COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Futures End was kinda crap this week and Dan Jurgens (and whoever did the finishes) did it no favors on the art side. Other than Ollie dying the plot hasn't really progressed much in three weeks either. While the story seems like it could be interesting, it's not $12/month interesting. I'm out.
It's Dan Jurgens, he's bland shit. I don't know what kind of delusion spell Dan Didio is under to think he can launch ThREEE weeklies. Just give me my shot brah. Warren Ellis does not respect comics. There are people out there fightin'' and clawin' like Remember The Titans. There are brahs out there that cry themselves to sleep because they want to be comics superstar. And this fucker gives up after eight issues. What a disgrace.
It's Dan Jurgens, he's bland shit. I don't know what kind of delusion spell Dan Didio is under to think he can launch ThREEE weeklies. Just give me my shot brah. Warren Ellis does not respect comics. There are people out there fightin'' and clawin' like Remember The Titans. There are brahs out there that cry themselves to sleep because they want to be comics superstar. And this fucker gives up after eight issues. What a disgrace.

Dan Jurgens is writing September's Booster Gold: 5 Years Later, yes? Does this mean I should lower my expectations...? I didn't read his solo series, I missed that boat unfortunately. Only the first two trades from Geoff Johns. I did absolutely LOVE Booster in 52 though. I want to believe!
So I just read Amazing X-Men #7 ... That was fucking horrible. Instantly dropping this. Was already debating it, that creative team change was not for the better. Imo


Dan Jurgens is writing September's Booster Gold: 5 Years Later, yes? Does this mean I should lower my expectations...? I didn't read his solo series, I missed that boat unfortunately. Only the first two trades from Geoff Johns. I did absolutely LOVE Booster in 52 though. I want to believe!

That should be fine, Jurgens created Booster and hopefully still knows how to write him.

Rafa=FedKilla said:
It's Dan Jurgens, he's bland shit. I don't know what kind of delusion spell Dan Didio is under to think he can launch ThREEE weeklies. Just give me my shot brah. Warren Ellis does not respect comics. There are people out there fightin'' and clawin' like Remember The Titans. There are brahs out there that cry themselves to sleep because they want to be comics superstar. And this fucker gives up after eight issues. What a disgrace.

I think it's just as likely that Ellis doesn't give a damn about doing extended work for hire runs. Dude created Planetary and Transmetropolitan, you can't really be mad that he only wants to write six-eight issue runs for the big two.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm looking forward to seeing greater hints and movement towards the so-called "phase 2" of the DCN52-verse.

I was not allowed to read comics when I was growing up; my parents didn't see value in them, literary or monetary. The only access I had was from annual shows/fairs, when I'd buy the Marvel or DC show bags with half dozen reprints of old issues. I've always been fond of the DCU, though my exposure was limited to the animated series, specifically the Bruce Timm DCAU. It's only in the last few years, maybe a year before the reboot (I'm 27 now), that I've made that cross-over into reading comics regularly and found new appreciation for the DCU.

Again, I don't think newness to the hobby is a good excuse for tolerating bad stuff though. I'm the opposite of you, I've been reading since I was 10 and I'm 31 now. I've read so many comic books, been all around the houses. Spent years reading terrible books just because they were on my pull list. I WISH somebody could have pulled me aside and said "this book, it's not good is it? Maybe try reading something else, like Sandman which you're not going to read until you're 29 but is on the shelf RIGHT NOW"

For the first 15 years of reading comics I was exclusively DC, this stuff is hardwired into my being. But I have to be able to admit that they have been screwing the pooch hard for a few years now. I want it to be good and innovative and mindblowing, but it's not any more.

Marvel otoh are putting out some of the best titles they've ever made. Once I got over my weird "ew marvel" fanboy bullshit my comics reading life has been much richer.

Anyhow, you do what you do. But I needed to set the record straight, I have read and loved thousands of DC books, I am not ideologically against them.

Dude, I have spent close to $4000 dollars in 15 months on comic related stuff. I've dived head first into the hobby, I have bought 2 book shelfs worth of stuff and I have tried to read as much as the good stuff as I can. But I love the DC characters, and I want to follow the "now", I want to follow the creators making stuff now. I know there is good runs, but I'm a fan of the hobby, this is MY Golden Age of comics. I enjoy going to the shop every week and talking current stories with the other customers. I enjoy following my favorite creators on Twitter. I want to enjoy the now. I want to enjoy the unknown. I respect the past but my time is now.

holy shit man, you get paid pretty well then?

