Sigma Storm said:
I guess that explains why some maps are great with 64 players and others clearly weren't designed for it.
The game does feel like it doesn't know who it's supposed to be catering to.
Sigma Storm said:
Eh, I call that variety.Ysiadmihi said:The game does feel like it doesn't know who it's supposed to be catering to.
Couldn't have said it better myself, I'm having heaps of fun, but I don't understand the whole BC 3 or CoD 2.0.Ysiadmihi said:I guess that explains why some maps are great with 64 players and others clearly weren't designed for it.
The game does feel like it doesn't know who it's supposed to be catering to.
Anton Sugar said:Debbie Downer. I rock choppers with kb+m--don't know what your problems are. Clearly they're not impossible to control, you just have to practice. Which key bindings don't work?
Absolutely disagree on Battlelog. It has it's shortcomings, but it's so damned easy to use.
I'd agree that half the maps suck for certain modes, but the maps don't suck outright. Some are great for rush, others for CQ. It's a shame they didn't put more thought into balancing them.
Dude has a couple of good matches and he's automatically a cheater?RibbedHero said:
He seems to do very very well.
Oddly enough though, his KDR is only 1.73 despite those insane games listed above.
Yeah. You get most dynamic dog tags by acquiring a medal. The one I have on those tags is from the MVP 1 Medal (get the MVP 1 Ribbon 50 times).spk said:How are they dynamic? Do you need to unlock them?
Izayoi said:Yeah. You get most dynamic dog tags by acquiring a medal. The one I have on those tags is from the MVP 1 Medal (get the MVP 1 Ribbon 50 times).
I really just don't understand why map variety has to be construed as an identity crisis. Then again, maybe if I played Op. Metro with 64 players I would.Sigma Storm said:Couldn't have said it better myself, I'm having heaps of fun, but I don't understand the whole BC 3 or CoD 2.0.
BF 3 doesn't know what the hell it is.
MrCookiepants said:I want to map a command to Q, but it won't get rid of the previous binding (the command wheel). It tries to execute both at the same time! Stupid game.
Obviously there is a problem with the chopper controls when any given player crashes the entire squad into the ground within 30 seconds of takeoff 90% of the time.
Those games are "too good". He gets 80+ kills and has a accuracy of 4.1%? I doubt he got those with only last hit kills only.Izayoi said:Dude has a couple of good matches and he's automatically a cheater?
Chill out.
Yeah. You get most dynamic dog tags by acquiring a medal. The one I have on those tags is from the MVP 1 Medal (get the MVP 1 Ribbon 50 times).
Hahaha.PoweredBySoy said:We get it.
Yeah, I see people using the chopper like they should all of the time (capping points/shooting down jets/killing tanks). After the first couple of days all of the people who can't fly pretty much accepted the fact and stopped rushing the chopper. Same goes for jets, it seems.Anton Sugar said:You're exaggerating the chopper problems. At this point, it's your anecdotes vs mine, but at least in the GAF server, you will RARELY see a chopper crash due to pilot error. Maybe you need to invert your flight controls? I find them much more maneuverable on the PC--it's easy to fly a chopper low/between buildings. First thing I do on Kharg, if possible, it take the Little Bird in low and hover over cap points.
Ehh... Maybe his friend was playing or something?PNstyle said:Those games are "too good". He gets 80+ kills and has a accuracy of 4.1%? I doubt he got those with only last hit kills only.
If I can learn to fly, the controls are piss easy.Anton Sugar said:You're exaggerating the chopper problems. At this point, it's your anecdotes vs mine, but at least in the GAF server, you will RARELY see a chopper crash due to pilot error. Maybe you need to invert your flight controls? I find them much more maneuverable on the PC--it's easy to fly a chopper low/between buildings. First thing I do on Kharg, if possible, it take the Little Bird in low and hover over cap points.
The 360 pad controls are great, I used them for PC during the beta and it was awesome.Foliorum Viridum said:If I can learn to fly, the controls are piss easy.
Granted on 360 pad, but yeah.
The_Darkest_Red said:I really just don't understand why map variety has to be construed as an identity crisis. Then again, maybe if I had to play Op. Metro with 64 players I would.
Consider me a fully satisfied, rush loving, console peasant.
