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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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bish gets all the credit :)
Can I change difficulty in-game? I've found hard is not "good hard" and would rather not start the whole thing over again.
I love this game.

Also, my new favorite kit on larger maps is recon, running with SKS, foregrip and silencer, strategically placing spawn beacons behind enemy lines. It's a blast.


Megasoum said:
Yeah he's good but nothing really special. Me and my friend have been grinding the chopper co-op mission for the G3 and he did stuff a lot crazier (and terrifying for the gunner lol) than this guy.

he went under than highway sign 3 times without trying to show off, he's crazy good.

love to know what your definition of 'a lot crazier' is


If any of you guys want to practice flying, shoot me a PM. I can hop on mumble with you or something. As mentioned, we can just find an empty server and steal their jets. (PC only of course)

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
alr1ghtstart said:
Can I change difficulty in-game? I've found hard is not "good hard" and would rather not start the whole thing over again.
You just have to restart the level you are on so you will lose maybe 20-30 minutes progress tops if you do lower it.

It doesn't appear that you can increase back though once you have lowered it.
Well, just spent three hours playing the PS3 version even though I swore I wouldn't buy this game after the craptastic beta... Anyway, the single player campaign is pretty boring stuff so far. The game couldn't be anymore linear and you really can't deviate much from the route without getting that five seconds to get back to the combat area warning. On the plus side, the graphics are fairly good and so are the sounds.

The multiplayer is definitely improved from the beta. I personally didn't notice any big problems with sluggish controls like some people have reported. The graphics are not that great but at least the screen tearing isn't as annoying as it was in the beta and the framerate seems to be decent most of the time.

And big fucking surprise I was on the losing team every single time even though I did fairly well myself. I always have the worst team mates when I play with randoms... Arghhhh..


1stStrike said:
If any of you guys want to practice flying, shoot me a PM. I can hop on mumble with you or something. As mentioned, we can just find an empty server and steal their jets. (PC only of course)

I'd like to try that out, especially need to work on helicopter flying. It makes no sense to me on the controller.(not using kbm for flying stuff)

I'm apoks on origin
Final thoughts on SP:

We all know SP is pretty awful, but even so, I wanted to give some thoughts about it, in general I think is a better experience than BC2 SP, but I have been thinking: why?, it dosn't makes anything in the gameplay department that puts it above BC2:

- AI is equally bad on both (I'm almost sure is basically the same).

- Level design is really bad, they almost share the same awful setpieces (boring tank mission, boring sniping section, boring turret sections, etc...)

So I think the reason why is..., presentation, BF3 is truly a decent ride, while BC2 was quite dull in that department, yeah plot is incredible idiotic, but it manages to be fun to look at, it also helps a lot the visual department, BF3 graphics manages to create from mediocre gunfights a thing to behold, for example, Paris mission with all the particles and destruction added with incredible lightning is an spectacle.(It's not like there are much more moments like this, most of the time graphics can't help the game at all)

It's a shame, beacuse with proper effort could have been an amazing experience, right now is painful to play, but fun to watch.

The good:

- Jet mission when BF3 theme kicks in, DAT GRAPHICS!.
- Jumping from a plane, then BF3 theme kicks in, DAT GRAPHICS!.

Note that neither of those two, the player has a direct input of what's happening, but still the best moments of the game.

The Bad:

- Level design, IA,.....well almost all the SP is pretty bad.
- A QTE to open a FUCKING DOOR!?, really DICE?!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
1stStrike said:
For those having issues with jets, try my keyboard layout. I made it "sane" as I can never do inverted. If I want to go left I press left god damn it.

It's actually very responsive and I was used to this setup within a couple flights. I'm dog fighting like a pro now.

Throttle Up: W
Throttle Down: S
Yaw Right: Right arrow key
Yaw Left: Left Arrow key
Pitch Down: Down arrow key
Pitch Up: Up arrow key
Roll Right: D
Roll Left: A
Fire: Space Bar

If you need to do inverted, modify accordingly, but this takes the mouse out of the equation and is very comfortable.

Edit: This also works well with helicopters once you get the hang of it.

Sounds good. Will try and report back with impressions.


zero margin said:
man I cant make out shit, I think I catch a glimpse of someone then I die.

Yeah the more realistic graphics do a good job of blending character and environment. Making it somewhat difficult to identify enemies. It slows down the pace of the game a bit since running and gunning is made less effective for that reason. You really have to observe and be aware of your surroundings.
zero margin said:
man I cant make out shit, I think I catch a glimpse of someone then I die.
Try using spot. A lot. If there's someone out there, you can spot them even if you can't really see them, if you're aimed at their general area. Sometimes, I'll scan an area back and forth and spam the spot button to see if anyone is lurking.


iam220 said:
Yeah the more realistic graphics do a good job of blending character and environment. Making it somewhat difficult to identify enemies. It slows down the pace of the game a bit since running and gunning is made less effective for that reason. You really have to observe and be aware of your surroundings.
What is realistic about a blue filter, constant shit in your eyes, completely black shadows, completely white objects in the sun, and huge lens flare from a 40 watt bulb? Functioning in everyday life would be impossible with BF3's lighting.

