don't care for it either. I usually pick the standard in souls games.

But in games like Sunset Overdrive I put a little effort into making a visually more interesting dude since he appears and talks so much in cut scenes.
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If the editor is good, I love making a nice character. Code Vein and PSO2NG being the best I have seen so far.

But if it is a "From Software editor", not worth the effort. Character will look awful in any case, so I go with the base model and call it a day.
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I always spend hours in character creator before touching the game itself, in the effort of creating a "me" version of my character. But I learned that I'm way too handsome for any of these customizing tools.
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I always spend hours in character creator before touching the game itself, in the effort of creating a "me" version of my character. But I learned that I'm way too handsome for any of these customizing tools.


There you go.

Mr Hyde

I love character customization, I mean, it's a character I will spend a long time with so might as well put some effort into it. A good character is important for my immersion and sometimes I even create a backstory to go along with it. Especially in Souls-games I always go the extra mile. I also love tinkering with stats, weapons, armors and different builds. It's what makes the games so great.


King Snowflake
For RPGs I absolutely customize at least a little when a game has a character creator. I am childish so I see how stupid I can get. It's just a little stupid fun while getting ready to jump in. 5, 10 minutes tops. Some times I just use the randomizer and click it a couple times for a decent one.


Only time I think customization is cool is in games like Diablo where you can show of your armor etc... But that customization is more a reflection of your progress in game, not necessarily personalization it to how you look. So I guess I like it when its tied to the game progress?

Other than that I could care less.


I don't really care for customizing the face of my characters. I usually just go with one of the presets, and maybe change the hair or something a bit.

I do like customizing the overall look of the characters though as far as armors/equipment goes. I've often use armors or weapons with less than ideal stats simply because I like how they look. Games like Spider Man with all the different skins also reminded me how great it was when those things were part of the base experience and not something to be purchased separately.


That depends on how much I actually see said character. If it's an fps or something i couldn't give less of a shit.


All depends on the game's vibe and immersion. I definitely enjoy customizing, but I don't get super hard in-depth with it like some.


Depends on the quality of the creator.
Last time I fooled around with Star Citizen the creator was best part.


I always play with the default clothes of a characters except if it adds some advantages. But I played Red Dead Redemption, Assassins creed, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, with the default skin.


Very randomly care. If I can choose between different species and shit, I will go through customization. If human only then stock


Depends on the game. Monster Hunter for example, you’re covered in armor so I dont put too much thought into it.


I absolutely enjoy character creators, but it would be nice to have more variety for different hair textures and styles. It was fun creating my character in Monster Hunter World.


And it was fun creating my character in Cyberpunk 2077


And there's a lot of character customization in The Sims 3, though I do use mods to add more options.


Not surprising that I enjoy character creators since I have an interest in character design and used to create my own original characters. But I don't really draw much anymore, unfortunately.
Holy shit, finally someone doesn’t give a fuck too. I could care less but holy shit my wife plays more character creators than games. I’ve watched her spend 10 hours in the Skyrim creator alone. She can’t play the game unless she has the “perfect character.”

Which let me tell you, don’t chase that dragon. Shit will never happen, yo.


Unless it is an anime style game I just hit default and go. But if you give me the option to make a waifu I'll take it.



I appreciate a good character creator tool, especially in a third-person perspective game. In NBA 08 I was able to make a player that strongly resembled me!
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Not really, i don't spend ages customizing my character especially if its first person (i don't play in 3rd person given the choice) like Skyrim, however i wouldn't take the option away from those that do like it, so i didn't vote in the end.
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Character creation is definitely not deal breaker for me, but I do care about character creation. It can be fun coming up with interesting or crazy designs and seeing them come alive in the game.


Faith - Hope - Love
I spend entirely too much time with character customization, and I spend too much money on appearance alteration.

When done well, it's a huge part of the fun of the game for me. :)

Fashion Falling GIF


One shit perhaps, but certainly not two, but that may just be because I'm bad at it.

My brother is a custom character god though, and he enjoys spending an hour or so crafting his dude before starting the game. More power to him.


I enjoy character creation, it's all about personalizing your own character, I regularly avoid games where I don't have that option.


I like customizing the basics (hair, beard, tattoos, eye color) but resizing noses and chins is where I am like fuck it.


With all this beauty out there, how could you not?



My goal? Make character as weird / ugly as possible, but usually so that they dont really look like Hills have eyes -muntants.

Specially online games with custom characters are fun, it is epic to play some team missions with randoms and see my ugly ass tards in the cut scene wearing some fucking weird shit, while rest usually have nice outfits and semi-normal faces.

games with few presets and faces with no real customization are the opposite, but still better than having no options. (on games like tomb raider, god of war etc. custom stuff is not needed)
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