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December 2015 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes January 12th

Reserving for later.

/reserving a spot

This month will be interesting™

Reserved for later.

Let's get this party started. Merry Pre-Season everyone and a happy new MAU for all~

Saving for later, but I'm assuming a ps4 win.

This is gonna be good. Gonna edit later when we get (hopefully) some final insight from retail GAF

Keeping this spot booked, need some retail insider discussion first.

Should be a great hardware month overall
minus poor Wii U.

Reserved, I need a while to think up the numbers.

What's the point of this? I've seen this before and I don't get it.


[3DS] 500K
[PS4] 1750K
[WIU] 400K
[XB1] 1350K

For reference, current Amazon monthly (will prob be updated a few more times)

#1: COD Blops 3 XB1
#3: PS4 Battlefront Bundle $349 (was $299 for 2 weeks)
#4: COD Blops 3 PS4
#5: Fallout PS4
#6: Fallout XB1
#7: Super Mario Maker WiiU
#11: Wireless controller XB1
#14: XB1 GeoW bundle $349 (was $299 for nearly 3 weeks)
#15: DS4 Black
#16: Battlefront XB1
#18: Battlefront PS4
#21: DS4 White
#22: DS4 Camo
#23: Halo 5 XB1
#24: COD Blops 3 steelbook XB1
#25: NBA2K16 XB1
#26: Destiny TTK PS4
#27: DS4 Red
#28: DS4 Blue
#29: Ass Creed Syndicate PS4
#30: COD Blops 3 Steelbook PS4
#32: NBA2K16 PS4
#33: Forza 6 XB1
#35: Destiny TTK XB1
#36: Ass Creed Syndicate XB1
#37: Minecraft XB1
#39: PS4 Uncharted Bundle $349 (was $299 for 2 weeks, but sold out for most of it)
#41: Lego Dimensions WiiU
#43: Yoshi's wooly world WiiU
#44: Just Cause 3 PS4
#46: Battlefront Steelbook XB1
#50: Just Cause 3 XB1
#51: XB1 Holiday Bundle $349 (was $299 for almost 3 weeks)
#52: Rise of the Tomb Raider XB1
#53: Super Smash Bros WiiU
#54: Wii Remote Plus WiiU
#55: WiiU Mario Kart 8 bundle $299
#56: Madden NFL 16 Steelbook PS4
#57: Battlefront Steelbook PS4
#59: Xenoblade Chronicles X WiiU
#62: Just Dance WiiU
#63: Rainbow 6 Siege XB1
#66: Lego Dimensions XB1
#67: Madden NFL 16 XB1
#68: Lego Dimensions PS4
#72: Metal Gear Solid TPP PS4
#73: GTA 5 PS4
#74: Mario Kart 8 WiiU
#75: Minecraft PS4
#76: Splatoon WiiU
#77: Minecraft Story Mode XB1
#80: Uncharted Collection Bundle PS4
#81: Nintendo Pro Controller WiiU
#82: Rainbow 6 Siege PS4
#85: Elite controller XB1
#86: Just Dance 2016 XB1
#89: Madden NFL 16 PS4
#92: Need for Speed PS4
#94: FIFA 16 Steelbook PS4
#95: Minecraft Story Mode PS4
#97: GTA 5 XB1
#99: Special Controller XB1
#100: Madden NFL 16 Steelbook XB1
[PS4] 1750k
[XB1] 1450k
[3DS] 620k
[WIU] 510k

I'm going for the big numbers.

I expect the XB1 to be down weekly from November but still pull pretty impressive numbers due to the extra week, much like last year. I'm largely attributing the gap in sales for XB1 between this December and last to the extra 3-4 days it had at the $299 price point.

For the PS4, I'm predicting it to be up weekly over November. I think it'll be the case again this year due to several factors. The $299 Star Wars bundle was on shelves for a longer period then the $299 UC bundle in November is probably the main factor. Star Wars hype being another, though this would have probably really been a factor closer to the launch of the movie. Lastly, PS4 is the market leader so I expect that to play a bigger factor in the purchasing decisions in the Christmas holiday period as opposed to November sales.

