Need some advice.In a friend's party about three month ago when my friend was introducing us to his coworkers, my conversation with one of them went really good. Actually everything between us has been going awesome since then. I've hung out with her circle of friends several times and vice versa. She even came hiking with me and my other friends without our mutual friends. I'm confident she likes me and I really really like her too. I really want to ask her out and got to next level and I'm sure she wants me to. Once one her friends told me "Just go on a date already!". My friend (her coworker) also thinks that I need to ask her out. I mean It's pretty obvious what I need to do. But there's one very stupid problem. In our very first conversation I lied about something. The thing is, She's a dentist. actually a lot of people in that party were dentists and all agreed that smoking is not good for general health and tooth. At this point of conversation, she said "No offense to smokers here" and suddenly turned to me and asked "Do you smoke?". I just opened my mouth and replied with a smile "Of course not". And that's a lie. I mean I can go days without smoking. But I really like 2-3 cigarettes a day if I get the chance.
This stupid lie is just ruining everything. I can't tell her the truth. I know I have to but I don't know how! I can't just go tell her "I know you probably don't like smokers and I don't smoke in front of you, but I really enjoy smoking. Also lied about it when we met. Now, let's go out". One of my friends says I should ask her out and when we're deeper in our relationship reveal the truth. I... don't like this idea.
This stupid shit is ruining the relationship with the best girl I've met in yeaaars. Yeah, I've considered quitting smoking, but even then I feel I need to admit my lie. Also, I think there's a chance revealing truth could even harm our friendship.
tl;dr : There's a girl I really like and I think she like me too. I need to ask her out. But I told her I don't smoke and it's a lie. i don't know what to do. We've been quite perfect for each other and I don't wanna ruin that. Also there's a possibility she doesn't like smokers.