I understand where you're coming from and I hope that in the future that time will give you perspective and a desire to broaden out a bit. It's like discovering music, but the first thing you heard was Lady Gaga and you're like "yep, this is all I need" and we're all "but THE BEATLES!! fucking NIRVANA! godamn DUSTY SPRINGFIELD" and you're like "nope, Bad Romance is the greatest thing ever"

I can't help. I want to help, and I can't.
So I just read Amazing X-Men #7 ... That was fucking horrible. Instantly dropping this. Was already debating it, that creative team change was not for the better. Imo

That was in my box cause I was dipping my toes back into a Marvel title or two. But based on the suggestions of members here I dropped it. Looks like I dodged a bullet?!
Dan Jurgens is writing September's Booster Gold: 5 Years Later, yes? Does this mean I should lower my expectations...? I didn't read his solo series, I missed that boat unfortunately. Only the first two trades from Geoff Johns. I did absolutely LOVE Booster in 52 though. I want to believe!
It's the only thing he can do. Bit it's all he can do. He's a Chihuahua that thinks he is a German Shepard.
Again, I don't think newness to the hobby is a good excuse for tolerating bad stuff though. I'm the opposite of you, I've been reading since I was 10 and I'm 31 now. I've read so many comic books, been all around the houses. Spent years reading terrible books just because they were on my pull list. I WISH somebody could have pulled me aside and said "this book, it's not good is it? Maybe try reading something else, like Sandman which you're not going to read until you're 29 but is on the shelf RIGHT NOW"

For the first 15 years of reading comics I was exclusively DC, this stuff is hardwired into my being. But I have to be able to admit that they have been screwing the pooch hard for a few years now. I want it to be good and innovative and mindblowing, but it's not any more.

Marvel otoh are putting out some of the best titles they've ever made. Once I got over my weird "ew marvel" fanboy bullshit my comics reading life has been much richer.

Anyhow, you do what you do. But I needed to set the record straight, I have read and loved thousands of DC books, I am not ideologically against them.

Don't get me wrong, I have dropped a dozen DC books for not meeting a readable standard of quality. The only title I'd argue that I'm still reading that is mediocre and only passable out of love for the characters is Worlds' Finest. I love PeeGee, it's just unfortunately the only book featuring her right now. The love I have for the character is enough to make up for the failures of the book in my eyes. I wouldn't say that I'm a DC fanboy, or that I'm exclusive, just that DC was my gateway into comics. I invested so much in the new 52 reboot as that was my opportunity to be part of a new universe from the beginning, but that faith has not always been well placed.

I read many Marvel books, for as much the same reason as I do DC. Marvel Now! was another opportunity to be part of Marvel's bigger universe, but Marvel has just managed things better.
My Comics Creed: I don't care about the "best" I care about what I "like". Sometimes they overlap. Sometimes they don't.

This is what informs my reading habits. I don't typically buy blind though, I'll usually look for recommendations or impressions before checking something out.

It's the only thing he can do. Bit it's all he can do. He's a Chihuahua that thinks he is a German Shepard.

Thanks for giving me new hope. You clearly have my back.
Batman/Superman was great. The Doomed Event is way better than it has any right to be.

You don't read Zero or Manhattan Projects so its obvious you don't care about the best. :D

I've told you, I'll be getting the first trade of Manhattan Projects in my next IST order. So hush you.
It totally slipped my mind that Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell was released this week. Has anyone picked it up and read it yet? I'd love to hear some impressions before I order it.

Batman/Superman was great. The Doomed Event is way better than it has any right to be.

This event has been nothing short of surprising. I did not anticipate it to be this enjoyable.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I can't stomach any more David Finch art, guys. I don't give a shit how many cute panels he has with Bizarro hugging Lex, dude needs to go work on Lobdell books for a little while so that nobody has to deal with either of them.


Batman and Frankenstein #31: Whatever you're going to do to me, Tomasi, my body is ready. Also, a great issue.

It kinda felt like they were going through the motions this month for me. Art was lovely though and seems like this arc is about to come to a head. Still good just not as epic as I was hoping for.

They had big shoes to fill after the last Frankenstein issue though.


After reading Amazing X-Men #7 and Wolverine & the X-Men #4... man I'm missing Jason Aaron even more :/ Oh man, what a bummer. Guess I'll stick with Uncanny X-Men and All New X-Men for now.
It kinda felt like they were going through the motions this month for me. Art was lovely though and seems like this arc is about to come to a head. Still good just not as epic as I was hoping for.

They had big shoes to fill after the last Frankenstein issue though.

Yeah its a bit of a calm before the storm but the interaction between Bruce and Frankenstein was much needed.
God I wish an eternity of DC editors on Warren Ellis' ass. I want to ruin his life like the Old Testament God.

The Guardians of The Galaxy 3000 could be good if they get people with a work ethic to do it. Charlie 27 can be a breakout character.
Charlie 27 can be a breakout character.