The bundles themselves could also play a factor, though I'm hesitant to guess as to how much. Battlefront is a newly released title as opposed to Gears and Gears itself is a remaster. I think that gives a tremendous advantage to the Battlefront bundle in value over both the Gears and Uncharted bundles.

Thanks to Welfare for the excellent data on weekly averages and Donny for posting it in this thread!

Edit: I came down from cloud nine to revise my predictions to better reflect reality. Thus, you can disregard most of the above reasoning.


I'm at work so this will be short, but I'm pretty comfortable in my statement that the ps4 won for best buy this month. The extra time with the xb1 at the lower price didn't make much difference, as I said in other threads. Serious difference in momentum and the push behind their respective products. Also, star wars killed it.

Great month. I'm glad it's over. I survived another year. Fuck the holidays man. Haha.


Anyone want to venture a guess into how many XB1 Elite controllers have been sold?

Given their sold out status this could be a console-relatedsuccess story that we haven't really broached. At $150 a pop, I'm guessing the margins on these things are robust... Possibly rivalling the X1 itself.

Thoughts / info ?
[3DS] 520K
[PS4] 1825K
[WIU] 310K
[XB1] 1475K

An extra week of sales, plus PS4/X1 sticking at the 299 price point "should" push higher numbers. I think the N3DS temporary price cut will help also, and the awsome WiiU bundles give it a comfortable month.
I'm at work so this will be short, but I'm pretty comfortable in my statement that the ps4 won for best buy this month. The extra time with the xb1 at the lower price didn't make much difference, as I said in other threads. Serious difference in momentum and the push behind their respective products. Also, star wars killed it.

Great month. I'm glad it's over. I survived another year. Fuck the holidays man. Haha.
You survived the wrath of MAU. You have become a stronger person for it. Bless you, Ab.

Thanks for the info! What you're saying is basically what I expected. PS4 momentum with the price cut and Star Wars madness was just too strong. X1 will follow November and put up highly respectable numbers though.


[3DS] 380k
[PS4] 1550k
[WIU] 360k
[XB1] 1400k

I barely worked in December so I can't provide much in the way of retail thoughts for the month. Only worked the two days after Christmas and a couple days this week.

In those few days though I saw a lot of systems being sold, it was a pretty even split. On the 26th we sold way more XB1's due to it being the last day at $299, but the next day we sold more PS4's (not by a large margin, but more) as prices were back to being the same. The two days during this week I only saw a few systems sold as I was mainly restocking and helping the store get back in shape.

Game wise post Christmas the major sellers were easily Call of Duty, Star Wars, NBA 2K16, Madden 16 and Rainbow Six Seige (all were on sale for 39.99 to 49.99). Rise of the Tomb Raider actually sold out for us also (close to 20 copies) due to it being on sale also, same with Rainbow Six we sold out on PS4 and XB1.

Nintendo wise I saw quite a few copies of Super Smash Brothers, Splatoon and Xenoblade. We finally sold out of or initial shipment of Xenoblade (about 40 copies) so that was good to see.

What I will say is anyone who thinks this economy is hurting should have been in that store on Saturday, we sold EVERYTHING. I mean I sold a copy of freaking JUMPER on XB360 because the store was so gutted. When I left we had 5 pre-owned 3DS games left in the entire store, I mean it was baffling how busy it was.

edit: Adjusting my ps4/xb1 #'s down some and wiiu up some
I'm at work so this will be short, but I'm pretty comfortable in my statement that the ps4 won for best buy this month. The extra time with the xb1 at the lower price didn't make much difference, as I said in other threads. Serious difference in momentum and the push behind their respective products. Also, star wars killed it.

Great month. I'm glad it's over. I survived another year. Fuck the holidays man. Haha.

Good job and may the pay-checks be worth it, Abdiel.

