I don't know about others, but I actually wanted to like it, and I do to an extent. But when I'm fighting enemies and I can't see them because the damn camera is too slow getting around a corner, that's irritating. Then there's the times where I've fallen into insta-death pits because I jumped wrong due to the camera not being in the proper position. Then there's the enemies that are just bitches to fight, like the female creatures that dodge around and shoot things out of their *ahem*. It had some interesting ideas, but failed to capitalize on most of them.NEOPARADIGM said:The vibe I get is that it's a game people actually WANT to dislike. I rented it basically just to check out the story and the cutscenes (which are fucking sweet!) and mindlessly button-mash through some "lame" game and was caught by surprise when I actually found myself saying, "wow, this is kinda cool."
Second said:Maybe it's just me, but I had more fun with Dante's Inferno than with Bayonetta. I would give both games a score between a 7/10 and an 8/10. DI has a better setting an overall design. That's why I'd personally score it higher than Bayonetta.
SquirrelNuckle said:Wat? The battle system is what makes Bayonetta so good. How can you say it sucks? Isn't the gameplay the most important part of any game?
canova said:the majority of the audience is males 17-30 yrs old and Kamiya gave us an obnoxious lady with butterflies, kisses, flowers bullshit?!?! then the game deserves its low sales number
No it isn't.Dante's Inferno is actually really GOOD!
zoukka said:I just expected something unique out of Bayonetta especially when Kamiya hyped it to be different from the DMC series. Well it wasn't.
zoukka said:And no God of War is not faitfhful to the greek mythos. Not even near...
00011000 said:I think what he means is that all the areas regarding gameplay have to be up to a certain level- it must be enjoyable- but if the story is terrible, it would ruin the game.
canova said:Now Bayonetta's combat is similar to that of DMC, but I just can't stand for the life of me the style of the game; weird character/enemies design, broken riding levels, cluttered combat scenes with all the butterflies, kisses, flowers, stars flying around. I mean WTF?!?!?! the majority of the audience is males 17-30 yrs old and Kamiya gave us an obnoxious lady with butterflies, kisses, flowers bullshit?!?! then the game deserves its low sales number
SquirrelNuckle said:Yet when 95% of the game is being spent in combat and that's considered gameplay, I would consider it the most important feature.
beast786 said:With that logic, your see the game 100% of the time. Hence Visual/Presentations should be the most important feature.![]()
sdornan said:In my opinion, Dante's Inferno fails because it doesn't take full advantage of the source material by not deviating from it enough. Yeah, you heard me.
As it is, Dante's Inferno is the epitome of the word 'mediocre'. If I was at the meeting when they conceptualized the game, I would have raised my hand and said, "Guys, the game is going to get really boring if you're in the same fire-and-brimstone, hellish environment for the entire game."
I believe it could have been a more interesting, more creative game filled with a bigger variety of set pieces and experiences if the designers had taken a more abstract approach with each of the layers/sins. I've always loved the "nine layers of Hell" concept; I think it's because of my OCPDish personality and affinity for lists. Each layer could have been its own little mini-story with its own characters and environmental look, still taking place in Hell, just stylized and with a story to represent the sin.
For example, the "lust" layer could have been a brothel-like area.
Greed, a greedy king's palace or corrupt church.
Violence, a prison.
Hell, you could have even integrated simple player choices into these stories which would later impact the final battle with Lucifer.
I know some people were offended that the game even used the classic poem as its basis, and would be even more opposed to further deviating from the source material, but I think an approach like this would have made for a much more interesting game than what we got.
sdornan said:In my opinion, Dante's Inferno fails because it doesn't take full advantage of the source material by not deviating from it enough. Yeah, you heard me.
As it is, Dante's Inferno is the epitome of the word 'mediocre'. If I was at the meeting when they conceptualized the game, I would have raised my hand and said, "Guys, the game is going to get really boring if you're in the same fire-and-brimstone, hellish environment for the entire game."
Fimbulvetr said:You do realize that the original book deviated more from fire and brimstone than you're saying right?
Then they should have deviated with it.Fimbulvetr said:You do realize that the original book deviated more from fire and brimstone than you're saying right?
sdornan said:Then they should have deviated with it.
No, I like RPG, mostly WRPGs though. I just found my DS again recently and was thinking of picking it up actually, but I quit P4 after awhile and don't know if I could stick with SJ either.Fimbulvetr said:Reading the rest of your post, you would love Strange Journey's style.
Probably aren't into RPGs though.
sdornan said:No, I like RPG, mostly WRPGs though. I just found my DS again recently and was thinking of picking it up actually, but I quit P4 after awhile and don't know if I could stick with SJ either.
zoukka said:...
GoW butchered the greek mythology way worse than Dante ever did.
Fimbulvetr said:The only thing this was hyped as was DMC with tits and more fluent combat.
Y2Kev said:Maybe the first god of war.
zoukka said:So you weren't there. Bayonetta defense force actually went apeshit as soon as it was compared to DMC.
Ya rly. I don't understand how someone could think otherwise? It's faithful to the mythos because Kratos kills everyone? Dante's Inferno is faithful too. You spend time in hell.
SSM25 said:DI is based on greek mythology?, really?, I didn't even noticed that.
zoukka said:So you weren't there. Bayonetta defense force actually went apeshit as soon as it was compared to DMC.
zoukka said:Ya rly. I don't understand how someone could think otherwise? It's faithful to the mythos because Kratos kills everyone? Dante's Inferno is faithful too. You spend time in hell.
zoukka said:Not to my knowledge.
Fimbulvetr said:But that's not the same as Kamiya promising it to be different from DMC.
zoukka said:Yeah well I remember him doing that. Probably let it go when it got near the release or something.
Really now I'd say Dantes Inferno, God of War and Disney's Hercules all were as faithful to their source material. DI just takes the heat because it's a clone from a console EXCLUSIVE.
If you really believe this, you are much much dumber than I thought.zoukka said:Really now I'd say Dantes Inferno, God of War and Disney's Hercules all were as faithful to their source material. DI just takes the heat because it's a clone from a console EXCLUSIVE.
Haunted said:If you really believe this, you are much much dumber than I thought.
Haha yeah okay.zoukka said:DI just takes the heat because it's a clone from a console EXCLUSIVE.
Darkmakaimura said:I'm looking forward to Dante's Inferno Construction Set coming out this month. You at least have to admit that hasn't been done before in a game like this.
JdFoX187 said:Coming off beating God of War III a couple days ago, I wanted to go back and finish Dante's Inferno. I'm halfway through Greed and I just don't feel it. The camera is too damn slow, the hit detection is god awful, there's hardly any impact to the moves and Dante seems like he weights 50 pounds. There's just no weight to anything he does.
I somewhat like the story and how they've "adapted" the epic, but it's a solid 7.0 at best.
I see you're a follower of Mister Miyamoto.SquirrelNuckle said:Isn't the gameplay the most important part of any game?
Press X to Beatrice.Fantasy Final said:Beatrice
That's what I remember from the story of this game.
Darkmakaimura said:I'm looking forward to Dante's Inferno Construction Set coming out this month. You at least have to admit that hasn't been done before in a game like this.
GTAIVSkilletor said:Man, this game is not fun to play, controls horribly, looks terrible, BUT I HAVE TO SEE HAT HAPPENS NEXT!
Safe Bet said:I see you're a follower of Mister Miyamoto.
I'm a D&D man myself.