COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Sooo., #8 will be different writer and artist then #7? sorry im a little slow ha

Yeah. Basically the new ongoing creative team is Kyle & Yost plus Ed McGuiness on art. That's why I was wondering what you meant initially (wasn't sure if you knew), because #7 probably won't be indicative of what you'll find in the series going forward. So might be worth checking out #8 still.
Batman and Frankenstein #31: Whatever you're going to do to me, Tomasi, my body is ready. Also, a great issue.

I fucking love Tomasi. I just read trades, so I'm behind in Batman and Robin, but the cover for 31 Batman and Frankenstein looks so great. I can't wait till I can catch up. That's a great creative team on that book.
To free the Justice League from the Firestorm Matrix, they needed someone who could use the Lasso of Truth and had a connection to Diana. They were going to use Steve Trevor but he was out of commission after the events of Forever Evil: ARGUS, they didn't know who could do it until Batman volunteered.

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...When it shows up in the Bat-books, give me a holler. Until then it's just Johns messing around as usual, pulling rabbits out of hats for cheap thrills. I mean, has there been any foreshadowing of this at all?


...When it shows up in the Bat-books, give me a holler. Until then it's just Johns messing around as usual, pulling rabbits out of hats for cheap thrills. I mean, has there been any foreshadowing of this at all?

Only thing I remember is Bats using the Watchtower to creepily spying on Supes and WW on Earth after they first got together in Justice League. Mind you there is still an entire five years of in universe time in that book that is still a blank slate.
Warren Ellis is a no good jabroni. Im gonna control his ass like the supply chain.

Gotta love Marvel editors, "hey brahs i wanna be off this book now." Waid can suck it too. Relaunches Hulk TWICE ghen leaves after four issues. Treating these characters like freakin' Walamrt workers man.
Yeah. Basically the new ongoing creative team is Kyle & Yost plus Ed McGuiness on art. That's why I was wondering what you meant initially (wasn't sure if you knew), because #7 probably won't be indicative of what you'll find in the series going forward. So might be worth checking out #8 still.

I seeee,,, damn you!! I coulda happily walked away thinking I did the right thing, that that was the new creative team... now I feel guilty and owe them one more shot. lol


The new Sunstone page (finally) was good. Got a few chuckles out of some of the faces they used plus the
selfie towards the end was cute
. Hopefully the next page isn't 2 months away.


I knew some of these killer Marvel books from the past few months would end up being short lived. When half of them end I don't know what I'll fill my list with.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
So I just read Amazing X-Men #7 ... That was fucking horrible. Instantly dropping this. Was already debating it, that creative team change was not for the better. Imo

So terrible! Read it this morning and will most likely drop it, too. I'll probably flip through #8 to be sure there isn't any of the same garbage in the next issue.


Tangled and Wreck It Ralph were better movies.

Correct from an artistic standpoint. Incorrect from a $$$ standpoint.

On topic; East of West has now spent two issues almost doing something (still love it more than anything) and Saga re-opens with a sploosh.
Inhuman is out next week. I give Warren ellis six issues before he gets disinterested in plants like he did white space. His punk ass wouldn't last a week working at Walmart.
Ultimate X-Men redeemed.

Just started this Cable arc. It's awesome. And you guys told me to stop in the 60s. Come on.

EDIT: Prof is in love with Jean too? Duder's like 60 and she's not even 20. Wut
Read Saga.........hmmmm.

Marvel book of the week - Daredevil
DC book of the week - Batman Eternal
Indie book of the week - American Vampire

Justice League and Saga were in heavy consideration.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Ultimate X-Men redeemed.

Just started this Cable arc. It's awesome. And you guys told me to stop in the 60s. Come on.

EDIT: Prof is in love with Jean too? Duder's like 60 and she's not even 20. Wut

I liked UXM up until that point as well, but you're very close to where it hit a tipping point for me.
noooo pls stop!!! dont do this to yourself!!

I'm seeing it through to the end whether you like it or not!!!

I was about to stop reading and then I saw Cable was coming up and continued. Enjoyed that arc.

I liked UXM up until that point as well, but you're very close to where it hit a tipping point for me.

Uh oh.

Do they go back to Cable at all? Or explain what they meant about some of the X-Men? Like Bobby being a boss in the future or anything?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I'm seeing it through to the end whether you like it or not!!!

I was about to stop reading and then I saw Cable was coming up and continued. Enjoyed that arc.

Uh oh.

Do they go back to Cable at all? Or explain what they meant about some of the X-Men? Like Bobby being a boss in the future or anything?

It's been a while and I don't know the exact issue you're at. My main disappointment was that a lot of the seeding that had been done was thrown away for the sake of a rushed resolution at some point. See it through though, would love to hear your take.


Okay, I'm not missing a Chew sale on Comixology for a third time even after a super-expensive 23 title week! Question though, is Revival worth catching up with during the sale? The first issue was pretty damn good, but I always hear lots of talk that the series has gone nowhere.
Question though, is Revival worth catching up with during the sale? The first issue was pretty damn good, but I always hear lots of talk that the series has gone nowhere.

I just dropped Revival from my pull-list. It's still a solid book, but it isn't at the level of quality it was in the first two story arcs. Probably just going to trade-wait it now.
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