About a thousand times but no worries, it's still hilarious
What's wrong? Jesse's in it for the cash. That shouldn't be a surprise
I don't see it. I've seen more people be "ok" with it than anything else, mostly. Some extremes here and there (+/-). Above average praise of Affleck's Wayne/Bats. Not so much for Eisenberg. I dunno. I'm not paid, one drinks High Gravity Bull when they got money..I'm way more shocked at the utter hatred. And there is WAY more of it than defending, from what I've seen.
This is just sad.
Where Evilore at, surprised he hasn't jumped in and said how embarrassing review threads are on this side like he did with The Order
Decided to post here since the official thread is full of DC fanboys that gang up on you like sharks that smell blood whenever you think the movie stinks....
Well I saw it and it stinks....
I mean the only cool parts were Wonder Woman and thebut they were so short that I could have skipped this entire trash movie and just watched the trailers. Like seriously the story is so throwaway.Doomsday fight
At least Man of Steel (which I enjoyed) had some cool fights that lasts more than a couple minutes.
Reading some impressions you really get the sense that Snyder's biggest failing is that he doesn't have a feel for narrative flow and storytelling at a basic level. He'd probably benefit hugely from letting someone else put his films together after he shoots them.
It's the same problem with Man of Steel. More than an hour in, it's still doing the flashback thing, but the narrative shifts don't flow, the flashbacks don't really help to add anything to the present storyline most of the time. And if it's not helping, it's actually hurting - there's no real inbetween.
You can see he has high-minded intentions with the way he cuts his films, but he doesn't actually pull it off. It reminds me of when great comic book artists get big enough, they inevitably try to write too - and you can usually tell, suddenly these guys are "cutting" their own stuff, and it's not nearly as good.
Oh, ok.Age of Ultron is a failure on every single level. There's not a single good thing about it. BvS only fails on some levels, and even those are mostly fixable, or just not that important.
Age of Ultron is a failure on every single level. There's not a single good thing about it. BvS only fails on some levels, and even those are mostly fixable, or just not that important.
See I'm in the opposite, I thought the.fight with doomsday was shit and unneeded
I liked batflec, and anytime he was onscreen. What I hated was:We are not ready for that, no one but comic nerds know who that was? Average movie viewers are scratching their heads on that one.All the stupid lazy tie in's, and the fucking flash trying to talk to bruce? Like wtf?
You guys see this? Spoilers in the link[spoiler][/spoiler]
You guys see this? Spoilers in the link
You never read this thread, I take it:
Thanks for this. You've actually sold him a lot more for me.The character's progression in BvS makes sense with MoS being the foundation. I really disliked MoS. It was too long. The pacing was terrible. The writing was awful. Cavill was boring. And most importantly, I didn't care for the version of Superman. MoS ended on a note where I thought the Superman we'd see in the next installment would have a stronger moral compass, so I had hope.
I can't say he actually finds a moral compass in BvS, however. He definitely seems like a young man who's now lost two fathers, one mother, and was raised with self-doubt about his purpose in the world. So what's his world in BvS? Martha and Lois. He literally says at one point Lois is his world. He wants to help, but everything seems to have ramifications. He runs away from problems. He's not unlike Dr. Manhattan in Snyder's Watchmen adaptation.
You guys..why are you going this route? Who had the torches in this thread? Mark them. Call them out. It really isn't that drastic, y''s a movie!![]()
Run for your life, never come back to this thread after your admitted you enjoyed this movie.
Age of Ultron is a failure on every single level. There's not a single good thing about it. BvS only fails on some levels, and even those are mostly fixable, or just not that important.
You never read this thread, I take it:
Let me just point out that this movie will be directed by Zack Snyder. Keep your hype in check, guys.
I don't see it. I've seen more people be "ok" with it than anything else, mostly. Some extremes here and there (+/-). Above average praise of Affleck's Wayne/Bats. Not so much for Eisenberg. I dunno. I'm not paid, one drinks High Gravity Bull when they got money..
AoU commits what I consider to be a worse storytelling sin in that it invents an entirely new story in the 3rd act that has very few narrative threads connecting it to anything that had come before in the story.
Moderation of NeoGAF is not only paid by the fitting Console Manufacturer, they are even paid by Marvel!227 pages of people gleefully posting RT images of every degree of movment begs to differ with this. how many name changes has this thread had?
227 pages of people gleefully posting RT images of every degree of movment begs to differ with this. how many name changes has this thread had?
Let's say you and I are critics. One of us finds it humorous. The other finds it childish. That's it. That's the world. It isn't that drastic. It's a title change. Again, a title change.227 pages of people gleefully posting RT images of every degree of movment begs to differ with this. how many name changes has this thread had?
Man, STOP! lol..Moderation of NeoGAF is not only paid by the fitting Console Manufacturer, they are even paid by Marvel!
Does it really matter? People react differently. Some people like to take the piss out of something they feel is complete shit. If you don't agree with it then you don't agree with it. But it's nothing to get overly defensive about.
Why'd they fight?That's not why they fight, though.
Holy lmfao
Let's say you and I are critics. One of us finds it humorous. The other finds it childish. That's it. That's the world. It isn't that drastic. It's a title change. Again, a title change.
Man, STOP! lol..
Someone swap Venom's face for Marvel's logo and Spidey's for DC's
it's a joke, don't take it too seriously
Its almost like you didn't read the comment I quoted...
227 pages of people gleefully posting RT images of every degree of movment begs to differ with this. how many name changes has this thread had?
Actual spoilerWhy'd they fight?
It's bullshit, dreams. Who cares? Is that a better response? The answer is clear: you and others. The reality? No one does. This movie is going to bank all day..already on its way. Why does some jokes on a forum bother ANYONE, when "daddy" is making money? Enjoy the movie, folks..Except that has nothing to do with what you or I commented on.
Actual spoiler. The reason he had to do that is because the fight would not have happened otherwise, because the film did not establish why Superman would fight Batman (just why the latter was mad at the former). If that wasn't there, Batman would be left standing there at the end for a really long time. This is also why the fight was instantly defused.because Lex kidnapped Clark's mom and told him to kill Batman, or he'd kill his mom.
Imagine a film where the fight is organically built up to from the themes it makes gestures toward; that one element is not needed to push it into starting, and at the end they mutually realize it was Lex that was playing puppet master and team up to take him down. That's the idea the film was fumbling toward, but it didn't gel, so the spoiler tagged element is there to do the job the rest of the film could not.
seated in the theater now. pray for me gaf
So? Honestly just as much as you all have your conspiracies about some people waiting years to trash a movie you anticipated; you make yourself look like you are just sad that the movie turned out to review poorly and a lot of people don't like it.
This is NeoGAF, this isn't the first time something reviewed bad and folks had fun with it. The Order was crucified. Hell we have review threads that are damn near works of art when the games review WELL! (See the Wall of Shame for the Uncharted reviews).