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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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Don't get me wrong, I like a dark story too, but Superman in MoS and from what I've seen and heard, in BvS should be a little lighter than what he is.

100% agreed on the movies being badly done though, I mean Green Lantern had humour but damn that movie was bad and so for most DC movies have gone for a dark serious tone, and there is way more bad than good at the moment. It just seems WB can't nail this dark style, so maybe a change of direction is needed, or at least get some better directors than Zack Snyder.

Funnily enough, Green Lantern felt like a pretty direct attempt at emulating the Marvel style. It was a god-awful emulation with a shit-tastic story but it's clear what they were going for.

I blame Snyder more than anything at this point. I have no issue with this being a dark movie, again. This story could've absolutely been done well in the hands of someone with a more delicate approach; Eisenberg Lex, Wonder Woman, and Flash cameo all included. Like Man of Steel, on paper, this could've been a great movie. Should've been a great movie.


Since it's the in thing, I made one too...

Can't beat the avengers


How people can still put hope in Snyder I'll never know. Dude hasn't made anything worthwhile in over a decade.

I have a feeling that the only reason Watchmen "worked" for him is because the source material is already so massive and hard to adapt that the bloat of what they could fit into the movie was the only key distracting issue, despite it also being an upside as the story was basically already laid out for him. Snyder is a good cinematographer but the more any of his movies try to dawdle around in order to let the audience breathe and think for a while, it all falls apart.
Intermission right now. It's bad so far. The editing is all over the place. Baleman was a surgeon compared to Batfleck.
Cavill has been extremely incompetent and unlikable. Michael Cera is ridiculous in his portrayl of Luthor. Something between hammy 60s villain and .com CEO.
Jeremy Irons is solid though.
DerZuhälter;199039508 said:
Intermission right now. It's bad so far. The editing is all over the place. Baleman was a surgeon compared to Batfleck.
Cavill has been extremely incompetent and unlikable. Michael Cera is ridiculous in his portrayl of Luthor. Something between hammy 60s villain and .com CEO.
Jeremy Irons is solid though.

Wait, BvS has an intermission? WTF?

Movie was worth it for this...

Someone please photoshop the cast and crew of BvS onto this, stat!


DerZuhälter;199039508 said:
Intermission right now. It's bad so far. The editing is all over the place. Baleman was a surgeon compared to Batfleck.
Cavill has been extremely incompetent and unlikable. Michael Cera is ridiculous in his portrayl of Luthor. Something between hammy 60s villain and .com CEO.
Jeremy Irons is solid though.

There's an intermission?

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
lol damn 39%?! Looks like I'm gonna juuuust be a bit outside of my 75% RT prediction. All good though.

I loved man of steel, so I've still got some high hopes that I'll enjoy this.


A well done Blue Marvel might kill the prospect of a Superman movie for good.
I noticed Blue Marvel's been getting a push lately. Leading the Ultimates, just replaced Superman on that one Sufjan Stevens album cover, etc. It's not as hamfisted as the ones they're giving to the Inhumans and Carol Danvers, but I can tell they've got some big plans for him in the future.


Finally got a chance to watch moviebob's review, wow, harsh as fuck, and was he not kidding about the story, cause that sounds horrible.


DerZuhälter;199039508 said:
Intermission right now. It's bad so far. The editing is all over the place. Baleman was a surgeon compared to Batfleck.
Cavill has been extremely incompetent and unlikable. Michael Cera is ridiculous in his portrayl of Luthor. Something between hammy 60s villain and .com CEO.
Jeremy Irons is solid though.

Intermission within a movie?

There's such a thing these days?


People forget that Rotten Tomatoes does not mean the actual quality of the movie, that is metascore.

Rotten tomatoes is the chance of you linking the movie. Be it "fuck yeah awesome" or "ok, that was kinda worth the price of the popcorn"

Like this image illustrates perfectly


Gotham is NOT for everyone ... but there are people who love it
DC should replace Zack Snyder for future pictures. Especially if they want a successful franchise like Marvel. Aside from dawn of the dead remake zack snyder hasn't made a good movie. which was years ago. Ever since he discovered slow motion spam his movies gotten worse and worse. I really hope DC replace him for their upcoming movie. This movie will make money the first weekend sure it has batman on it. But will fall of quickly. If DC have any chance against competing with marvel they need to replace zack snyder ASAP.


well not really...yet
Hitfix review


Drew is actually a big fan of Man of Steel

pretty damning.

Much of the blame for this film will be laid at Zack Snyder’s feet, but that feels unfair to some degree. I think he made exactly the film Warner Bros. asked him to make; that’s the problem. The film they asked him to make wasn’t developed from an organic place. It’s not the logical next step in a story being told. It is an informercial. It is slick, and it is frequently very pretty, and from scene to scene, from moment to moment, it looks like a real movie. But without a beating heart, this is a wax figure, lifeless and frozen, a simulation. The studio asked Snyder to make them a 150-minute trailer for their entire slate of superhero films, and he certainly did. Sadly, like most infomercials, this one promises more than it delivers, and two-and-a-half hours of being hustled left me cold. Whatever it’s selling, I’m not buying.
DerZuhälter;199039508 said:
Intermission right now. It's bad so far. The editing is all over the place. Baleman was a surgeon compared to Batfleck.
Cavill has been extremely incompetent and unlikable. Michael Cera is ridiculous in his portrayl of Luthor. Something between hammy 60s villain and .com CEO.
Jeremy Irons is solid though.

