Robot Pants
Should be the full game
Should be the full game
I'm not looking forward to the PS+ influx of users in the multiplayer, the servers have just got the balance where you are getting more racers than crash kiddies.
No. Coming soon means soon.But it wasn't ever available was it? Coming soon could mean maybe any time in the next 5 years.
Too late imo. Game feels like a PSPlus giveaway at this point.
I must admit I'm absolutely furious with Sony.
I heard about the PS+ version of #DRIVECLUB a few years ago now so I rushed to buy a PS+ subscription.
I also bought a PS4 on release, even though it had no games (and still doesn't) to play this demo.
I think at this point, Sony should probably give everyone the full game, the season pass, and possibly $100 of PSN credit to make up for their dishonest promises.
I must admit I'm absolutely furious with Sony.
I heard about the PS+ version of #DRIVECLUB a few years ago now so I rushed to buy a PS+ subscription.
I also bought a PS4 on release, even though it had no games (and still doesn't) to play this demo.
I think at this point, Sony should probably give everyone the full game, the season pass, and possibly $100 of PSN credit to make up for their dishonest promises.
I must admit I'm absolutely furious with Sony.
I heard about the PS+ version of #DRIVECLUB a few years ago now so I rushed to buy a PS+ subscription.
I also bought a PS4 on release, even though it had no games (and still doesn't) to play this demo.
I think at this point, Sony should probably give everyone the full game, the season pass, and possibly $100 of PSN credit to make up for their dishonest promises.
Couldn't you have returned your PS4 and ask a refund for the PS+ sub?
Also lol at your suggestion. Parody right? Weird enough that you'd rush to buy a console for a demo and then don't even purchase the game that you were seemingly looking forward to.
I must admit I'm absolutely furious with Sony.
I heard about the PS+ version of #DRIVECLUB a few years ago now so I rushed to buy a PS+ subscription.
I also bought a PS4 on release, even though it had no games (and still doesn't) to play this demo.
I think at this point, Sony should probably give everyone the full game, the season pass, and possibly $100 of PSN credit to make up for their dishonest promises.
Should be canceled.Should be the full game
While I do think Sony should offer something as a goodwill gesture (some more cars/tracks and it sounds like they may be doing so), I think you're being just a tad entitled here (especially with that 100 dollar credit). And to be clear, that "just a tad" was said in a very facetious tone.
Hell, if they want to turn this around from a Sony really f*cked up on this one to Sony really cares and actually making people happy, they'd give the game and rely on us buying DLC if we liked it to make sales on it. But giving the game would be an above and beyond (but would certainly go a long way in making it feel like they care and that they really want people to think well of them).
(Yes, free Drive club is above and beyond but if you really want to make loyal customers that keep coming back, sometimes going above and beyond when you f*cked up does a lot more than just never f*cking up even).
Should be the full game
One more drink, PS+ Edition FULL VERSION.I know they won't do this, but I think it will be really cool if you download the PS+ Edition of Driveclub and the game can see if you purchased the disk version. If you have, it would then upgrade the PS+ Edition to the full version.
I must admit I'm absolutely furious with Sony.
I heard about the PS+ version of #DRIVECLUB a few years ago now so I rushed to buy a PS+ subscription.
I also bought a PS4 on release, even though it had no games (and still doesn't) to play this demo.
I think at this point, Sony should probably give everyone the full game, the season pass, and possibly $100 of PSN credit to make up for their dishonest promises.
Its disgusting. Shit was promised to be free more than 2 year ago when it was announced.
Its disgusting. Shit was promised to be free more than 2 year ago when it was announced.
I still don't buy the argument that people bought a PS4 and PS plus and have gotten absolutely no value out of it SOLELY because this tiny fraction of a game never came out, particularly given the value of Sony's giveaways in 2014 totaled over 1300 dollars. It's just an absurd notion.
It still is free, it's just not available yet.
It still is free, it's just not available yet.
Oh, I hope you aren't one of the people who (wrongly) think Sony promised the full game would be free to PS+...
You sound so genuine in your disgust.Its disgusting. Shit was promised to be free more than 2 year ago when it was announced.
