tbh, "too serious" is a common, and invalid, criticism.The best part is people who haven't seen it damning the critics for not liking it. Comic book movies have brought the videogame culture to reviews. ahahaha
I think that's Ben being diplomatic, and not trying to sound like he got Goyer fired. Matt Damon said otherwise pretty early on.
Yeah, so if they do dump Snyder or announce a co-direction, that's definitely not happening until after a couple of weeks. They certainly don't want to announce that there's a JL filming hiatus when this film stands to make the most amount of money. It might happen behind the scenes (which will probably leak out) though.
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?
tbh, "too serious" is a common, and invalid, criticism.
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?
These are movies that have release dates before scripts, pre-viz before actors and spend more time in marketing than story development.
The director is a hired hand. Zack Snyder was brought in because he is very good at action.
Do people think this is the 70s? Auteur filmmaking this is not.
I'm more inclined to blame Warner for thinking Christopher Nolan's overwrought 'realism' was the right tone for stories of the Justice League. They needed to go mythic and majestic.
Now, I actually think MoS was a decent film and I will wait to form my own opinion of BvS but this narrative of blaming the director for every negative element of a tent pole is just annoying to read.
Now that's a good criticism. If the story fails under its own weight and fails to communicate, that's another story. In fact I'm kinda sure that's what happened here, Zack jusg can't direct serious.Serious is fine if you know how to tell a good story.
No he isn't. Not even close.Snyder is consistently terrible
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?
Maybe DC will learn that while grimdark works for Batman it doesn't for Superman.
But probably not.
Don't know why they didn't just rip off the animated series and mix in some all star superman and red son.
No he isn't. Not even close.
In most cases that are the same people.
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?
These are movies that have release dates before scripts, pre-viz before actors and spend more time in marketing than story development.
The director is a hired hand. Zack Snyder was brought in because he is very good at action.
Do people think this is the 70s? Auteur filmmaking this is not.
I'm more inclined to blame Warner for thinking Christopher Nolan's overwrought 'realism' was the right tone for stories of the Justice League. They needed to go mythic and majestic.
Now, I actually think MoS was a decent film and I will wait to form my own opinion of BvS but this narrative of blaming the director for every negative element of a tent pole is just annoying to read.
Well consistantly on the meager side of mediocre then.No he isn't. Not even close.
RT is down... DDOSed by bitter DCCU fanboys?
So the director lolDon't blame the director, blame whoever is in charge of driving the entire DCEU. The biggest problems with this film are due to them trying to cram too much in to kickstart their franchise.
Looking forward to the Half in the Bag review! I have no desire to see this shit blizzard.
Please re-read what I wrote and try again.Blaming Nolan now for Snyder's last two films being pieces of shit? Come on son.
I know some people will not want to hear this but...Superman works better with the Marvel formula. Hell, he might be the best hero for that formula, really. Seeing how Marvel has done such an excellent job with Captain America and actually made him a likeable character with his ideals and old fashioned sensibilities shows that, yes, you can make a Supes film where he's somewhat conflicted with his place in the modern world yet still stand for truth and justice all the same.
And there's no reason that a dark Bats and a bright supes can't coexist. If anything, having them be polar opposites would've made their battle make more sense and have the audience actually torn as to which one they would root for.
Instead, we have emo supes and bitter bats having a battle for whom gets to own what's left of the hot topics of the world
No he isn't. Not even close.
Honestly they should just skip it for HitB and give it the full Plinkett Review treatment instead.
I just want a Superman like the Dean Cain version, the only live action version of
Superman that I legitimately love.
really confused how this is so much worse than mos
I really like Man of Steel; will I love BvS?
So we have some people saying that the trailers were deceptive in a good way in that they didn't show the whole film n spoil surprises but pretty much all the reviews have been unanimous that the trailer IS the film and there isn't much more to it. Who's right here?
Also super disappointing to hear that the climax is MoS destruction porn all over again.
Please re-read what I wrote and try again.
I didn't blame Nolan. I blamed Warner for thinking Nolan's vision was appropriate for Superman.
And I don't think Man of Steel is a piece of shit. So I really couldnt be blaming Nolan for that, now could I?
Supergirl is the Superman you're looking for.
Don't blame the director, blame whoever is in charge of driving the entire DCEU. The biggest problems with this film are due to them trying to cram too much in to kickstart their franchise.
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?
These are movies that have release dates before scripts, pre-viz before actors and spend more time in marketing than story development.
The director is a hired hand. Zack Snyder was brought in because he is very good at action.
Do people think this is the 70s? Auteur filmmaking this is not.
The trailer gave away the entire movie.
But a lot of cringe worthy scenes in the trailer or awful CGI turned out fine in the movie.
The movie is in no way worse than man of steel btw.
Don't blame the director, blame whoever is in charge of driving the entire DCEU. The biggest problems with this film are due to them trying to cram too much in to kickstart their franchise.
Well, we are always willing to applaud quality direction when a film meets or exceeds expectations. Why shouldn't we criticize a director who fails to meet a standard of quality?
Snyder has failed to deliver on a few occasions now, I think it's fair to at least associate some of the films problems with him. He is the director after all. He is primarily responsible for the film's direction. There are others to blame when a film fails, no doubt, but the person in the director's chair is going to be responsible for a great deal of what ends up on screen.
Well consistantly on the meager side of mediocre then.
I think it was touched on before but not only does Snyder have a rep for style over substance, he was also given alot of elements that should have resulted in something alot more competent (i.e. Oscar winning writer, an enormous budget, etc.). Yet somehow he still ended up making a serviceable to less than movie in the end. I too am more than happy to put blame on WB for their obvious desire to do JLA set up as quickly as possible.
Wow hearing this makes me think there are some serious shills lurking because initial impressions in here said the trailers were the tip of the iceberg
everyone here should go watch Supergirl ASAP
and then watch The Flash
and then watch Monday's Supergirl X The Flash crossover