Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
State of the market
January 2025 projected U.S. consumer spending on video game hardware, content and accessories fell 15% when compared to a year ago, to $4.5 billion, while finishing 0.3% ahead of January 2023’s $4.50B. January video game content spending fell 12% vs YA, to $4.1B. Non-mobile subscription spending growth of 13% combined with a 2% lift in mobile spending could not offset declines across other areas of content spending. Console content spending dropped by 35% year-on-year.
January video game hardware spending dropped 45% when compared to a year ago, to $205 million. This is the lowest January total for video game hardware spending since the $131 million reached in January 2020.
Double-digit percentage declines compared to a year ago were seen across all major console platforms. PlayStation 5 hardware spending dipped by 38% year-on-year, with Xbox Series declining by 50% and Switch 53%. PlayStation 5 was once again the best-selling hardware platform of the month across both units and dollars. Xbox Series ranked 2nd in hardware spending, while Nintendo Switch edged out Xbox Series to rank 2nd in units sold.
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth’s January Steam debut led to a strong sales boost for the title. Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth placed 3rd overall on the monthly chart after finishing December at 56. The Final Fantasy VII Remake & Rebirth Twin Pack ranked 16th overall during January.
Sensor Tower: Top 10 mobile games by U.S. spend in Jan and chg vs Dec: MONOPOLY GO!, Royal Match (+1), Roblox (-1), Candy Crush Saga (+1), Last War: Survival (-1), Whiteout Survival (+1), Township (+1), Coin Master (+1), Pokémon TCG Pocket (-3), and ReelShort – Short Movie & TV.
“ReelShort - Short Movie & TV seems to be a streaming video app, not a game,” said Samuel Aune of Sensor Tower. “However, its 'choose your own adventure'-ish engagement is... in the Interactive Story sub-genre. (It's) now it's cracked the top ten... by US monthly consumer spend.”
“Pokémon TCG Pocket, the biggest launch of 2024, fell three places, but this could be more of a result of its update cadence. The week starting Jan 27, 2025, was Pokémon TCG Pocket's 2nd biggest week so far by revenue, as an update with new booster packs was released,” said Aune.
January consumer spending on Accessories fell 28% vs YA, to $194M, and finished slightly ahead of January 2023’s $192M. PlayStation Portal was again the month’s best-selling accessory in consumer spending, while the Dual Sense Wireless Controller Midnight Black led in units sold.
Software Charts
Year to Date
Monthly Active User Engagement
Units: PS5 > NSW > XBS
Revenue: PS5 > XBS > NSW
Credit: Mat Piscatella and Welfare.
January 2025 projected U.S. consumer spending on video game hardware, content and accessories fell 15% when compared to a year ago, to $4.5 billion, while finishing 0.3% ahead of January 2023’s $4.50B. January video game content spending fell 12% vs YA, to $4.1B. Non-mobile subscription spending growth of 13% combined with a 2% lift in mobile spending could not offset declines across other areas of content spending. Console content spending dropped by 35% year-on-year.
January video game hardware spending dropped 45% when compared to a year ago, to $205 million. This is the lowest January total for video game hardware spending since the $131 million reached in January 2020.
Double-digit percentage declines compared to a year ago were seen across all major console platforms. PlayStation 5 hardware spending dipped by 38% year-on-year, with Xbox Series declining by 50% and Switch 53%. PlayStation 5 was once again the best-selling hardware platform of the month across both units and dollars. Xbox Series ranked 2nd in hardware spending, while Nintendo Switch edged out Xbox Series to rank 2nd in units sold.
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth’s January Steam debut led to a strong sales boost for the title. Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth placed 3rd overall on the monthly chart after finishing December at 56. The Final Fantasy VII Remake & Rebirth Twin Pack ranked 16th overall during January.
Sensor Tower: Top 10 mobile games by U.S. spend in Jan and chg vs Dec: MONOPOLY GO!, Royal Match (+1), Roblox (-1), Candy Crush Saga (+1), Last War: Survival (-1), Whiteout Survival (+1), Township (+1), Coin Master (+1), Pokémon TCG Pocket (-3), and ReelShort – Short Movie & TV.
“ReelShort - Short Movie & TV seems to be a streaming video app, not a game,” said Samuel Aune of Sensor Tower. “However, its 'choose your own adventure'-ish engagement is... in the Interactive Story sub-genre. (It's) now it's cracked the top ten... by US monthly consumer spend.”
“Pokémon TCG Pocket, the biggest launch of 2024, fell three places, but this could be more of a result of its update cadence. The week starting Jan 27, 2025, was Pokémon TCG Pocket's 2nd biggest week so far by revenue, as an update with new booster packs was released,” said Aune.
January consumer spending on Accessories fell 28% vs YA, to $194M, and finished slightly ahead of January 2023’s $192M. PlayStation Portal was again the month’s best-selling accessory in consumer spending, while the Dual Sense Wireless Controller Midnight Black led in units sold.
Software Charts
Year to Date
Monthly Active User Engagement
Units: PS5 > NSW > XBS
Revenue: PS5 > XBS > NSW
Credit: Mat Piscatella and Welfare.
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