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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Quicksilver4648 said:
I just had the best ending to the game. Note: There are spoilers.

At the very end of the campaign when I am fighting Solomon in Times Square an amazing glitch happened. Solomon's body model never loaded properly. I was having an intense fist fight and getting the crap knocked out of me with just myself. I threw myself onto the police car and then grabbed the rock and beat a non-existant person to death. It reminded me a lot of that one fight scene in Fight Club near the end of the film.

I wish I was recording to so other could see my character's mental state break down. The M. Night Shyamalan twist was that there was no Solomon, he was in fact just me. Blackburn has PTSD after seeing his comrades killed and was living two personalities in order to redeem himself. Woah.
same thing happened to me (along with the guy loading the tank shell never showing up and your 3 squad mates on that jeep before fighting the russians
but nice interpretation :lol
mr_nothin said:
Sort of able to edit Color Correction, add vignette, adjust FXAA to my liking (how much and exactly where to apply it), add sharpness, etc. About to see if I can add DoF/Motion Blur (seperate from the in-game)

Quick test, it's a little dark and drab but it's just a test
In-game while playing:
What sorcery is this?!


mr_nothin said:
Sort of able to edit Color Correction, add vignette, adjust FXAA to my liking (how much and exactly where to apply it), add sharpness, etc. About to see if I can add DoF/Motion Blur (seperate from the in-game)

Quick test, it's a little dark and drab but it's just a test
In-game while playing:

How the heck did you get rid of all the specks all over your field of vision, and the stupid lens flaring everywhere?
Is there no way to just keep playing on the same map without having it rotate to another one on the 360 version? I just wanna play on Caspian Border all day. :/
Working fine for me. Well alright it doesn't work fine, it crashes on me like all the time when I use its chat function, but I can log in just fine.


Fucking christ, I can't do shit in a jet. How the hell do you change camera in vehicles to 3rd person. controls mention pressing C for chase cam (is that it?) but when I press it nothing happens. GAH!


RotBot said:
Based on that map this is my suggestion for fixing Damavand:

Based on how it played out you could perhaps somehow limit the tanks so that they are unable to take the side routes so that holding the tunnel would still be important. You could perhaps even add a maintenance shaft into the tunnel from above, leading to another way to assault C.


Had an awesome killing spree with the first sniper (SVO?). Took off the scope and used the ironsights, and took out 10 people with it in a row moving from cover to cover. 2 rounds a piece does it. Great for urban warfare. Feelsgoodman.

Also had a fun moment on the EuroGAF server today on that map with the market: I spawned at the market and see an enemy light armored vehicle ride up to me as I quickly get in one of those jeeps, but apparently the guy doesn't use the Q key since he didn't spot me while I was just sitting there. So I just sat there while he was standing next to me capturing the point. A enemy jeep rides up, also doesn't notice me. I was like: 'wat' as I had nowhere to go.

They take the point, couple of guys spawn immediately and I switch to the gunner seat and take them out. Now of course the guys in the vehicles notice me and I switch and try to drive away but JUST as I am about to turn the corner and drive into the sunset of freedom..there's a fucking mine. Fucking mines.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay, dumb question coming.

How do I change my controls and set up my loadouts outside of an actual game? Is there an option or a title screen I'm just missing?

PC version of course.


Neo Member
I'm having fun with this game so far, but I have found some major annoyances. I'm sure some of these are bugs and some are bad design decisions; others I guess I just need to adapt or die. In no particular order:

- The input lag on PS3 is terrible. I never experienced any problems like this in the beta at all. Beta or BC2 controls need to return ASAP.

- Menus are dire. Kit options are nested way too deep preventing a quick change. Being booted back to the main menu when a server connection fails is annoying. Not to mention the thirty second long wait between games where I can't quit or alter my kit.

- The HUD is obnoxious. Text spews out everywhere, usually over the areas of the screen I actually want to see. The squad spawn point notification is particularly annoying. Also, how can I see vehicle health when I'm an Engineer repairing?

