Those He-Man textures are much, much lower detail than the Shenmue textures. The number of unique patterns is far lower and the number of colours in each texture is also much lower. PS2 typically sacrificed either texture resolution or colour compared to its peers.
The sheer amount of variety and colour in that Shenmue 2 screen still impresses me. DC was a relatively low cost, low power draw console using chips first introduced in the early 1998 Naomi board. Incredible. That He-Man game isn't even on the same planet.
wich texture? the floor, tents and most walls are obviously lower resolution, and he man's body has the same if not better resolution than ryo cloths, the problem with shenmue is that it is very inconsitent in texture quality you can have a magazine or a book shelf with very good resolution but then find very low resolution in cars cloth and other objects or a good face also there is a lot of problems with UV they are not properly mapped maybe the artists were new or the tools where not as good

ps2 had more games than the rest of consoles obviously there are games made with low budget that on top of a different texturing system and a complicated hardware but used properly there is no problem
try comparing baldurs gate vs phantasy star online

Even when efficiently cycling textures during rendering a frame, the PS2 is hard pressed to match ~5.5 MB of VQ compressed textures while accounting for geometry levels typically involved in impressive PS2 games. The DC could also use tri-linear filtering (and even anisotropic filtering), but many games didn't use it as turning it off allowed for an easy performance gain.
why is it hard pressed to match 5.5 MB? on a similar setup as GC, the PS2 can use 2 MB as texture cache(GC has 1 MB), PS2 has 9.6 GB/s access for textures alone while DC has 800 MB/s for all VRAM, DC VQ its good to mitigate this slow memory to an extend some people like to change speed or size to 2.1-6.3 GB/s or 25 to 63 MB (it depends textures and framebuffer) with compression, PS2 has 9.6 GB/s of access just for textures while DC has to share with framebuffers and that is without counting compresion wich can be the standard CLUT or another custom algorithm that devs can implement
and if you want to take textures from main RAM DC has 800 MB/s access to it and PS2 3.2 GB/s
whats with the trilinear filtering? GS supports it too what is so important about it?
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