I know this sounds like a strange thread to make, especially coming from me, but man, every day I'm starting to wonder what is Canada at this point?
Whereas every other country has something unique or special going for them, I'm getting convinced that Canada now feels like a really bland or uninspired version of the U.S, but with a lot more downsides.
Such as:
Our money is worthless:
Seriously, wtf happened? I remember as a kid, I would carry around both U.S and Canadian 25 cents and when we cashed them in, we would joke that the cashier would take the U.S quarters without noticing.
But now flash forward and our money isn't even worth as much as the U.S anymore and it appears it's getting worse.
It all looks the same:
Even though I've spent my entire life living in Ontario, I think it's pretty crazy that when I look at other provinces, they all have the exact same layout. Long roads surrounded by strips malls. Or an entire jungle of houses.
That's it. Even though I understand this is the standard in a lot of Western countries, when it comes to Canada that is 99% of what everything looks like.
You take a look at the below screenshot and tell me which town this is? Halifax? Oakville? Winnipeg? Vancouver? The real answer is Markham. But would you even care if you gave a different answer?
Everyone is crowded at the U.S border:
To be fair, this just might be the limitation of our geography. Despite how huge this country is in terms of sheer landmass, there isn't actually a lot of areas suitable for raising farmland.
That said, with the huge amount of people who continue to migrate here every year, it does kinda worry me that there isn't actually an attempt to spread out the population.
Think about it, if an army where to invade this country, all they have to do is take over Toronto or Montreal, and the rest of the country would collapse very easily.
Not much [local] entertainment:
This one actually affects me, because my current profession is wanting to make 3D Art for Movies and Games, however, I've done my research a long time ago and basically found that Canada is serioussssssssly underrepresented in terms of having our own thriving movie or game studios.
And while that's not to say there isn't an industry here, the limited offerings combined with a surplus of artists means competition is EXTREMELY fierce.
I remember going to job fairs for doing TV animation and the amount of people applying is huge. You really have to be cut throat to land a job in Canada.
Pictured: What a typical Canadian job fair looks like.
Food & Rent are skyrocketing:
If you move to Canada, expect to start paying out the ass now just to eat. It wasn't always like this but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I barely don't cook anymore because meat is now expensive.
And renting is even worse. In just about every city, you can only expect $800 a month as the "cheapest" and everywhere else, it's $2,000 a month that is the average. This is on top of working the same jobs found in the U.S but with half the salary.
What is Canada anymore?
I ask myself this question everyday. What exactly is Canada? I don't really see any real culture that isn't just people working themselves to death and consuming. That's it. It doesn't feel like Canada no longer has a culture that isn't obsessed with consumerism.
For example, why don't we have a Space Program? Why aren't we sending people to the moon or other planets? We literally border the U.S, I'm sure we could do trade with them or redirect our resources to accomplish our own NASA?
But nah, it feels like the future is just building more and more houses and strip malls and filling them with more people who just go to work or spend their time shopping.
Whereas every other country has something unique or special going for them, I'm getting convinced that Canada now feels like a really bland or uninspired version of the U.S, but with a lot more downsides.
Such as:
Our money is worthless:
Seriously, wtf happened? I remember as a kid, I would carry around both U.S and Canadian 25 cents and when we cashed them in, we would joke that the cashier would take the U.S quarters without noticing.
But now flash forward and our money isn't even worth as much as the U.S anymore and it appears it's getting worse.

It all looks the same:
Even though I've spent my entire life living in Ontario, I think it's pretty crazy that when I look at other provinces, they all have the exact same layout. Long roads surrounded by strips malls. Or an entire jungle of houses.
That's it. Even though I understand this is the standard in a lot of Western countries, when it comes to Canada that is 99% of what everything looks like.
You take a look at the below screenshot and tell me which town this is? Halifax? Oakville? Winnipeg? Vancouver? The real answer is Markham. But would you even care if you gave a different answer?

Everyone is crowded at the U.S border:
To be fair, this just might be the limitation of our geography. Despite how huge this country is in terms of sheer landmass, there isn't actually a lot of areas suitable for raising farmland.
That said, with the huge amount of people who continue to migrate here every year, it does kinda worry me that there isn't actually an attempt to spread out the population.
Think about it, if an army where to invade this country, all they have to do is take over Toronto or Montreal, and the rest of the country would collapse very easily.

Not much [local] entertainment:
This one actually affects me, because my current profession is wanting to make 3D Art for Movies and Games, however, I've done my research a long time ago and basically found that Canada is serioussssssssly underrepresented in terms of having our own thriving movie or game studios.
And while that's not to say there isn't an industry here, the limited offerings combined with a surplus of artists means competition is EXTREMELY fierce.
I remember going to job fairs for doing TV animation and the amount of people applying is huge. You really have to be cut throat to land a job in Canada.

Pictured: What a typical Canadian job fair looks like.
Food & Rent are skyrocketing:
If you move to Canada, expect to start paying out the ass now just to eat. It wasn't always like this but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I barely don't cook anymore because meat is now expensive.

And renting is even worse. In just about every city, you can only expect $800 a month as the "cheapest" and everywhere else, it's $2,000 a month that is the average. This is on top of working the same jobs found in the U.S but with half the salary.
What is Canada anymore?

I ask myself this question everyday. What exactly is Canada? I don't really see any real culture that isn't just people working themselves to death and consuming. That's it. It doesn't feel like Canada no longer has a culture that isn't obsessed with consumerism.
For example, why don't we have a Space Program? Why aren't we sending people to the moon or other planets? We literally border the U.S, I'm sure we could do trade with them or redirect our resources to accomplish our own NASA?
But nah, it feels like the future is just building more and more houses and strip malls and filling them with more people who just go to work or spend their time shopping.
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