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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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There's got to be some #fireSnyder campaign going on, right? By the start of next weekend?

WB wont care until they have their second weekend receipts in hand. If this movie has no legs then i can see them take some action, though due to tax breaks and actors' scheduling they might not have a choice but to film Justice League part 1 with Snyder unless they're going to Donner him Superman 2 style

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
God damn it, I knew this movie would be bad. I just knew it, but I bought tickets anyway. If this turns out as bad as the reviews make it seem, then it will be next to impossible to get my girlfriend to see another comic book movie.

If watching comic book/superhero movies with your GF in the future hinges on her enjoyment of this movie, I'd seriously consider bailing out...


Nolans universe was dark and it was critically acclaimed. That's not why it's being panned.

Are we in some alternate universe where the Nolan films never got made?

There's a difference between a "realistic" Batman film being dark, and a fantastical Superman/JL film being dark. A lot of people aren't okay with a dark interpretation being applied to characters that aren't The Dark Knight.


Unconfirmed Member
WB wont care until they have their second weekend receipts in hand. If this movie has no legs then i can see them take some action, though due to tax breaks and actors' scheduling they might not have a choice but to film Justice League part 1 with Snyder unless they're going to Donner him Superman 2 style

The only solution I can see to that, if they are continuing with JL, is that somebody like Affleck jumps in and helps co-directing it.
I knew I liked you, Bronson. Another question, we opted for IMAX 3D since regular IMAX wasn't available. Worth it, despite the movies flaws? I'm expecting it to look pretty regardless.

I saw it in IMAX 2D so I can't comment on the 3D, but important scenes were shot in IMAX. See it in that.


Coming off of Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix and watching the Batman: Animated Series with my fiance, this is surreal.

Is it really so hard for WB to pick up the phone and give Bruce Timm and Paul Dini a call?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The only solution I can see to that, if they are continuing with JL, is that somebody like Affleck jumps in and helps co-directing it.

In case people haven't noticed, Zach Snyder is the new Tony Scott, the film-maker critics love to hate. If they cared about critical notices he'd never have gotten the gig in the first place.


sparkle this bitch
Ideal situation is that it underperforms enough that WB dumps Snyder and Goyer and shifts gears a bit for Justice League, but is still successful enough for them to push ahead with the DCEU in general.

Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman, from what little we've seen, look decent-to-good. Batfleck looks good. Other than Superman's corner, I don't think the broth's been spoiled enough to drag down the entire franchise.

Think SS will be fine. Fury was amazing, End of Watch was good, and Sabotage is a fairly solid action film.
Just posted our spoiler-free review, and it's now up on Rotten Tomatoes:

[Review] Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Once the dust from its cataclysmic finale had settled -- both on the screen and in the wider pop-culture conversation that followed -- everyone seemed to be wondering the same thing: would a sequel be able to make sense of the carnage and mayhem seen at the end of Man of Steel? Fans who witnessed the backlash assumed that the wreckage of Metropolis would serve as a staging ground for the next film's story and themes. Detractors guessed that damage control of a different kind would be made to happen on a script level. Every movie should be viewed in a vacuum, taken at face value as being beholden only to its own ambitions. All the same, thanks to the uproar caused by the seemingly wanton destruction meted out by its titular hero, people assumed that, in some form or fashion, whatever came next would show that lessons had been learned either onscreen or behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice seems to have made only the most feigned and cursory of steps forward in the action accountability department while taking a rather nasty spill backward in terms of story, cohesion (both visual and thematic), and tone. Minor lip service is given to the idea that heroes ought not to destroy the places and people they seem to want to protect, yet the movie as a whole still attempts to out-do the chaos, disorder, decimation, and ferocity of its predecessor at every turn. The result is a movie that has brazenly refused to learn from its own past, and yet insultingly, boldly pretends to have grown and matured all the same.

The worst part of my curiosity kind of wants to witness it this weekend.


There's got to be some #fireSnyder campaign going on, right? By the start of next weekend?

I hope not. I really dislike it when disappointment in a movie turns into going after the director personally on social media. Like what happened to Whedon after Avengers 2.
X2 got great reviews too.

hell, you could argue that both 300 and Watchmen were serious takes on comic films and they reviewed well for what they were.

I don't know why people are being defensive about this and trying to point out some sort of agenda regarding the review. I sincerely doubt that people went into BvS wanting to hate or dislike it, hell who didn't want this thing to be amazing? People just need to accept that this, from all accounts, seems to be a flawed experience.

As someone who has had tickers for this thing for a while now, i'm going into it hoping that i at least have more fun with it than i did with MoS. My expectations are now fully in check


Reviewers are burying this movie. Nothing works, except the first half and Batman, apparently.