An intermission?


God no, they would just fuck it up. They would have Mxy as some lovecraftian horror, when everyone knows those live in the 6th dimension.
What you do is have Brainiac as your villain.., make him the reason for Krypton exploding... He preserves one Superior Kryptonian family (the Els), and while captured in Brainy's ship, Jor El sends his only son to Earth using one of Brainiac's escape Pods.

There's your origin and motivation to fight. You change up the mythos slightly, make Brainiac a household name, and you have a kick ass movie, as Clark learns the truth about Krypton.
It's crazy how Cavill was so fun and likable in Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Snyder can't seem to squeeze a drop of charm from him.

Its like Hayden Christiensen, man was actually a decent actor (see Shattered Glass if u dont believe me).

But Lucas, by his own admission, cant direct actors for shit.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The RT score would have been higher, but all of the critics that would have liked this movie were killed during the attack on Metropolis.


The problem isn't that they're "too serious". The problem is that these movies are just badly done. Most Batman comics for the last few decades can be pretty fucking serious. Hell, Black Mirror is a great read, but I wouldn't call it fun or funny. Tone isn't the issue - approach is. Superman should be lighter, sure, absolutely, but he can still be a lighter character in a dark story.

I wouldn't say that they are "badly done" either. There are somptuous visuals, music, choreography and general level of competence which separates thes movies from the likes of Fantastic 4.

No, the issue is truly the tone. Not the seriouslness of it, as you rightfully highlight, but the consistency of it. Snyder really doesn't know how to spice it up at all, that's why most of his movies are so draining (that and the running time).

I mean look at the Nolan Batman trilogy - not the most cheerful movies, it's all powerful, heavy stuff, no goofing around Avengers-style here. Even Winter Soldier looks at the seriousness of these movies and goes "damn!". However, Nolan is a director who understands that the viewer can only take so much of constant bombardment of oppression and seriousness, he understands how to create characters in whom the audience would be invested. Therefore we get some humorous passages, some quiet moments with Alfred, Rachel. Characters get a moment to breathe and the movie has scenes where the main plot stops so that the movie focuses on character development instead.


Was Luthor based on that Martin Shitkeli guy? The problem might be he's actually too true to life if you think about it ;P
Its like Hayden Christiensen, man was actually a decent actor (see Shattered Glass if u dont believe me).

But Lucas, by his own admission, cant direct actors for shit.

I saw Shattered Glass for the first time last year. Fantastic! Hayden was great. Really made me feel for him (both his character, and how Lucas doomed him).


Un Rama
"It has the power to review the entire cinematic universe, and if we believe there’s a 38% Rotten Tomatoes score, we have to take it as an absolute certainty that x-men origins wolverine was better."
This has got to be one of the best film reviews I've ever read, it's not very positive, but damn if it didn't get me excited again to see this mess.

I know, too, that where the Japanese had their kaiju eiga, films about "strange beasts" or "monsters" that are sometimes heroes, sometimes not (and always destroying cities either way), we developed superhero movies about "strange beasts" who are sometimes heroes, sometimes not, and always destroying cities. In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (hereafter BVS), there's a moment where Superman is referred to as a "monster." Batman is called that throughout--often by the very people he's helping. I don't think director Zack Snyder did this on purpose, though I do think it doesn't matter what Snyder intended. What he's done with this film is create the perfect monster for us in 2016. BVS is the most unpleasant, unsettling big-budget action/adventure movie to hit the friendly neighbourhood cineplex since Spielberg and Lucas's film maudit classic Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. (Cementing the connection, there's even a scene where someone gets "Mola Rammed.") Batman (Ben Affleck, fantastic) is a psychopath; Superman (Henry Cavill, fantastic) is a sociopath; Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot, well-cast) is Short Round, the only decent person in the whole damned thing and something of a caricature, a sketch of an idea of virtue. Take that as you will.
I wouldn't say that they are "badly done" either. There are somptuous visuals, music, choreography and general level of competence which separates thes movies from the likes of Fantastic 4.

No, the issue is truly the tone. Not the seriouslness of it, as you rightfully highlight, but the consistency of it. Snyder really doesn't know how to spice it up at all, that's why most of his movies are so draining (that and the running time).

I mean look at the Nolan Batman trilogy - not the most cheerful movies, it's all powerful, heavy stuff, no goofing around Avengers-style here. Even Winter Soldier looks at the seriousness of these movies and goes "damn!". However, Nolan is a director who understands that the viewer can only take so much of constant bombardment of oppression and seriousness, he understands how to create characters in whom the audience would be invested. Therefore we get some humorous passages, some quiet moments with Alfred, Rachel. Characters get a moment to breathe and the movie has scenes where the main plot stops so that the movie focuses on character development instead.

Excellent post
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