COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Indeed. Too bad the story is moving slower than molasses.

Yeah, it's weird. Sooo much character introduction and world building issue after issue, but I found it all interesting enough that I have stuck around. It looks like things may be moving forward now, so hopefully it all holds up.
Spoil Batman/Superman for me?

Batman, Wonder Woman and Krypto go into the Phantom Zone (With Steel managing the portal) following Doomsday's trail to find something to cure/stop Superman. There they find some rifts in the PZ and are almost defeated by Mongul and Non (Zod's disciple) are rescued by Ghost Soldier (From Pak's AC).
They soon find the one who conspired with the Tower's leader to free Doomsday, Xa-Du the Phantom King (The first Phantom Zone prisoner who first appeared in Morrison's AC). Xa-Du claims there is no cure and then they are attacked by Mongul. Steel opens the portal back home but Non comes out. WW manages to come out in time and throw him back. The issue ends with the portal closing and the good guys back in the real world withWW dragging the Phantom King out with her lasso.
Hulk 1-3:
That's... an interesting approach to take.
I'm still not 100% sure on what's going on at the end of the third issue, but it's been a pretty interesting set so far. The art is actually decent, so that's nice.

Magneto 4:
Where is this going? I like the art, the style they're using to portray Magneto, and the way his thoughts are expressed as an alternate to his responses at times. No clue about the story at all.

Amazing Spider-Dude 2:
well ok then peter
just do whateeeeeeever comes to mind
shouldn't cause any issues

Original Sin 2:
lol I like it! That was one hell of a reveal at the end. Good stuff so far.

Deadpool Kills Marvel, Killustrated, and Kills Deadpool:
I'll never read a series of Deadpool comics that aren't the main issues again. This is a mess and a waste of time.

Adventure Time 28:
Huh. Neat way to tie it back to the show. While an interesting choice by the writers, it felt weak. Bee and Puppycat might knock this one out of my list if it stays as good as it did on its first issue.
Hulk 1-3:
That's... an interesting approach to take.
I'm still not 100% sure on what's going on at the end of the third issue, but it's been a pretty interesting set so far. The art is actually decent, so that's nice.

Unfortunately, Waid's leaving after next issue and being replaced by Duggan. Waid had an interesting story where every time Hulk turns back into Banner you get a different version of Banner, and it's not entirely clear whether Duggan will continue that or do something totally different. So... this particular storyline might just kinda disappear or merge into whatever Duggan's got planned.
Unfortunately, Waid's leaving after next issue and being replaced by Duggan. Waid had an interesting story where every time Hulk turns back into Banner you get a different version of Banner, and it's not entirely clear whether Duggan will continue that or do something totally different. So... this particular storyline might just kinda disappear or merge into whatever Duggan's got planned.
Ugh, that's a huge bummer. That would have been neat as hell, though they would have had to make it clearer in the following issues. Still, what a shame.
Hopefully they don't just "OH AND HE'S TOTES FINE NOW"


Ew at the Future's End art.

Ugh, that's a huge bummer. That would have been neat as hell, though they would have had to make it clearer in the following issues. Still, what a shame.
Hopefully they don't just "OH AND HE'S TOTES FINE NOW"

Well, it's possible Duggan might continue the storyline in the backseat of whatever he's going with. One can only hope.

I've been reading his Deadpool run to try and decide how I feel about him taking over. So far I like the Deadpool comic and he did do some interesting character stuff there... but I really don't know.

It's kinda funny that the premise of this Hulk run was supposed to be getting a different Banner every time Hulk turns back, but instead we're just getting a different writer.

Jedeye Sniv

Ew at the Future's End art.


Future's End is full on mediocre wank so far. I'm still trying to figure out just how racist Mr Terrific is now. Firestorm has multiple pages devoted to how much of a dick he is, exposition dumps all over the place. Ugh. wtf is the point in this book?
Well, just finished Old Man Logan. Umm. It's dark. It's got that twisted Mark Millar sensibility to that. I don't understand why he felt like adding in that incest angle to it, other then hey... it's something fucked up and gross and shocking. I guess we've come to expect as much from Millar, and he's just rising to the expectation.

But as a future dystopian tale, it really doesn't rank up there with TDKR or Kingdom Come. Millar doesn't try and weave anything profound or thematically rich into the story. There aren't even any internal narration boxes, from what I noticed. It's much more of a simple yarn, with some shock value. The emotional payoff, where you finally discover why Logan gave up his claws, is actually effective and completely surprising. It does satisfactorily explain why someone that violent would turn around and become a pacifist for 50 years.

I did enjoy it and would be interested in seeing a sequel series, if only to see what other twisted developments Millar would come up with for this Marvel Universe.


Knows the Score
Future's End is full on mediocre wank so far. I'm still trying to figure out just how racist Mr Terrific is now. Firestorm has multiple pages devoted to how much of a dick he is, exposition dumps all over the place. Ugh. wtf is the point in this book?