Just put out the whole game on PS+, it's 19 gigs. Repopulate the servers.
on topic though, it seems they are still going to use the India Track to showcase the game...which is fine, because it can look Amazingly Beautiful. BUT if they just use the first race we all played when we got the game (same setting as well) without polishing up the graphics... I don't think that would be wise.
there have been patches since release that have improved the image quality of the whole it should be fine... but I just don't put little details like this past people in a hurry to do their specific job.
Instead of 5 tour events all taking place in India only, the updated version now includes 11 tour events (= a whole championship) taking place over the six locations the game has to offer (and also giving access to some cars from the full game and paying DLC).
But outside of this championship, the gamer is still restricted to India.
If I had purchased Driveclub, I would be very annoyed if they'd do what you suggest. (Full game being free, being completely devalued for those who purchased it)
A trial/F2P version of a game got delayed. That's it. Just like retail games get delayed, this F2P version of Driveclub got delayed as well. It happens. (might update post with thoughts outlined later, on tablet at the momemt)
I'm not saying I've been bamboozled but it's bullshit that it's been delayed this long. You might have a point about things getting delayed if the full retail version hadn't been available for months by now. People are rightfully complaining that something they were promised has been delayed for a very prolonged period of time, with little to no explanation as to why.I wasn't arguing the free or not-free point.
People act like they were bamboozled into signing up for PS Plus. When the fact is if you pay for something in advance of an upcoming feature, the only thing you're paying for at that point is what is currently available on the service
Everything you're saying about netflix and promised features means nothing. Simply because there were no requirements to play DC except being a member When the game is available.
Its your own fault if you paid for PS plus b4 DC was available.
This is the gaming industry, this is not the first time ever something got delayed.
Apparently there is going to be more tracks.
To be fair, what little I've played so far of the single-player has the AI crash-kiddying around. Not to the degree of the people who play the game like it's a demolition derby, but I've had numerous instances where the AI makes no effort to not ram into me. The AI isn't exactly setting an example by driving clean and avoiding collisions.
I'm not saying I've been bamboozled but it's bullshit that it's been delayed this long. You might have a point about things getting delayed if the full retail version hadn't been available for months by now. People are rightfully complaining that something they were promised has been delayed for a very prolonged period of time, with little to no explanation as to why.
Even if it's not the ONLY reason someone signed up for a service, it's their right to complain that part of the service they were promised has been absent for so long.
You think the PS+ edition is less than 19 gigs ? LOL
One of the worst posts I've seen in a while. But then again I don't normally read Driveclub PS+ threads because it's full of shitposts like that.
They're increasing the number of available cars from 10 to 15.And yes, I do think Sony should at least offer a token of good will.
Its disgusting. Shit was promised to be free more than 2 year ago when it was announced.
Yeah probably, PS+ sucks these day. *They're increasing the number of available cars from 10 to 15.
And they're offering 11 tour events (15 events) from 6 locations in lieu of 5 tour events (6 events) from 1 location.
I think that's their token of good will (alas for you, no Lamborghini to be found in this selection).
People expecting Sony to release the full game for free on PS+ are simply dreaming.
The base game (minus DLC) would be great for a PS+ IGC offering.Should be the full game
And the PS+ Edition is a locked version of the full game, so it'll weigh 19 gigs, too.Huh? The base game is 19 gigs.
Yup. If the servers collapse again, I think Evo won't ever get another chance.Of course they'd have to have solved the server capacity issues, but that's something that has to happen regardless if DC is to have any real future.
It's a terrible argument. It's no different then them not putting up a month of PS+ games and people saying no one should be mad because "Lol you probably just signed up for PS+ to play online anyway lol."Thank you. Honestly the delay isn't what pisses me off about this whole thing (it's annoying and I think Sony should give us extra sure. But it's not rant inducing piss me off). it's the people getting pissed off cause people dare be upset about this and trying to tell them they are being unreasonable or that it's their fault for not just buying the game. People have every right to be upset about this. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask Sony to give a little extra after how long it has taken (6 months from release and that's after the 1 year delay from the original date).