Exactly.lawblob said:Wait, so that's only a 360 thing because of people with no hard drive?
Damn good looking game so its worth it.
Exactly.lawblob said:Wait, so that's only a 360 thing because of people with no hard drive?
Well the maps are also scaled down for consoles so Caspian Border and Firestorm still feel fairly active with only 24 players. They have the same feel as the first stage of Arica Harbor in BC2.Ysiadmihi said:It depends on who you ask. Maps like Caspian Border or Firestorm (the non-64 player versions) feel like a ghost town with only 32 players to me and less could only be worse.
I feel like Damavand Peak would be fine with 64 too if they actually gave you more than two goddamned helicopters for a team of 32 people.
I'm sorry that you're just terribad. I have been absolutely loving this game. Oh yeah, I also pwn in helis and jets.MrCookiepants said:I'm just about done trying to convince myself this is a good game.
Most of the content isn't worth anyone's time. Campaign sucks. Co-op sucks. Half the multiplayer modes suck. Half the maps suck. Battlelog sucks the most. I don't even know where to begin with that. Jets and Choppers are impossible to control, so there's some more content that might as well not be there.
I can't see shit in this game. It looks pretty, but trying to spot an enemy is like playing Where's Waldo. And the aiming is definitely off. This is what I imagine Killzone 2 would feel like with a KB+M.
I'm so mad at myself for buying into the hype.
The_Darkest_Red said:Well the maps are also scaled down for consoles so Caspian Border and Firestorm still feel fairly active with only 24 players. They have the same feel as the first stage of Arica Harbor in BC2.
rabhw said:Does anyone else dislike Op. Firestorm? It just feels to me like it's big for the sake of being big, but isn't particularly interesting in how it's laid out. Very little z-axis fighting, it's so flat, big, and boring.
Enosh said:great, fucking game doesn't start
it just stays on "joining server"
edit: fixed, for some reason origin logged me out and didn't bother to tell me -.-
The only thing I don't like about it is that half of your team is always flying around doing nothing due to the number of planes/choppers, which leaves a small number of infantry to cap.rabhw said:Does anyone else dislike Op. Firestorm? It just feels to me like it's big for the sake of being big, but isn't particularly interesting in how it's laid out. Very little z-axis fighting, it's so flat, big, and boring.
vaelic said:PC the lead platform?
1. negative mouse acceleration
2. aim assist in Single Player
3. people that meet sys, requirements can not play
4. more bugs than console versions
5. no joystick support
6. problems with SLI and Crossfire
7.problems using Windows Aero
8. Full Screen, mouse does not align with menu
9. GPU drivers have to be up to date (how did they test new drivers)
10. mouse sensitivity is awful
11. Broken key bindings
12. Game fails to start half the time in multiplayer
The DICE boss shared the news in the latest issue of PSM3, where he revealed that despite Battlefield 3 looking very much like a shooter designed for advanced PC hardware, the latter stages of Battlefield 3's construction lead on PS3 and Xbox 360 in order to meet release on time.
"We said originally that the PC was the lead SKU of the game, but in mid-production we switched to console as lead platform to make sure we could get all the versions done for release," Troedsson confirmed.
"Our ambition at DICE is to use the power of each individual platform to get the most out of the game," he added.
"In the case of the PS3... I understand that if you compare it to a high-end PC, it's not going to look as good. But if you compare it to other games on the PS3, including other games we've done previously, I have to say I'm very happy with how it looks.
"Hopefully people will agree when they look at it in the same way."
EA previously said it lead development on PC because that audience "has been the one complaining."
mil6es said:quick question: how the hell do people fight against flashlights, Im finding it highly annoying right now
Some people seem to have been successful. Something about using right arrow to access the mouse column?Foliorum Viridum said:Has ANYONE had success in binding the middle click and mouse buttons 4 and 5 in this game?
I've tried various programs but nothing has worked.
BattleMonkey said:Shoot at the light = dead flashlight user
It's pretty stupid and gives whoever has the Flashlight a huge advantage, it doesn't help that there is nothing at all you can do to counter it.mil6es said:yeah not so easy when I'm blinded by white light
Foliorum Viridum said:Has ANYONE had success in binding the middle click and mouse buttons 4 and 5 in this game?