I wasn't sure what to make of Hulk after that first issue and its "WTF?!?" -inducing cliffhanger, but Waid/Bagley have won me over with the next two issues and I'm really hoping that Duggan continues to build upon the foundation being laid. Unstable Banner and the resultant Hulks has always been one of the more inherently frightening aspects of the character, and the unpredictability of what's happening in Banner's brain right now is playing on that to great effect.

Batman/Superman was great. The Doomed Event is way better than it has any right to be.
Batman/Superman #11 ending up a stealth Batman/Wonder Woman team-up book after those solicitation shenanigans made me give it a look at the shop, but a few pages in the artwork turns into Tom Derenick and Bruce's homoerotic "Clark, Clark, Clark" inner monologue made me put it back.
Batman/Superman #11 ending up a stealth Batman/Wonder Woman team-up book after those solicitation shenanigans made me give it a look at the shop, but a few pages in the artwork turns into Tom Derenick and Bruce's homoerotic "Clark, Clark, Clark" inner monologue made me put it back.

I didn't pick up on any homoerotic tones to the monologue. Seemed to be more of one friend worried about another. As a fan of the Bruce/Clark friendship I kind of enjoyed it. I will say, though, that they are playing up the Bruce/Diana aspect a bit, especially in Forever Evil #7, which has me intrigued. I don't know what they have in store for that but it's fun to consider the implications.
Justice League of America #14 was an interesting way to "send off the team". I'm a big fan of Ollie's enthusiasm in
wanting to get a team back together
and the friendship between Stargirl and Martian Manhunter.
I just finished (I think?) the magician arc in Ultimate X-Men

I don't even know what to say. So
this kid was just making the entire team imagine everything? Da fuq
What a dumb storyline.

Hopefully Phoenix actually appears after all of this teasing and I get to see some stuff destroyed. That would be cool.


So I just read Amazing X-Men #7 ... That was fucking horrible. Instantly dropping this. Was already debating it, that creative team change was not for the better. Imo

The new creative team hasn't started yet. Or did you mean just the general idea of switching out Aaron and co?
I didn't pick up on any homoerotic tones to the monologue. Seemed to be more of one friend worried about another. As a fan of the Bruce/Clark friendship I kind of enjoyed it. I will say, though, that they are playing up the Bruce/Diana aspect a bit, especially in Forever Evil #7, which has me intrigued. I don't know what they have in store for that but it's fun to consider the implications.
I dunno, man. Again I didn't stand there and read the whole thing in the shop, but... from what I could see Pak is still using that "parallel thoughts" narrative device which Loeb established in the first series that some readers would read into and project, and in this issue Batman seemingly spends them all addressing Superman when he's not even there to give a reciprocal effect to the narrative.

And what happened in Forever Evil?


Amazing X-Men #7 read like a Kathryn Immonen comic. If you've read her X-Men stuff before, you know exactly what I mean. "Off" is the most succinct way to describe.

Jedeye Sniv

Bryan O'Malley cover

That's beautiful and I'm all over it like an STI but does anyone else get the impression that Gillen/McKelvie comics are pretty much "hey remember at school when you were fat and dorky and no girls would hang out with you? come read this and make yourself feel better/worse" all the hot girls that never even existed when I was 16... it's bittersweet.

Jedeye Sniv

I dunno, man. Again I didn't stand there and read the whole thing in the shop, but... from what I could see Pak is still using that "parallel thoughts" narrative device which Loeb established in the first series that some readers would read into and project, and in this issue Batman seemingly spends them all addressing Superman when he's not even there to give a reciprocal effect to the narrative.

And what happened in Forever Evil?


Amazing X-Men #7 read like a Kathryn Immonen comic. If you've read her X-Men stuff before, you know exactly what I mean. "Off" is the most succinct way to describe.

I really fucking hate the duelling monologues in B/S. I hated them when Loeb did it, I hate it more now. It's such an obvious device, and either comes across as stilted, patronising or super super gay. And I love me some gay comics.
Sinestro #2 is a lovely book. Maybe it's just the coloration that I'm enjoying, because that gentle soft amber and gold, is just pleasing to the eyes.


What's he been up to post Journey into Mystery, anyway? Has it been good? I loved his Uncanny X-Men and that.

He's done the excellent Young Avengers, which is basically Phonogram but with teen heroes and not really like Phonogram at all except kind of. Then he's done a neat run on Iron Man which SOME PEOPLE HERE think is boring but they're fucking wrong.

But mostly, he's done two super cool creator-owned books: Three, which is basically just dismantling 300 using the actual history of actual Sparta, and Über, which is a hardcore WW2 war book except the tanks are superhumans which means it's extremely bloody.

Upcoming are this unnamed Marvel project THAT HAD BETTER BE THE DEFENDERS, the third volume of Phonogram, and The Wicked + The Divine, a book about teens becoming gods. For two years. After which they just fucking die.
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