The_Darkest_Red said:I honestly don't get the complaints regarding the flashlight. Yes, it can be very effective up close and it can be frustrating to fight against but for every guy who kills me because of using one there is another guy that I spot and kill from a mile away because of the tiny white light that says, "here I am!"
I'm never even used the flashlight because I value stealth too much. Once you get spotted it's tough to survive so the risk just isn't worth it to me.
Maybe because he doesn't want to make it look that obvious or he just recently got to know how to cheat.Izayoi said:Ehh... Maybe his friend was playing or something?
Seems weird that he wouldn't just cheat all of the time, like most cheaters do. What's the point of playing legitimately for only some of your games?
I'll admit it's kinda fishy and seems odd. One of the games is on rush though and that score is rather easy to get. But the conquest games are definitely ehhh..PNstyle said:accuracy 4.1% yeah... fucking cheater. reported.
I just wish the buttons prompted change on screen. I still use my keyboard for flares etc because it's never told me which buttons do what on the pad. I should experiment, I guess.Izayoi said:The 360 pad controls are great, I used them for PC during the beta and it was awesome.
Foliorum Viridum said:I just wish the buttons prompted change on screen. I still use my keyboard for flares etc because it's never told me which buttons do what on the pad. I should experiment, I guess.
The_Darkest_Red said:I honestly don't get the complaints regarding the flashlight. Yes, it can be very effective up close and it can be frustrating to fight against but for every guy who kills me because of using one there is another guy that I spot and kill from a mile away because of the tiny white light that says, "here I am!"
I'm never even used the flashlight because I value stealth too much. Once you get spotted it's tough to survive so the risk just isn't worth it to me.
Repairs 0RibbedHero said:
He seems to do very very well.
Oddly enough though, his KDR is only 1.73 despite those insane games listed above.
Haha, thanks.Ysiadmihi said:
I've got just under a day of playtime in the MP so my opinions are still being formed but right now I feel like the maps are just as adequate for rush as those in BC2.Ysiadmihi said:I enjoy Rush too, but the quality of the Rush maps is nowhere near what it was in BC2 because BF3 is more focused on Conquest. At the same time, having to shoehorn Rush in clearly hampered a lot of Conquest maps anyway.
I'm not shitting on the game, I really enjoy and can't stop playing it. That said, we'd have gotten a better product overall if DICE just focused on Conquest and saved Rush for BC3.
I mean I don't really like them either but I just don't feel like they are that big of a deal. I find them fairly easy to spot on most of the maps though.Rainy Dog said:But that's the problem I have with flashlights; they barely give away your position at all except in the Metro tunnels. The screen is so busy with stuff anyway that I never see a white light in the distance and think, aha, there's an enemy with a flashlight.
I don't like their inclusion at all personally, but if they were say restricted to shotguns and only blinded at point blank range then I could probably tolerate them.
I definitely agree that they could be toned down. If nothing else they look extremely unrealistically bright.mxgt said:My problem is it's WAY too fucking bright. It's absolutely absurd.
The_Darkest_Red said:I honestly don't get the complaints regarding the flashlight. Yes, it can be very effective up close and it can be frustrating to fight against but for every guy who kills me because of using one there is another guy that I spot and kill from a mile away because of the tiny white light that says, "here I am!"
I'm never even used the flashlight because I value stealth too much. Once you get spotted it's tough to survive so the risk just isn't worth it to me.
Can't wait to unlock flares so I can stay in the air for 1 minutePNstyle said:Can't wait to unlock the A-91![]()
Just destroy the enemy jets which are at the enemies base to get easy points. Thats how I unlocked flares and missilesderFeef said:Can't wait to unlock flares so I can stay in the air for 1 minute
That said, I saw more A-91 than SCARS lately.
RibbedHero said:
He seems to do very very well.
Oddly enough though, his KDR is only 1.73 despite those insane games listed above.
Rainy Dog said:But that's the problem I have with flashlights; they barely give away your position at all except in the Metro tunnels. The screen is so busy with stuff anyway that I never see a white light in the distance and think, aha, there's an enemy with a flashlight.
I don't like their inclusion at all personally, but if they were say restricted to shotguns and only blinded at point blank range then I could probably tolerate them.
I don't know, but there are always bigger fish to fry.PNstyle said:Maybe because he doesn't want to make it look that obvious or he just recently got to know how to cheat.
