Edited together a lengthy video of most of a Plunder round. I'm so happy they did exactly what I asked for and increased the money limit making the majority of rounds significantly longer than they were before. This problem was pretty bad even in Verdansk but it seemed much worse the first few weeks of Pacific. Now rounds are 20-30 minutes the vast majority of the time.
There's a bit of shit talking from yours truly as I won't deny some players do get under my skin when they play in ways I find annoying. So there may be a few "dork", "pussy", and "bitch" thrown in there

I personally find EOD and guys who knife you as soon as you're down to be annoying, and the latter feels try hard to me.
This isn't the most amazing gameplay or round, but I think it gives a small taste how hectic it can be sometimes. And this is nothing, just getting warmed up. I've had some rounds a lot crazier than this but editing with my editing software is a pain in the ass and takes more time then I'd like, plus I'm no video editor.
For the most part I've got the game running at 60fps like 95% of the time, however it does dip as low as 45fps in certain areas with lots of water or dust effects. There's a moment or two where the video skips but that's just due to the recording and not my PC performance itself. You can see when the slowdown is legitimate and when it's just video recording software acting up cuz I have the FPS counter at the top left. I don't think it dips much in this video at all. It's mostly a problem in areas with water or certain sections of the mine where I believe there's a lot of dust/smoke stuff going on. Otherwise my FPS is good around the 60 mark with minor dips.
Again, this isn't supposed to be some mind blowing video, I'll post better stuff another time, when/if I get time, but for now I just wanted to share some of the action and beauty of this game. I never take things for granted and I can't even imagine what I'd think of this game if I saw it after Goldeneye, or Medal of Honor Allied Assault or something.
Loooooove this game/map. Verdansk seems so damn simple compared to Caldera. It's still crazy to me how large and varied this map is. There's still tons I haven't seen yet. Still learning! I cannot wait for future changes.