Union Carbine said:
Try using spot. A lot. If there's someone out there, you can spot them even if you can't really see them, if you're aimed at their general area. Sometimes, I'll scan an area back and forth and spam the spot button to see if anyone is lurking.
I do that too, but I shouldn't have to to see someone from 50 meters away. Don't want to miss the black speck in the completely black shadow or the glowing white blob mixed in with the other glowing white blobs.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Union Carbine said:
Try using spot. A lot. If there's someone out there, you can spot them even if you can't really see them, if you're aimed at their general area. Sometimes, I'll scan an area back and forth and spam the spot button to see if anyone is lurking.

What's the Spot key on keyboard?


GodofWine said:
Do co-op unlocks carry over into MP?

Edit...neverming...(YES is the answer if anyone is wondering.)

They are only usable in MP... You get free guns on the ground in co-op. There's no classes or loadout.


outsida said:
Mortars.... Fricking mortars man.

Mortars are fucking awful. Super Noob Tube. Let's just spam the map with that shit and see what sticks. Ugh.

Can't wait until I get them unlocked.

Rainy Dog

Kylehimself said:
Anybody know the difference between the M16A3 M16A4? I've just unlokced the 4 but battlelog links to the 3 stats and they both share the same unlocks?

The A4 is 3-round burst or single-fire only. A bit pointless considering the A3 is the same plus full-auto.

The Engineer M4 (not M4A1) is 2-round burst or single-shot only as well.


Anton Sugar said:
Yeah, Xcellere, right? I gotchu, brah.

Yep, that's me. Thanks Snrub.

Is anyone else disappointed with the destruction? DICE touted destruction as being this huge leap forward in BF3, and yet it feels almost like a direct copy of BC2's destruction.

I remember DICE saying they limited building destruction in order to keep gameplay balanced, which might be true, but I wish they would create a server-side option that allows server admins to allow the entire level (buildings included) to be completely destroyable.


Holy Crap, the mortar is awesome.

Infinite bullets and a decent range? It's so easy to just be 100 or so yards from the objective and rain fire down from hell. So glad I grinded support and the so-so weapons.


Does everyone just play fucking engineers lol?

Get in a tank - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a jet - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a chopper- BEEP BEEP LOCK ON

You where killed by - RandomEngineerDude

Doesn't help when the jet starts with only the main gun unlocked. (wtf?)


Trucker Sexologist
DMeisterJ said:
Holy Crap, the mortar is awesome.

Infinite bullets and a decent range? It's so easy to just be 100 or so yards from the objective and rain fire down from hell. So glad I grinded support and the so-so weapons.
Enjoy it while it lasts. That's gotta be getting nerfed sometime in the near future.


im such a dick in the jet. do a pass and see if i can see any spotted tanks, usually no .. so i go and destroy the opponent jets/helicopters on the ground. rinse+repeat. getting slightly better with the main gun.


aka andydumi
Eclipsis said:
Yep, that's me. Thanks Snrub.

Is anyone else disappointed with the destruction? DICE touted destruction as being this huge leap forward in BF3, and yet it feels almost like a direct copy of BC2's destruction.

I remember DICE saying they limited building destruction in order to keep gameplay balanced, which might be true, but I wish they would create a server-side option that allows server admins to allow the entire level (buildings included) to be completely destroyable.

The one thing that is there now that was not before is debris damage. Before you could be hit by flying debris and no harm. Now you actually can get hurt by small chips of stuff flying around.

But I agree with you somewhat. While they toned it down for balance I guess, that was one of the viable strategies before, level a building so defenders cant use it, or level a building so offense can't use it. Or level a whole area of trees to deprive the attackers of cover.

I remember in BC2 the snow map where you come down the hill to the refinery, it was always a race to make it down and take the first point using the trees before the defenders flattened the trees and you were widely exposed.

Or Arica Harbor first attack point, leveling those two buildings in the middle from which the defenders could easily spot and destroy tanks.

If nothing else it seems inconsistent. On one map a type of building (like a small shack) is destroyable, then on the next map, the same geometry building is not. I feel like they picked destroyables more on location on map than on actual appearance/structure which is weird.


Cobra84 said:
What is realistic about a blue filter, constant shit in your eyes, completely black shadows, completely white objects in the sun, and huge lens flare from a 40 watt bulb? Functioning in everyday life would be impossible with BF3's lighting.

I do that too, but I shouldn't have to to see someone from 50 meters away. Don't want to miss the black speck in the completely black shadow or the glowing white blob mixed in with the other glowing white blobs.

Hyperbole much?


Is it just me or is the game a bit blurry?

I have it maxed out with my single 580 and it runs brilliantly. It seems a bit blurry though :/


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Cobra84 said:
What is realistic about a blue filter, constant shit in your eyes, completely black shadows, completely white objects in the sun, and huge lens flare from a 40 watt bulb? Functioning in everyday life would be impossible with BF3's lighting.

I do that too, but I shouldn't have to to see someone from 50 meters away. Don't want to miss the black speck in the completely black shadow or the glowing white blob mixed in with the other glowing white blobs.
The graphics look like they went through a bleach pass. I hate them, and it ruins the fun atmosphere that the BF games used to have. It's a major reason I haven't bought the game yet.
Desaan said:
Does everyone just play fucking engineers lol?

Get in a tank - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a jet - BEEP BEEP LOCK ON
Get in a chopper- BEEP BEEP LOCK ON

You where killed by - RandomEngineerDude

Doesn't help when the jet starts with only the main gun unlocked. (wtf?)

vehicles - Rocket that shit!

infatry - Rocket that shit!

It's a win-win siuation going with engineer.
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