It started off interesting, but I don't think anything has happened in the last 2 issues. If it keeps up this pace it's going to be a tedious read. I was hoping for something interesting leading up to the Crisis anniversary.

Unrelated :

I can't really tell if Invincible is actually good or not, even 100+ issues in. all the over the top crazy shit and explosive nature of the book kinda makes you forget about anything else. It's like watching Bay's Transformers if you just edited all the action set pieces together with some John Turturro scenes sprinkled in.

The last two issues have me thinking the same thing tbh. Just over the top bonkers but I'm on the fence if it is a good thing or a bad thing..
Futures End was not very good. Only about 4 pages contained exciting content. Some Grifter characterization and a surprise at the end.

Yeah I decided I wasn't going to continue getting it after last issue. It wasn't bad or anything just didn't want another weekly that I wasn't crazy for.. ill check out the TPB or HC one of these days..
Very far in the Future?

Jedeye Sniv

Futures End was not very good. Only about 4 pages contained exciting content. Some Grifter characterization and a surprise at the end.

What was the surprise? That he was actually alive, or that they thought he was dead? Fell utterly short either way. The problem with this future timeline is that it doesn't matter. And more annoyingly, the 'mysteries' are vague exposition bits. There was a war between Earth One and Two? OK, must have ended sort of alright since the world is still there. So if we actually get these stories soon, we kinda know how they end.
Superman: Doomed, I read the intro book, did that Smallville stuff happen in another book, where everyone is in comas? That seemed unrelated to Doomsday's arrival.
What was the surprise? That he was actually alive, or that they thought he was dead? Fell utterly short either way. The problem with this future timeline is that it doesn't matter. And more annoyingly, the 'mysteries' are vague exposition bits. There was a war between Earth One and Two? OK, must have ended sort of alright since the world is still there. So if we actually get these stories soon, we kinda know how they end.

I don't criticize it that much. As a fan of DC, I don't know how this ties into the big picture. Could turn out to be something really cool.
I don't criticize it that much. As a fan of DC, I don't know how this ties into the big picture. Could turn out to be something really cool.

Wait, sorry, but "as a fan of DC", what does that even mean? Anyone buying the book is a fan of the DCU.

If some of us reading are a little flummoxed by the story (or, say, hainted in our nightmares by the art) "liking DC more" won't solve those problems.

I'm okay with the book right now because it's still early yet and I dig the Earth 2 idea that's being built. It's not because I "like DC" more than other people.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't criticize it that much. As a fan of DC, I don't know how this ties into the big picture. Could turn out to be something really cool.

Going by the evidence presented thus far, it's more likely to be a bit shit though isn't it? As a fan of Good Things, I can see this isn't.
Wait, sorry, but "as a fan of DC", what does that even mean? Anyone buying the book is a fan of the DCU.

If some of us reading are a little flummoxed by the story (or, say, hainted in our nightmares by the art) "liking DC more" won't solve those problems.

I'm okay with the book right now because it's still early yet and I dig the Earth 2 idea that's being built. It's not because I "like DC" more than other people.

I think he means that even as big fan of the DCU, he doesn't understand where the story is going/how it connects to the bigger picture. In other words, there's a disconnect for those readers who are new to the DCU and the characters taking the stage within the story AND the readers who are already familiar with these characters and well versed in the DCU.
I just mean, I'm a more optimistic fan than others going by posting history. I'm more accepting of mediocrity in the hopes that it will pay off in the big picture.

So what I'm saying guys, "it's not you, it's me".
Future's End #3: I'm really intrigued by the
"Earth Cards"
and the way it would suggest those of
Earth Two
are treated.

Also, the only art that seemed off was the Frankenstein part. The rest was serviceable.
I just mean, I'm a more optimistic fan than others going by posting history. I'm more accepting of mediocrity in the hopes that it will pay off in the big picture.

So what I'm saying guys, "it's not you, it's me".

Sorry for interjecting, I was reading too deeply. There's nothing wrong with being optimistic. I have stuck with Worlds' Finest, in spite of its mediocrity, in the hope that the next issue is that much better.

Jedeye Sniv

I think he means that even as big fan of the DCU, he doesn't understand where the story is going/how it connects to the bigger picture. In other words, there's a disconnect for those readers who are new to the DCU and the characters taking the stage within the story AND the readers who are already familiar with these characters and well versed in the DCU.

I guess it also means as a fan that boring story and art are a-OK if they're contributing to the universe. And this of course will be canon forever and totally not overwitten. I for one am looking forward to the future, when we can see all the things play out exactly as expected.

I've been reading DCU for longer than some of you have been alive, unfamiliarity is not a problem. Overfamiliarity might be, however.
Sorry for interjecting. I was reading too deeply.

