I'm having fun with this game so far, but I have found some major annoyances. I'm sure some of these are bugs and some are bad design decisions; others I guess I just need to adapt or die. In no particular order:
- The input lag on PS3 is terrible. I never experienced any problems like this in the beta at all. Beta or BC2 controls need to return ASAP.
- Menus are dire. Kit options are nested way too deep preventing a quick change. Being booted back to the main menu when a server connection fails is annoying. Not to mention the thirty second long wait between games where I can't quit or alter my kit.
- The HUD is obnoxious. Text spews out everywhere, usually over the areas of the screen I actually want to see. The squad spawn point notification is particularly annoying. Also, how can I see vehicle health when I'm an Engineer repairing?
- Flashlights being brighter than the sun in broad daylight is really annoying. The HUD doesn't appear to indicate if its on or off when you are using it either (it's only obvious indoors).
- A few of the maps I've played so far feel very cramped with lots of dead ends, choke points and few flanking routes. Vehicles on these maps feel like they were shoehorned in at the last moment. I'm hoping the ones I haven't played (Kharg, Firestorm) turn out to be better. I do like Caspian Border a lot though.
- Destruction seems almost non-existent. I haven't seen so much as a single building collapse. I agree that certain buildings shouldn't collapse so games don't end up in a coverless mess like in BC2, but a visual indication of what I can destroy would be useful.
- Air vehicle controls being changed from BC2 and still no way for me to practice. I barely use air vehicles as it is (I'm more into the infantry role), so why they decided to make me grind unlocks to make them actually useful is beyond me.
- I'm not enjoying the unlock system at all. I feel like I have no real weapon choice right now, and none in sight. And I have to grind co-op just to get some decent weapons (which I'll probably be at a disadvantage at without).
- Getting stuck on things all the time, particularly on steps and railings. I don't remember this happening so much in BC2.
- Spawning in TDM is insane. Spawn. Die. Spawn. Die. It's worse than the spawn system Black Ops had before they fixed it.
- Characters models blend into the surroundings way too much for me (I'm colour blind). If I could spot people in bushes it would be a little easier. Buildings should provide cover from spotting, not plants.