With all the clusterfuck going on, this game...actually works for me. No issues whatsoever after 4 hours of continuous play. ¯\_(ツ

I know this isn't helping anyone with issues, but just want to put it out there. Really don't know why it's like this.
Preloaded the game yesterday, didn't have to do any integrity checks or redownloads.
Core i5-4670K @ default 3.4GHz
Gigabyte 970 G1
Samsung 840 Pro SSD
Win 8.1 Pro
Playing on a 1080p TV via Steam Big Picture mode.
Everything maxed except Interactive Smoke & Interactive Paper.
Followed the instructions from
PCGW regarding AF (from 2 to 16), frame rate set to 60, motion blur off.
Getting a locked 60fps experience with occasional dips while in the Batmobile (especially during fast turns or blowing up stuff --> particle effects going crazy).
Again, ¯\_(ツ

Really hope WB/Rocksteady/Lang's Phone get this patch ASAP because the game isn't working for MOST of the people.