I've tried various programs but nothing has worked.
Anton Sugar said:Don't see all of your complaints in my game, but:
Battlefield 3 lead platform 'switched to consoles' mid-development
JetBlackPanda said:this thread is pretty epic.
Before I picked this game up you guys scared the shit out of me about this game, everyone seems to be down on it.
I picked it up and freaking LOVE IT! so I come back to check the thread and see what people are saying and its more bitching.
*sad face*
anyways COD is coming and will probably take the lions share of my shooter time but I am glad I have this too since Conquest is its own beast.
Flashlights and lasers are waaaaay too brightmil6es said:yeah not so easy when I'm blinded by white light
BattleMonkey said:Shoot at the light = dead flashlight user
Then I was luckyderFeef said:Well you are getting kicked for that on good and moderated servers...![]()
Maybe.Izayoi said:I don't know, but there are always bigger fish to fry.
Seriously, look at this battle report.
It just seems that people jump to "Cheater!" conclusions a little too quickly sometimes.
&Divius said:Just unlocked the M249, feels good man. That standard rifle for the support class is ass.
mil6es said:quick question: how the hell do people fight against flashlights, Im finding it highly annoying right now
Sounds like a PC game anyway.vaelic said:PC the lead platform?
1. negative mouse acceleration
2. aim assist in Single Player
3. people that meet sys, requirements can not play
4. more bugs than console versions
5. no joystick support
6. problems with SLI and Crossfire
7.problems using Windows Aero
8. Full Screen, mouse does not align with menu
9. GPU drivers have to be up to date (how did they test new drivers)
10. mouse sensitivity is awful
11. Broken key bindings
12. Game fails to start half the time in multiplayer
BattleMonkey said:Shoot at the light = dead flashlight user
vaelic said:PC the lead platform?
1. negative mouse acceleration
2. aim assist in Single Player
3. people that meet sys, requirements can not play
4. more bugs than console versions
5. no joystick support
6. problems with SLI and Crossfire
7.problems using Windows Aero
8. Full Screen, mouse does not align with menu
9. GPU drivers have to be up to date (how did they test new drivers)
10. mouse sensitivity is awful
11. Broken key bindings
12. Game fails to start half the time in multiplayer
Have you tried AutoHotkey?Foliorum Viridum said:Has ANYONE had success in binding the middle click and mouse buttons 4 and 5 in this game?
I've tried various programs but nothing has worked.
F#A#Oo said:Not really...it's very hit and miss and deeply confusing...especially because team-mates also have the ability to blind you...
Basically this is what it feels like to be a rabbit in the headlights...
Really? Everyone was reporting that they were physically smaller awhile ago. I'd be interested in hearing more about this issue.Ysiadmihi said:I'm pretty sure they're the same size. The 64 player maps just have more CPs (like the antenna on Caspian).
Arcipello said:how come i have this weapon on my unlocked list.... yet i dont seem to have it in game?
&Divius said:Just unlocked the M249, feels good man. That standard rifle for the support class is ass.
Metalmurphy said:Is something wrong with the servers today?
I keeps telling me I need to install the Browser Plugins, no matter how many times I install them.
This game is so freaking broken.
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that based on internal estimates, Battlefield 3 has sold through five million units in the first week globally, making it the fastest-selling game in EA's history. The outstanding retail performance is driven by critic's reviews averaging above 85 on console and above 90 on PC.* Word-of-mouth from gamers is also driving sales Battlefield 3 now has more than 2.5 Million "likes" on Facebook®. Following the tradition of all games in this storied franchise; Battlefield 3 includes a superior multi-player experience. Consumers have logged-on in unprecedented numbers to team up and join the battle. Server stability was solid in the first weekend, delivering EA's highest-ever usage rates. While some players experienced intermittent disruption of online services due to high volume, internal estimates show that servers and service uptime stabilized to roughly 98.9% throughout the weekend, ensuring that players were connected and enjoying the game. With a commitment to support the game as a software service, EA is listening to consumer feedback and is making daily updates and improvements to ensure an optimal online experience for all.
GodofWine said:I can't find my M26 Mass under barrel shotgun anywhere...I have it, but its not there