You guys read this Walter Chaw review?
You should read this Walter Chaw review. I'm hit & miss on the guy (he's basically the kind of critic Faraci seems to be clawing towards when he overreaches like he does) but while this thing is long, and takes diversion after diversion, he hits on some pretty fucking interesting thoughts regarding Snyder's interpretation of these characters, and the reason this film might resonate with audiences even though the criticisms are all on point:
There's a lot more at the link, but holy shit what a review. It's fucking fascinating to read.
edit: Inferno, you dog! You beat me!
This definitely felt like it broke some people.
This has got to be one of the best film reviews I've ever read, it's not very positive, but damn if it didn't get me excited again to see this mess.
You guys read this Walter Chaw review?
You should read this Walter Chaw review. I'm hit & miss on the guy (he's basically the kind of critic Faraci seems to be clawing towards when he overreaches like he does) but while this thing is long, and takes diversion after diversion, he hits on some pretty fucking interesting thoughts regarding Snyder's interpretation of these characters, and the reason this film might resonate with audiences even though the criticisms are all on point:
There's a lot more at the link, but holy shit what a review. It's fucking fascinating to read.
edit: Inferno, you dog! You beat me!
If Civil War turns out bad.....
Then fuck me.
Here's hoping that one isnt a mess also.
You guys read this Walter Chaw review?
You should read this Walter Chaw review. I'm hit & miss on the guy (he's basically the kind of critic Faraci seems to be clawing towards when he overreaches like he does) but while this thing is long, and takes diversion after diversion, he hits on some pretty fucking interesting thoughts regarding Snyder's interpretation of these characters, and the reason this film might resonate with audiences even though the criticisms are all on point:
There's a lot more at the link, but holy shit what a review. It's fucking fascinating to read.
edit: Inferno, you dog! You beat me!
WB needs to give DC back to Marvel.
When did Marvel ever have DC lol. I wouldn't be opposed to Bewkes selling to Iger though.
When did Marvel ever have DC lol. I wouldn't be opposed to Bewkes selling to Iger though.
Surprised to see a Walter Chaw review brought up here, been reading the guy for years and when he's on point, he's really on point.
Anything can happen, of course, but I feel like the Marvel Studios and Russo Bros. track record means hopes are much higher there. I feel like at this point if Marvel nailed Ant-Man of all things it'll take something really crazy for there to be a significant fuck-up in that franchise.
This has got to be one of the best film reviews I've ever read, it's not very positive, but damn if it didn't get me excited again to see this mess.
You guys read this Walter Chaw review?
You should read this Walter Chaw review. I'm hit & miss on the guy (he's basically the kind of critic Faraci seems to be clawing towards when he overreaches like he does) but while this thing is long, and takes diversion after diversion, he hits on some pretty fucking interesting thoughts regarding Snyder's interpretation of these characters, and the reason this film might resonate with audiences even though the criticisms are all on point:
There's a lot more at the link, but holy shit what a review. It's fucking fascinating to read.
edit: Inferno, you dog! You beat me!
It definitely was. If there was one thing I didn't expect to be reading in a BvS review, it's a Dario Argento reference.Thank you both, that was an excellent read.
is the best summary of pretty much the entirety of Snyder's filmography.It's polarized, xenophobic, hyper-sexualized, hyper-desensitized, and, in the final analysis, more than a little psychotic.
I know right haha. I'm almost glad it's over, at least this is the last DC movie with such a bad goodwill. Unless JL is still "grimdark" or whatever., and Terrio confirmed it was going to be lighter than BvSHaven't seen reviews this vitriolic in a while. People just unloading a full clip into every minute of this film.
Snyder is not Scott even if he himself made bad movies.Blade runner used to be lambasted for it's depressing nature and terrible editing. It had multiple editions and cult classic status. Probably going to be most debated movie in the close future.
I know right haha. I'm almost glad it's over, at least this is the last DC movie with such a bad goodwill. Unless JL is still "grimdark" or whatever.
I know right haha. I'm almost glad it's over, at least this is the last DC movie with such a bad goodwill.
Blade runner used to be lambasted for it's depressing nature and terrible editing. It had multiple editions and cult classic status. Probably going to be most debated movie in the close future.
i think SS will be good. Snyder is doing JL though...
Nah, the internet is in love with that movie already.Pretty sure Suicide Squad is gonna suffer from Guilt by Association.
That's teen sensation Zendaya
No, for Garfield's Spiderman.
I'm not sure my heart can take it if Suicide Squad sucks.
Dayum apparently she was but was cut. Didn't know that.
Pretty sure Suicide Squad is gonna suffer from Guilt by Association.
Dayum apparently she was but was cut. Didn't know that.
She'll film scenes, get cut from the movie and then the entire universe will then get shut down when Wonder Woman rights get sold to someone else.
I enjoyed this review:
Here's a snippet:
"A fun thing you could do during the two and a half hours you spend watching Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is count the number of times some rando blurts out something like Its uninhabited! or Its after five, so downtowns nearly empty right now! whilst Batman and/or Superman throw various bad guys (and/or each other) through various walls. No civilians were harmed in the making of this loud, droning, incoherent, and bonkers deadly serious film, in sharp contrast to 2013's Man of Steel, wherein Superman spends the last half hour bonking giant buildings full of innocent people together until they explode. "
That's some hyperbole if I've ever seen. There are far worst comic book movies, let alone movies in general.Nope. Blade Runner is my favorite movie of all time. BvS is one of the worst comic book movies ever made.
I'm pretty sure Suicide Squad will also be garbage.
Really sounds like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
That was a chief complaint in MoS, now a segment of people are upset that he addressed it.
Nah, the internet is in love with that movie already.
*in a laughably heavy-handed way
(sounds like)
Dayum apparently she was but was cut. Didn't know that.
Really sounds like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
That was a chief complaint in MoS, now a segment of people are upset that he addressed it.
Haven't seen reviews this vitriolic in a while. People just unloading a full clip into every minute of this film.
Yeah...did Snyder/DC offend these people's religion or kill their mothers or something?
so what are the chances of this thing joining the billion dollar club?
I'm pretty sure Suicide Squad will also be garbage.
so what are the chances of this thing joining the billion dollar club?