- Flashlights being brighter than the sun in broad daylight is really annoying. The HUD doesn't appear to indicate if its on or off when you are using it either (it's only obvious indoors).

- A few of the maps I've played so far feel very cramped with lots of dead ends, choke points and few flanking routes. Vehicles on these maps feel like they were shoehorned in at the last moment. I'm hoping the ones I haven't played (Kharg, Firestorm) turn out to be better. I do like Caspian Border a lot though.

- Destruction seems almost non-existent. I haven't seen so much as a single building collapse. I agree that certain buildings shouldn't collapse so games don't end up in a coverless mess like in BC2, but a visual indication of what I can destroy would be useful.

- Air vehicle controls being changed from BC2 and still no way for me to practice. I barely use air vehicles as it is (I'm more into the infantry role), so why they decided to make me grind unlocks to make them actually useful is beyond me.

- I'm not enjoying the unlock system at all. I feel like I have no real weapon choice right now, and none in sight. And I have to grind co-op just to get some decent weapons (which I'll probably be at a disadvantage at without).

- Getting stuck on things all the time, particularly on steps and railings. I don't remember this happening so much in BC2.

- Spawning in TDM is insane. Spawn. Die. Spawn. Die. It's worse than the spawn system Black Ops had before they fixed it.

- Characters models blend into the surroundings way too much for me (I'm colour blind). If I could spot people in bushes it would be a little easier. Buildings should provide cover from spotting, not plants.


Enkidu said:
Based on that map this is my suggestion for fixing Damavand:
Based on how it played out you could perhaps somehow limit the tanks so that they are unable to take the side routes so that holding the tunnel would still be important. You could perhaps even add a maintenance shaft into the tunnel from above, leading to another way to assault C.

That would make to much sense.


Press - MP1st.com
Dyno said:

Man do I suck at BF3. I grew to be quite skilled at other Battlefields but it's the new maps and lack of scopes make each kill very hard to get at this point. As well there is a little too much HUD on my screen, especially when you are near a flag in Conquest.

Sigh. I'm going to have to give this some time if I'm going to hold my head up high.

Getting the scopes are easy enough. Go do it and it will bring up your game tremendously - at least it did for me.

Once you get the hang of things, it gets pretty easy and it's going to feel way more fluid than BC2.

I reached level 22 now and gotten the MVP dogtag before I hit level 15 or something. Not bad, since I also play with randoms.

Just friggin' hate the servers. Asian servers all but three (3!!!!) were available for PS3. Ugh!

Also, why the heck is there no color-blind option?

Am loving the game, especially the persistence. I always unlock something. From dogtags, scopes, etc. Pretty good fun.


Neo Member
Quicksilver4648 said:
I just had the best ending to the game. Note: There are spoilers.

At the very end of the campaign when I am fighting Solomon in Times Square an amazing glitch happened. Solomon's body model never loaded properly. I was having an intense fist fight and getting the crap knocked out of me with just myself. I threw myself onto the police car and then grabbed the rock and beat a non-existant person to death. It reminded me a lot of that one fight scene in Fight Club near the end of the film.

I wish I was recording to so other could see my character's mental state break down. The M. Night Shyamalan twist was that there was no Solomon, he was in fact just me. Blackburn has PTSD after seeing his comrades killed and was living two personalities in order to redeem himself. Woah.

Oh god the same thing happened to me, but I flubbed the QTE and it reloaded with the models intact.


commish said:
Okay, dumb question coming.

How do I change my controls and set up my loadouts outside of an actual game? Is there an option or a title screen I'm just missing?

PC version of course.

You can't.


mr_nothin said:
Sort of able to edit Color Correction, add vignette, adjust FXAA to my liking (how much and exactly where to apply it), add sharpness, etc. About to see if I can add DoF/Motion Blur (seperate from the in-game)

Quick test, it's a little dark and drab but it's just a test
In-game while playing:
Please share


RbBrdMan said:
Man I freaking love the Type 88. I've only got the stock gun with no attachments right now and I'm doing really well with it. I can't wait to find out what happens once I unlock a foregrip and some sights. Of course the one game I played with it on the GAF server the freaking server crashed right before the round ended and my stats weren't saved :(

Thank you physical warefare pack!

