If it was ~15M as the end of September, then I don't think they moved 5M in one quarter. I'm not too sure about that 15M number though, it may be higher. Maybe Welfare or someone can help me out with it. But sales aside, they did have a stacked exclusive line-up this year.
Shipped? It would be closer to 16 million at the end of September for the fact that that is when they would have start the shipping of the Lego, Holiday, Kinect, and Halo bundles.
I would assume that MS would overship/attempt to ship more consoles than last year, so ~20m units shipped at the end of 2015 is possible.
Just no! Xbone simply can't be at 20 mil. That's not possible. Last year PS4 outsold Xbone troughout the whole year WW ( or better to say average per month ). Gap must be 2:1 right now.
It does not have to be 2:1 and it is entirely possible the Xbox One is at or around 20 million shipped.