No, I agree with your points. I'm new to comics so I'm a more optimistic fan than most. I feel a lot of older readers are more highly critical of things than need be. I can imagine some people have just been burned by mediocrity too much. But it looks like it's just a part of comics.

Jedeye Sniv

No, I agree with your points. I'm new to comics so I'm a more optimistic fan than most. I feel a lot of older readers are more highly critical of things than need be. I can imagine some people have just been burned by mediocrity too much. But it looks like it's just a part of comics.

Dude this makes me so sad. "I'm new, therefore I don't mind reading shit" You know how many CLASSIC, AMAZING runs are out there, just waiting to be picked up and read? For your own sake, for the industry's sake and for that of your wallet, demand more.
I guess it also means as a fan that boring story and art are a-OK if they're contributing to the universe. And this of course will be canon forever and totally not overwitten. I for one am looking forward to the future, when we can see all the things play out exactly as expected.

I've been reading DCU for longer than some of you have been alive, unfamiliarity is not a problem. Overfamiliarity might be, however.

I'm looking forward to seeing greater hints and movement towards the so-called "phase 2" of the DCN52-verse.

I was not allowed to read comics when I was growing up; my parents didn't see value in them, literary or monetary. The only access I had was from annual shows/fairs, when I'd buy the Marvel or DC show bags with half dozen reprints of old issues. I've always been fond of the DCU, though my exposure was limited to the animated series, specifically the Bruce Timm DCAU. It's only in the last few years, maybe a year before the reboot (I'm 27 now), that I've made that cross-over into reading comics regularly and found new appreciation for the DCU.
Dude this makes me so sad. "I'm new, therefore I don't mind reading shit" You know how many CLASSIC, AMAZING runs are out there, just waiting to be picked up and read? For your own sake, for the industry's sake and for that of your wallet, demand more.

Dude, I have spent close to $4000 dollars in 15 months on comic related stuff. I've dived head first into the hobby, I have bought 2 book shelfs worth of stuff and I have tried to read as much as the good stuff as I can. But I love the DC characters, and I want to follow the "now", I want to follow the creators making stuff now. I know there is good runs, but I'm a fan of the hobby, this is MY Golden Age of comics. I enjoy going to the shop every week and talking current stories with the other customers. I enjoy following my favorite creators on Twitter. I want to enjoy the now. I want to enjoy the unknown. I respect the past but my time is now.
Dude, I have spent close to $4000 dollars in 15 months on comic related stuff. I've dived head first into the hobby, I have bought 2 book shelfs worth of stuff and I have tried to read as much as the good stuff as I can. But I love the DC characters, and I want to follow the "now", I want to follow the creators making stuff now. I know there is good runs, but I'm a fan of the hobby, this is MY Golden Age of comics. I enjoy going to the shop every week and talking current stories with the other customers. I enjoy following my favorite creators on Twitter. I want to enjoy the now. I want to enjoy the unknown. I respect the past but my time is now.

My local experience is actually pretty funny; My roommate and I are sort of the odd couple of comic book fans. He is the slightly more grizzled, "back in my day..." type, where I am still very much in the "man, everything is awesome" part of the experience. I don't think getting jaded is something that has to eventually happen, when it comes to the medium, but it is definitely a very real possibility.
So I just completed reading the comics in the Secret Invasion event. (I followed the order here).

I thought the build up was great but it kind of fizzled out towards the end. The quality wasn't as consistent as Annihilation/Annihilation: Conquest. How was the reception when the series was running?
Dude this makes me so sad. "I'm new, therefore I don't mind reading shit" You know how many CLASSIC, AMAZING runs are out there, just waiting to be picked up and read? For your own sake, for the industry's sake and for that of your wallet, demand more.

For as many "new" stories I read, I try to read just as many "classic" stories. Comixology has helped two-fold on that front, but DC sales don't seem to come around as often. I did just read Crisis on Infinite Earths only a few weeks ago; I found it hard to appreciate the art at first, but I thought the writing was strong and kept me "turning the page". I don't know much about the "classic" runs though. I'd love to read more, but I need some direction and guidance. There is so much to read and sometimes I find it harder to approach the "classic" stories because I don't understand the context or connections as much as I do in say, the New 52 runs for example.

What do you recommend?
My local experience is actually pretty funny; My roommate and I are sort of the odd couple of comic book fans. He is the slightly more grizzled, "back in my day..." type, where I am still very much in the "man, everything is awesome" part of the experience. I don't think getting jaded is something that has to eventually happen, when it comes to the medium, but it is definitely a very real possibility.

Everything is Awesome.



Futures End was kinda crap this week and Dan Jurgens (and whoever did the finishes) did it no favors on the art side. Other than Ollie dying the plot hasn't really progressed much in three weeks either. While the story seems like it could be interesting, it's not $12/month interesting. I'm out.
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