[3DS] 553k
[WIU] 379k
[XB1] 2000k
[PS4] 2100k
>5m total in 1 month... that's...
[3DS] 553k
[WIU] 379k
[XB1] 2000k
[PS4] 2100k
Still very easy.
Should be able to sell > 1 million or very close to this, and honestly i think the only game that can beat it is Black Ops III and maybe Fallout.
But yeah, Fallout legs looks not that good, and with the film released, i will be a bit surprised if Fallout will beat it.
I know it sounds crazy, but if wasn't by the game much reduced price i don't think it would had a chance. =P
What do you think changed in December that would have affected sales like this if it didn't receive a standard Holiday discount?
What number were you thinking when you brought it up?
Somebody get Orland in here to do some projections.2014 was more than the Xbox One's LTD at that point.
Lucina VS Tharja... i seriusly don't know.
They are my two waifu, i don't know who choose!
Maybe i should use an Inkling avatar
I... might be anime - racist. I thought they were the same character until you pointed it out...
I... might be anime - racist. I thought they were the same character until you pointed it out...
OK, why the hell is The Division (PS4) #1 in Amazon hourly chart?
I... might be anime - racist. I thought they were the same character until you pointed it out...
LOL, yep, me too.I... might be anime - racist. I thought they were the same character until you pointed it out...
Pre-order for beta access.
I propose NPD threads become waifu-free zones. For everyone's sanity.
5.7 million include Black Friday sales.
We know XB1 has sold > 750k in black Friday week in US alone, and PS4 was probabily a bit over that...
PS4 is < 5 million in December. Most likely < 4.5 million, since i see 1.5 million during Black Friday week (worldwide) very likely.
I propose NPD threads become waifu-free zones. For everyone's sanity.
I'm almost certain there's an anthromorphic drawing of MAU out there.What if MS changes it's metric from MAUs to Waifus?
I propose NPD threads become waifu-free zones. For everyone's sanity.
Okay, when looking at those pics, it's simpler then just the close up.But then I wouldn't have found out that so many people haven't played Fire Emblem: Awakening and can't tell Tharja (crazy, obsessive witch who wears provocative clothing) from Lucina (kind, caring, self-effacing future daughter of the current prince Chrom). This is an injustice that must be dealt with! More Fire Emblem talk!
To provide further clarification of just how different these two characters are, they both had detailed figures made of them. Here's Tharja's (crazy, obsessive witch). And here's Lucina's (kind, caring royalty). Very different people here.
What if MS changes it's metric from MAUs to Waifus?
You don't want to protect Lara?It wouldn't make much sense. They're seriously lacking in that (important) department. Cortana can only do so much.
You don't want to protect Lara?
What if MS changes it's metric from MAUs to Waifus?
Okay, when looking at those pics, it's simpler then just the close up.
You can easily tell apart the nice from the nasty ones.
Nice people read books, nasty ones have weapons.
Oculus Rift is 599$.
For the second time since the XboxOne price reveal people at Sony's might have a good laugh.
Ouch. $399 is my upper limit and I'm there day one.
Hopefully PS VR isn't super expensive, as that's the one I'm most interested to try out.
Oculus Rift is 599$.
For the second time since the XboxOne price reveal people at Sony's might have a good laugh.
What the hell were they thinking with that price?!? That's absurd. We are talking about a peripheral. You still need a crazy expensive rig to run the damn thing on top of this. Absolutely insane. I hope they don't think they are actually going to sell any sizable amount of units with a price tag that high.
As Sony will make money with software and VR will push consoles, they would be stupid to make it too expensive.
399$ max I'd say.
Does Oculus get revenues from games using their tech?
Oculus Rift is 599$.
For the second time since the XboxOne price reveal people at Sony's might have a good laugh.
[PS4] 1886K
But then I wouldn't have found out that so many people haven't played Fire Emblem: Awakening and can't tell Tharja (crazy, obsessive witch who wears provocative clothing) from Lucina (kind, caring, self-effacing future daughter of the current prince Chrom). This is an injustice that must be dealt with! More Fire Emblem talk!
To provide further clarification of just how different these two characters are, they both had detailed figures made of them. Here's Tharja's (crazy, obsessive witch). And here's Lucina's (kind, caring royalty). Very different people here.
Seriously, if this had come up in an FE topic, there would've been no confusion. You can only realize how niche your knowledge is by exposing it outside of the niche your knowledge comes from. Sort of like you talking sales outside of NPD topics and realizing those people out there have no idea!
[PS4] 1625K
[XB1] 1350K
[3DS] 560K
[WIU] 500K
"$600??"I expect that the PSVR will be more expensive than the Rift in relation to the machine you need to run it well. 600 for a device that will really only work on extremely high end machines is a pretty good deal. It may be tougher to sell a device that's costs the same as the machine that runs it.
Oculus Rift is 599$.
For the second time since the XboxOne price reveal people at Sony's might have a good laugh.
"Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but with PSVR that's gonna get you the console too, whereas with Rift, you're gonna get to spend double that again on a new PC!!"
Yeah, I could see that working on some people.
The problem with that thinking is that you have to assume that the people interested in a first gen rift already have the PC capable to run it, or were planning on upgrading their PC anyway. So for them, the choice boils down to "do I get a headset for my killer PC or do I settle for a PSVR headset that will not have the same capabilities?"
I don't think people in that market will settle for a lesser experience. Ultimately, I think the consumer for the first gen Rift and the PSVR will be different consumers and I'm not sure that it will be easier for Sony to sell the PSVR to its consumer than it will be for Oculus to sell the Rift to its consumers.
Back when I was a PC gamer only, I always expected to pay top dollar for everything if I wanted the very best experience, and budgeted for my new hardware as such. I think a lot of PC gamers do that. Back in the days before I had children, I once paid $600 for a state of the art Nvidia graphics card.
Back when I was a PC gamer only, I always expected to pay top dollar for everything if I wanted the very best experience, and budgeted for my new hardware as such. I think a lot of PC gamers do that. Back in the days before I had children, I once paid $600 for a state of the art Nvidia graphics card.
But Sony once again finds themselves in the position of being able to watch their competitors mess up their messaging and pricing and is now in the driver's seat.
According to one source of Mary Jo Foley on this weeks Windows Weekly in regard to Windows 10 activations. 18 million of 200 million Windows activations were Xbox Ones. She couldn't verify it with another source however.
For those that don't know Mary Jo Foley is one of the top Microsoft news writers.
I don't want to make a new thread (and I don't think anyone should because it's just a rumor and there's no evidence... though I am king of no man/woman), but I thought that the somewhat calmer and rational people in this thread would appreciate this:
Like I said, it's a rumor, so not a big deal. Seems to be around what we're thinking for XB1 as well.
Update: A company spoksperson confirmed the 200 million figure includes Xbox One consoles. And "active" means Windows 10 devices that have been "active" in the last 28 days, the spokesperson said.