I'm still super on the fence about this. Loved The Witcher 3--but mostly for the story, characters and settings rather than the gameplay. I'm not that into scifi stuff, or especially cyberpunk settings, so this will be down to loving the story and characters and/or enjoying the gameplay more. Definitely not grabbing before reviews and impressions. After the last delay I want to make sure it's not a buggy mess, that performance is solid on PS5 or XSX (have both so also want to wait and see if one version is clearly better) etc.
Performance aside I'm also torn on which console to get it for. XSX has the controller advantage as I love my Elite pad, especially for first person games to keep my right thumb on the stick more. But the only wireless headset I have is Sony Golds and those don't work wirelessly with XSX so I'm stuck with wired headphones into the Xbox controller which gets annoying. I do plan to ditch the Golds and grab the Steelseries Arctis 7X headset since that will work with XSX, PS5, Switch, PC and everything else and is the only decent one that will in my price range. Damn thing is just sold out everywhere. They should have just made that one. 7p that only works with PS seems dumb since this works with everything including PS5 and Sony fans will be more inclined to buy the cheaper Sony Pulse headset anyway.
So I'll likely only grab it if reviews and impressions make it clear it's a Witcher 3 level classic that's a must play day one game AND it's not riddled with bugs or terrible frame drops etc. on next gen consoles. If so I'll probably go with PS5 as I'm a bit more invested in that ecosystem anyway and the controller preferences is outweighed by lacking a wireless headset for Xbox for who knows how long.