Sora the Cat
I don't think it killed mass effect, but like all other gaming forums, this place is toxic.
tbh, GAF is like the least toxic forum I've found on the Internet.
I don't think it killed mass effect, but like all other gaming forums, this place is toxic.
I love a good shitshow
I wonder what this place will look like in a week?
Stupid question - why can't this be, you know, a GAMING forum?
No Trump, no Hillary, no politics? Politics attracts people who are into politics and not gamers. People who are into politics should go to politics related forums, subreddits, etc.
Maybe Off-Topic can be changed to Non-Gaming Entertaintment to talk about movies, anime, etc.
Stupid question - why can't this be, you know, a GAMING forum?
No Trump, no Hillary, no politics? Politics attracts people who are into politics and not gamers. People who are into politics should go to politics related forums, subreddits, etc.
Maybe Off-Topic can be changed to Non-Gaming Entertaintment to talk about movies, anime, etc.
A replacement forum is coming with many core members of the community.
GAF and Evil Lore can fuck off.
No more walking on egg shells with many of the terrible mods gone.
Ask yourself... when an entire community leaves, what's truly left? You'll get to post with all new people for sure but... The culture you enjoyed won't be the same, nor will the news come as swiftly.
All that's left is the name.
Theres a lot of games I wouldnt have touched if it wasnt for GAF, good & bad lol. Also a lot of movies. E3 is great here, the gifs and memes are hilarious. Also great for getting news from all sources.
Couldnt give a shit about this Evilore crap, not as serious as people are making out, and dont see why the actions of one person (owner of the site or not) should see this place into the abyss. Absolutely over the top internet-culture nonsense. These people think we live in a Utopia or something?
Get over yourselves and lets continue talking and debating games. We dont actually play them![]()
Hopefully, everyone who wants out will be gone and we can get back to business as usual. I live for review threads, launch OT's for big launches and the discussion on this board.
Pretty much this.Stupid question - why can't this be, you know, a GAMING forum?
No Trump, no Hillary, no politics? Politics attracts people who are into politics and not gamers. People who are into politics should go to politics related forums, subreddits, etc.
Maybe Off-Topic can be changed to Non-Gaming Entertaintment to talk about movies, anime, etc.
Hopefully, everyone who wants out will be gone and we can get back to business as usual. I live for review threads, launch OT's for big launches and the discussion on this board.
Hopefully, everyone who wants out will be gone and we can get back to business as usual. I live for review threads, launch OT's for big launches and the discussion on this board.
They forgot to bring animated avatars back.
Dunno if this was directed at my post or not.
But that's alright. Neogaf didn't come out super big back then and I still enjoyed this place and it was pretty much the only place I stayed in the end. It wasn't famous for its gaming leaks and devs connections until later on (or at least it wasn't known for it initially).
Stupid question - why can't this be, you know, a GAMING forum?
No Trump, no Hillary, no politics? Politics attracts people who are into politics and not gamers. People who are into politics should go to politics related forums, subreddits, etc.
Maybe Off-Topic can be changed to Non-Gaming Entertaintment to talk about movies, anime, etc.
I understand people who want to leave following the news, but I can't think of another forum that is halfways decent as GAF. I tried IGN and a couple Reddit boards but that was a fresh hell I never want to go back to.
If people didn't like the politics of the place, why even come here?! I'm sorry that you didn't feel like you have a safe space here -- just kidding, totally not sorry!, but like aren't there cesspools like 4chan or reddit that you can inhabit instead?
Omg the video games!!! VIDEO GAMEZ!!!
Honestly, I have no more to say, other than:
Contrary to popular belief, the people make up a forum as much as anything else. But hey, if you're just attracted to the brand...
Also, LOL at those who get offended by the mere mention of "politics". That also goes to the clearly delusional owner.
No, I was just posting my thoughts.
ResetEra is apparently the thing being cooked up. Past that either Waypoint or GiantBomb I guessI rely on this forum for instantaneous gaming news.
I tried looking at other "dedicated" gaming sites and it was horrible. News in the form of slowly released, long winded journalistic style articles, and forums filled with spam.
I'd like for this place to get back up and running again. But if it doesn't, can someone please give me information about what's the go to place now?
Except it's Evilore's site, he's the one who benefits from you using it.
Because NeoGAF has cultivated a mature group of moderators and regular posters over the years and generally has a level of discussion well above shit like Reddit? Here's a tip for gamer side people who hated off-topic, you never needed to click it.
Not that it matters now.
Stupid question - why can't this be, you know, a GAMING forum?
No Trump, no Hillary, no politics? Politics attracts people who are into politics and not gamers. People who are into politics should go to politics related forums, subreddits, etc.
Maybe Off-Topic can be changed to Non-Gaming Entertaintment to talk about movies, anime, etc.
As long as politics are banned I will like the new gaf. The regressive left took over old gaf and turned it into an echo chamber that only cared about games to police them.
Let's talk vidya and leave our political differences at the door.
Absolute the best place for Gaming News.
yea i jus want to get back too gaming i work 12 hr shifts gaf helps me get through it i love being on gaf when a new game comes out at midnight gets me hype too play some games...
How else will they shows us how high and mighty they are?Works both ways though. OT people coming in gaming side to vent? I mean if people don't want to be here, just leave. I don't understand why they have to try to blow shit up on the way out.
Once everything plays out and all the details are there for all to see, I may also leave. But I'll just log off and never come back. I won't try to light a fire on the way out the door.