I thought the first half, well the first act, was borderline intelligible. It's overlong while still seeming to be missing about half the scenes it needed. It's almost a montage of different scenes, it's really really disjointed.


The only solution I can see to that, if they are continuing with JL, is that somebody like Affleck jumps in and helps co-directing it.

I don't see Affleck tying himself down like that unless they offer him too much to refuse. He can already make the movies he wants to make as a writer/director. Even if Live by Night flops, he's still got a couple more chances.

The Hermit

I'd say Watchmen. I think history will be a lot kinder to it than contemporary critics were. My fave comic book movie.


There are dozens of us, dozens!!

Anyway, since Man of Steel and (the shitstorm that was the OT) this is pretty much what I expected.

Still, the way Batman is being portrayed might kill the hype even the most hardcore fans have though.


Haha my friend was scrambling this week to get someone else to take his floor duty so we could see the 6PM Thursday show. Then those tickets sold out so he was sad.

Then the reviews came out.




There are dozens of us, dozens!!

Anyway, since Man of Steel and (the shitstorm that was the OT) this is pretty much what I expected.

Still, the way Batman is being portrayed might kill the hype even the most hardcore fans have though.
Snyder Watchmen was great yo


Well so far I read/heard that the editing and pacing of the movie is a hot mess, also it's not clear what the motives on each or most characters are. Some acting parts with Superman and Wonder Woman seem to be wooden, which looks to me that they weren't given good directions.

I see, that's a shame. I really liked 300 and watchmen (both directed by Snyder).



There are dozens of us, dozens!!

Anyway, since Man of Steel and (the shitstorm that was the OT) this is pretty much what I expected.

Still, the way Batman is being portrayed might kill the hype even the most hardcore fans have though.


I love Watchmen, I can't understand the hate
The best part is people who haven't seen it damning the critics for not liking it. Comic book movies have brought the videogame culture to reviews. ahahaha
Some of Goyer's stuff is still in this

I'm sure some of it is, just based on the basic plot. It would be almost impossible to competely erase Goyer. But Terrio was the final writer, and he put the script together that Snyder filmed.

Affleck said his and Terrio's involvement were separate deals.

I think that's Ben being diplomatic, and not trying to sound like he got Goyer fired. Matt Damon said otherwise pretty early on.
Maybe DC will learn that while grimdark works for Batman it doesn't for Superman.

But probably not.

I know some people will not want to hear this but...Superman works better with the Marvel formula. Hell, he might be the best hero for that formula, really. Seeing how Marvel has done such an excellent job with Captain America and actually made him a likeable character with his ideals and old fashioned sensibilities shows that, yes, you can make a Supes film where he's somewhat conflicted with his place in the modern world yet still stand for truth and justice all the same.

And there's no reason that a dark Bats and a bright supes can't coexist. If anything, having them be polar opposites would've made their battle make more sense and have the audience actually torn as to which one they would root for.

Instead, we have emo supes and bitter bats having a battle for whom gets to own what's left of the hot topics of the world


So we have some people saying that the trailers were deceptive in a good way in that they didn't show the whole film n spoil surprises but pretty much all the reviews have been unanimous that the trailer IS the film and there isn't much more to it. Who's right here?

Also super disappointing to hear that the climax is MoS destruction porn all over again.


Kills Photobucket

I love Watchmen, I can't understand the hate

Also liked Watchmen quite a bit. Thought it was a great adaptation, and I liked the change they made to the ending.

Only two things I didn't like about it...

Ozymandias' casting and getting rid of that last scene between him and John. I wanted that great moment where John says "Nothing ever ends" then vanishes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wow. I'm actually shocked this is getting savaged :(

I'll still go see it for myself, but this is pretty disappointing. the early early previews sounded positive. I guess that's fanboys and exclusive access though.


Kills Photobucket
Maybe DC will learn that while grimdark works for Batman it doesn't for Superman.

But probably not.

This is pretty much why I have not had any hype for this movie. By basically turning Superman into the brooding loner like Bruce Wayne, they lost the entire point of getting them together. Whole point of bringing together Batman and Superman is how different they are.
Why do people dog pile on the directors of these films?

These are movies that have release dates before scripts, pre-viz before actors and spend more time in marketing than story development.

The director is a hired hand. Zack Snyder was brought in because he is very good at action.

Do people think this is the 70s? Auteur filmmaking this is not.

I'm more inclined to blame Warner for thinking Christopher Nolan's overwrought 'realism' was the right tone for stories of the Justice League. They needed to go mythic and majestic.

Now, I actually think MoS was a decent film and I will wait to form my own opinion of BvS but this narrative of blaming the director for every negative element of a tent pole is just annoying to read.
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