Different strokes for different people. Of course games can be fun and have great gameplay, like Uncharted 2. But a game can have shitty gameplay and horrible controls, but stll be an absolutely amazing experience that is above anything else this year, like Heavy Rain or The Last Express.
I would like to see games move above the "it has to be entertaining or funny" in order to be a good game. A game can be an experience, and be something else. Fuck fun, make something else, something bigger then that. Heavy Rain proved that could happen, and as much as I love Unhcarted 2, it keeps banging you over the head with the "game" and "gameplay" part, which is sad, since it does so much right with the overall experience.
A game doesn't have to have the typical gameplay strcture to be an interesting experience. As long as it is participatory or require some sort of player input, it can be an engaging experience, and that is what makes games unique. Not the "now you control the story" aspect.