Thanks again for the input <3


Software December 2015:

1) Call of Duty: Black Ops III
2) Star War: Battlefront
3) Fallout 4
4) Madden 16 NFL
5) NBA 2K16
6) Just Cause 3
7) Just Dance 2016
8) Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six Siege
9) FIFA 16
10) Minecraft

Just Cause < 600,000 [retail]
Rainbow Six > 500,000 [retail]
XenoBlade Chronicles X ~ 215,000 [retait+digital]

TOP TEN 2015
1) Call of Duty: Black Ops III
2) Madden 16 NFL
3) NBA 2K16
4) Star Wars: Battlefront
5) Fallout 4
6) Mortal Kombat X
7) Grand Theft Auto V
8) Minecraft
9) Batman: Arkham Knight
10) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
quick question: I just went out and bought nathan drake Ps4 as a gift for my cousin, it was $350. did the price go right back up after black friday? I expected it to be $300 throughout this holiday season.
quick question: I just went out and bought nathan drake Ps4 as a gift for my cousin, it was $350. did the price go right back up after black friday? I expected it to be $300 throughout this holiday season.
They went back down to $300 from Dec 6th to Dec 19th. They are now $350 again.
I think you can't discount anything anymore about prices going back up and staying up (or not). :lol
Yep, I am on the side saying a permanent reduction is coming for PS4 but there does seem to be some sort of divide on the matter. We'll see!

It would be interesting to see how well the $350 price holds up for PS4 through next year. We saw what the X1 could do this year with that price and a comparison would be...you know lol.
I think the surprise of the month may end up being Rainbow Six Siege

You think they'll hit their target of 7 million?

I'm hoping it does well, given that it's a style of game you don't really see often anymore. But I wouldn't be surprised if it does poorly either. Tons of matchmaking issues which could kill any positive WOM going forward.


I feel terrible for saying this but I hope the Xbox does bad so that another price drop comes and I can justify grabbing one next year.
I feel terrible for saying this but I hope the Xbox does bad so that another price drop comes and I can justify grabbing one next year.

If it's doing so poorly that a price drop is needed to clear inventory then the last thing you'd want to do is buy one as support will start drying up.

You want it to do so well that Microsoft wants to drop the price to encourage even more sales, like Sony did with the PS4 this year.

You want a healthy platform if you're going to invest in it. Not a failing one.
They went back down to $300 from Dec 6th to Dec 19th. They are now $350 again.
Yeah, keep the receipt, though, in case Sony lowers it to $299 again in a few weeks. Then can price adjust, depending on the store you bought it from.
I bought it from a gamestop, but I likely will not be returning to that particular gamestop ever again. can I just go to another one? I think I got the receipt.


What's the point of this? I've seen this before and I don't get it.

they think more people will read their posts if it is on first page, better to reserve a spot on last two pages lol. I make sure to skip first page of any thread with empty posts like these. skipping first two pages of NPD thread is a given.
You think they'll hit their target of 7 million?

I'm hoping it does well, given that it's a style of game you don't really see often anymore. But I wouldn't be surprised if it does poorly either. Tons of matchmaking issues which could kill any positive WOM going forward.

No idea if they'll hit their target of 7 million or not, though that sounds really high. I just think it did solid in December

What you predict?

Not really gonna throw a range out on this one, dont have a good enough grasp on it

Edit - Just for fun I'll say above 500k


Well I think it's safe to say the Wii U is up over November. That's been the trend with that system.

I hope all consoles are up, and especially software.


Well I think it's safe to say the Wii U is up over November. That's been the trend with that system.

I hope all consoles are up, and especially software.

Withouth the launch year ( for obvius reason) Wii U in December always sold more than double than in November. Should happen easy even this year, but i still don't understand a thing:

The Smash + Splatoon bundle is still on stock or was super limited for the Black Friday? Because this change a lot...
You also think Sony is going to drop the price again come January?

Wouldn't be surprised that PS4 being back at 350 dollars is a calculated move by Sony and EA to get every last dollar from the Star Wars bundles that people were apparently buying up after they saw the movie. Once that dries up I suspect we'll be back at 299.99.


We are preserving our place... in history. :)

What did PS4 and X1 do last December? Also, does anyone know what was the total gap X1 made up last November and December? It will be (you already know) to see what soft of total gap the PS4 will have with X1 across this November and December.


Might as well predict software placement as well.

1) Call of Duty: Black Ops III
2) Star War: Battlefront
3) Fallout 4
4) Madden 16 NFL
5) NBA 2K16
6) Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six Siege
7) Just Dance 2016
8) Just Cause 3
9) Minecraft
10) Grand Theft Auto V
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