Gemüsepizza;169536131 said:
Ah yes, "some".
Gemüsepizza;169536131 said:
I'm sure you can play this game maxed out on 980 ti 1080p@30+ fps
Denuvo, the darling drm of choice for so-called "AAA" publishers.
Many in the thread have claimed Denuvo
And to think I missed out on an extra $10 reward zone certificate just to play it on PC with a 980 ti. This may be the first time that was the wrong thing to do.
Two hours last night with zero issues. Supposed to swap it out tomorrow for a 980ti.
I've got a 970, and the Batmobile settings are mostly smooth for me when locked at 30.
That said, I'm running Windows 10 and AK is on an SSD. It seems like a total crapshoot. A friend of mine has a stronger system, has AK on an SSD and using Windows 8.1 and he said his stutter is so bad he can't even glide let alone drive the batmobile.
You're right, that's a crazy conspiracy theory.
Ambient occlusion settings are present in the System Settings INI.
You can turn off motion blur in the INI file mentioned in the OP.
Which drivers, btw?
Älg;169540220 said:I know they use Denuvo, but what's the actual DRM? Does WB have something of their own?
there goes my plan on buying fury x
Oh yeah, definitely. But given the cost of the two features most will choose to disable them and get a 60fps framerate.
Probably because they look worse than console? Or at the best of times equal?
They most certainly are not "high"
is there no way for amd users to cheat their way to enable the smoke features somehow?
Buying NV cards for GW features like some random paper clippings flying around just tells them that PC gamers want more and like proprietary graphics effects. That only harms PC gaming in long run.
Except changing anything other than the FPS limit causes your game to crash on start up and even has a chance of deleting your game. Causing you to reinstall it. Has happened to people in here as well. You can't edit anything in the INI other than the FPS.You're right, that's a crazy conspiracy theory.
Ambient occlusion settings are present in the System Settings INI.
You can turn off motion blur in the INI file mentioned in the OP.
The actual DRM is Steam.
My programmer friend at Iron Galaxy just responded to my message from before. The whole studio is all hands on deck for the performance issues so hopefully, some of the big problems are fixed soon.
So guys. What do you think. Should I just bench this for a couple of weeks until they sort it out?
So guys. What do you think. Should I just bench this for a couple of weeks until they sort it out?
Can you refund it? Refund this shit and buy it again when it's fixed. It'll probably be cheaper by then*, too.
*this ain't getting fixed soon
Älg;169541072 said:Steamworks works pretty well doesn't it? What's there to complain about?
Can you refund it? Refund this shit and buy it again when it's fixed. It'll probably be cheaper by then*, too.
*this ain't getting fixed soon
Editing the Ini past removing the cap either has no effect or actively crashes the game.
Putting the game down and waiting to finish Witcher 3. I got about another 100hrs on that game anyway. Fuck this shit. I can't believe there is no CRUCIAL ambient occlusion!!
I wouldn't go that far just yet.
Huh, so Iron Galaxy was responsible for the PC version?
Wonder what that spells out for their Killer Instinct port.
Yeah, we have no idea of how this game was made, or what working conditions were like at Iron Galaxy. WB are the one to direct your ire towards.I don't think it's fair to point finger at Iron Galaxy without knowing the details such as budget, deadlines and so on. At the end of the day all blame should be directed at WB who published this game knowing full well about its problems.
So I uncapped the framerate on I'm consistently getting around 40-50 frames per second on my 7950. Occasional dips to mid 30s when entering a new area or something, but fine otherwise. Occasionally goes to 60 when not looking at anything particularly exciting.
Any other 970 owners care to comment on their experiences? The batmobile sections run like dog shit, a lot of freezing and stuttering
Nvidia is currently streaming Stutter knight on twitch. Don't see any stutter
At least the hair is better
Best to get a refund and rebuy it once the problems are fixed. I am shit out luck though since I did the gmg deal...
Can you refund it? Refund this shit and buy it again when it's fixed. It'll probably be cheaper by then*, too.
*this ain't getting fixed soon
Which drivers, btw?
Älg;169542512 said:What the hell is up with the AO on PC?
Huh, so Iron Galaxy was responsible for the PC version?
Wonder what that spells out for their Killer Instinct port.
At least the hair is better
NVIDIA is probably streaming the PS4 version, then.
I don't think it's fair to point finger at Iron Galaxy without knowing the details such as budget, deadlines and so on. At the end of the day all blame should be directed at WB who published this game knowing full well about its problems.
NVIDIA is probably streaming the PS4 version, then.