Well you are getting kicked for that on good and moderated servers...PNstyle said:Just destroy the enemy jets which are at the enemies base to get easy points. Thats how I unlocked flares and missiles![]()
BattleMonkey said:Love the game.... until Damavand Peak or Metro come up. God what were they thinking with these two shit maps. They are like the worst in a shooter in a long time. At least the other maps have good points or are pretty decent for the most part.
It seems like most servers though are taking Metro out of the map rotations, but why the hell are they keeping Damavand?! Kills it!
I've killed many people at range because they had a flashlight on their weapon. I would have not even seen said player from a distance if it wasn't for their flashlight basically saying "here I am"
BattleMonkey said:Love the game.... until Damavand Peak or Metro come up. God what were they thinking with these two shit maps. They are like the worst in a shooter in a long time. At least the other maps have good points or are pretty decent for the most part.
It seems like most servers though are taking Metro out of the map rotations, but why the hell are they keeping Damavand?! Kills it!
I've killed many people at range because they had a flashlight on their weapon. I would have not even seen said player from a distance if it wasn't for their flashlight basically saying "here I am"
BattleMonkey said:Love the game.... until Damavand Peak or Metro come up. God what were they thinking with these two shit maps. They are like the worst in a shooter in a long time. At least the other maps have good points or are pretty decent for the most part.
It seems like most servers though are taking Metro out of the map rotations, but why the hell are they keeping Damavand?! Kills it!
I've killed many people at range because they had a flashlight on their weapon. I would have not even seen said player from a distance if it wasn't for their flashlight basically saying "here I am". At distance it does nothing but give away your position.
Exactly what I was thinking. It's so weird how different the experiences seem between PC and console. Damavand, specifically for rush, is one of my favorite maps.Evil Benius said:You know from a console player it is weird seeing how much hate these two maps get on the PC. I can see them being completely hated with 64 players, but with 24 they are great. In fact all of the maps feel solid with that player number. Just enough that you are fighting constantly, but few enough that on the vehicle maps if you want to focus on tank combat there is always one waiting for you at the base. Also the smaller maps do not feel like as much of a meat grinder.
Evil Benius said:You know from a console player it is weird seeing how much hate these two maps get on the PC. I can see them being completely hated with 64 players, but with 24 they are great. In fact all of the maps feel solid with that player number. Just enough that you are fighting constantly, but few enough that on the vehicle maps if you want to focus on tank combat there is always one waiting for you at the base. Also the smaller maps do not feel like as much of a meat grinder.
Evil Benius said:You know from a console player it is weird seeing how much hate these two maps get on the PC. I can see them being completely hated with 64 players, but with 24 they are great. In fact all of the maps feel solid with that player number. Just enough that you are fighting constantly, but few enough that on the vehicle maps if you want to focus on tank combat there is always one waiting for you at the base. Also the smaller maps do not feel like as much of a meat grinder.
You don't need to. HD by default, son.lawblob said:So... how do I install the texture pack on PS3? I don't see an option for it.
PNstyle said:Those games are "too good". He gets 80+ kills and has a accuracy of 4.1%? I doubt he got those with only last hit kills only.
The_Darkest_Red said:You don't need to. HD by default, son.
Evil Benius said:You know from a console player it is weird seeing how much hate these two maps get on the PC. I can see them being completely hated with 64 players, but with 24 they are great. In fact all of the maps feel solid with that player number. Just enough that you are fighting constantly, but few enough that on the vehicle maps if you want to focus on tank combat there is always one waiting for you at the base. Also the smaller maps do not feel like as much of a meat grinder.
The_Darkest_Red said:Exactly what I was thinking. It's so weird how different the experiences seem between PC and console. Damavand, specifically for rush, is one of my favorite maps.
PoweredBySoy said:So please confirm:
When you fire your weapon you briefly appear on the enemies mini-map, and equipping a suppressor will prevent this.
Ysiadmihi said:It depends on who you ask. Maps like Caspian Border or Firestorm (the non-64 player versions) feel like a ghost town with only 32 players to me and less could only be worse.
I feel like Damavand Peak would be fine with 64 too if they actually gave you more than two goddamned helicopters for a team of 32 people.
Ysiadmihi said:It depends on who you ask. Maps like Caspian Border or Firestorm (the non-64 player versions) feel like a ghost town with only 32 players to me and less could only be worse.
I feel like Damavand Peak would be fine with 64 too if they actually gave you more than two goddamned helicopters for a team of 32 people.