Yeah, and the Shotgun rocks too! 26 kills so far on Seine.
mr_nothin said:
I will just as soon as I see if I can add a few shaders and such from icenhancer/enb.
I'm thinking that it should work no problem.

Hopefully that's the case
you are a scholar and a gentlemen.
can you write up a step by step process?
i've tried meddling with some mods for crysis, and for the life of me i could never achieve it properly.


Damn. Just finished a nail-bitingly close match on the GAF server at Caspian Border. Both teams had 7 tickets. Great game.


Opinions so far:

- Graphics are very nice

- The game is fun

- The sound is stunning. Taking off in a jet is jaw dropping

- It doesn't have the same large feel as BF2. Probably due to the fuller style I'm guessing

- Hate the stupid Battle Log. Why can't u make a simple in game menu. This just makes everything more awkward. I gotta open the net to play sp? pfff


Sorry I don't follow this thread, but does anyone know if they'll fix these two things:

Quickmatch for HARDCORE servers

and ADD MORE HARDCORE SERVERS (specifically rush/cq)


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Is there some trick to using the stationary AA now? I was a pretty decent shot with both sides' AA in BC2, but they both seem pretty worthless now. No matter how I lead with them, I can't hit anything at all.




Kill those useless Infantry servers and replace them with HC servers.

I know I'm not the only person to say this, but I'm so disappointed with the destructibility in this game.

On a surface level, it seems like a step back from Bad Company 2's system. I loved blowing holes through walls, and creating my own routes. You can't even break car windows in the game (Ps3).


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Niblet said:
Fucking christ, I can't do shit in a jet. How the hell do you change camera in vehicles to 3rd person. controls mention pressing C for chase cam (is that it?) but when I press it nothing happens. GAH!

I think some servers don't allow third-person cameras
So, impressions after a 4 or so hours:

-Runs butter smooth on High on my rig, I think it runs better than the beta did, I'm sure I'm never dropping below 30 and it usually is closer to 60.

-Had a couple of crashes, and lag-wise it's either perfect or pretty iffy, with no middle ground.

-The single-player campaign is boring as hell a couple of missions in. It's like the team was challenged to make the most generic military shooter possible, albeit one that is very pretty to look at and has some nice destruction. Even the Bad Company games did this better, as the characters had personalities.

I wouldn't have minded losing the campaign in return for a few extra maps.


Darklord said:
Am I the only long time BF fan since the beginning that actually likes a mixture of Conquest and Rush?

I like Rush, but it's disappointing that some Conquest maps are just built around ones designed for a much more linear mode.
Union Carbine said:
Claymores any good? I don't recall having seen any in action and, as they're my next unlock, wondering if I should be excited to get them or not.
i only recently unlocked them, but i got a few easy kills putting them in doorways where people would normally just walk thru without thinking about it.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
So, impressions after a 4 or so hours:

I wouldn't have minded losing the campaign in return for a few extra maps.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a single poster in this thread that wouldn't do the same. Or at least some kind of vehicle training.


Lovin the mortar. Maps like the Bazaar you can just shoot at corners where people tend to bunch up. triple kills for free... gotta keep an eye out for other mortar users though :p.


so are the controls really that messed up on PS3 version? and is this for everyone, because other than the rare glitch where you couldn't change weapons or fire the beta controls were as smooth as butter i don't see how they could have messed it up so bad?

whats the nature of the problems? how bd of input lag are we talking?


ace3skoot said:
so are the controls really that messed up on PS3 version? and is this for everyone, because other than the rare glitch where you couldn't change weapons or fire the beta controls were as smooth as butter i don't see how they could have messed it up so bad?

whats the nature of the problems? how bd of input lag are we talking?

It's bad. The deadzone is huge and it accelerates very oddly. It really should be 1:1 and not this.

An example:


BC2 and BF3 Comparison:
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