Captain_Spanky said:
Started replaying DI after finishing God Of War and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (on Warrior, slowly working through Mentor and loving it at the mo). It still holds up really well. Atmosphere out the wazoo, excellent music, FANTASTIC art direction, I could go on and on about the aesthetics and how pleasing it is. Getting Wayne Barlow to do designs was genius, and the composers really seem to know their shit, based on the documentaries, using discordant modernist elements in the music to sow a disconcerting atmosphere.
However what I really love about the game is the combat, it's so...simple and elegant, very much in the vein of Castlevania. A wonderful palette cleanser. The pace is fantastic of the hits, everything reacts well, the countering system is incredibly satisfying, the magic is interesting. For a game that's supposed to be unoriginal it *feels* like it's own thing. The weapons have a totally different, and unique, heft and weight to them. A really underrated gem. The one bad thing I can bring myself to say about it is that there's not enough bosses and the combo counter resets too quickly (although this mostly seems to be if you use moves that have a large cooldown animation so may well be by choice).
I just finished the game yesterday after powering through it. While I'm not on the "hate it just because" band wagon, I really think you're overplaying the combat.
I just leveled my holy tree and spammed crosses for at least half the game. Once I got that relic that prevents cross power interruption it was pretty much game over. I understand the sentiment "well then change up the way you play!", but it's really hard for me to just purposely handicap myself when I know there is a simpler and highly more effective way to kill pretty much everything. I went through entire sections of the game without having to utilize my scythe with the exception of QTEs.
The set pieces are good, the music and atmosphere is good. The enemies are interesting for the most part. I think I had fun playing through it. I'm not totally sure yet, though.
It struck me as a solid weekend renter. I love hack and slash, but haven't played GoWIII or Bayonetta yet so I can't make comparisons, nor would I want to.
What I have done in the past though is spent a semester studying
Commedia, and this fake literary rage that the internet in general has about what EA has done is embarrassing. The story is most definitely a bastardization of the poem, but welcome to art. How long have you people existed on this earth to not realize everything gets pushed down the garbage disposal and regurgitated. This isn't new, and championing this title as the downfall of creativity in gaming is such wanton hyperbole it is pathetic. I would wager one out of every thousand internet warriors that got up in arms about the use of the story has even cracked it open.
On the other hand people complaining that it's just a blatant rip off of GoW have a pretty god damned solid leg to stand on. It's like they used tracing paper for the design, and just made far more boring boss fights.
TL;DR Not as bad as most people wanted it to be, but apparently not as good as others think it is.