I .. I don't know whats happening. This is some wierd twilight zone shit here.Plays like absolute junk. Horrible handling makes it feel unwieldy as hell and a weak sense of speed. See I could live with that if it was were a sim and realism was key but in many ways it's trying to act like an arcade racer. It splits the difference between the two and ends up failing at both. It's not fun for simple high speed racing - PS4 desperately needs something there - and falls short as a sim in a world where GT exists. I'm not a gear head so I can't say I really paid much attention to the graphics.
The reason I got the game for free is my friend got it bundled with his PS4 and gave it to me and said it was the worst racing game he'd ever played. After seeing positive reactions on GAF I gave it a shot but I found myself agreeing with him. This was all recently and post-server issues too, nothing online related.
Plays like absolute junk. Horrible handling makes it feel unwieldy as hell and a weak sense of speed. See I could live with that if it was were a sim and realism was key but in many ways it's trying to act like an arcade racer. It splits the difference between the two and ends up failing at both. It's not fun for simple high speed racing - PS4 desperately needs something there - and falls short as a sim in a world where GT exists. I'm not a gear head so I can't say I really paid much attention to the graphics.
The reason I got the game for free is my friend got it bundled with his PS4 and gave it to me and said it was the worst racing game he'd ever played. After seeing positive reactions on GAF I gave it a shot but I found myself agreeing with him. This was all recently and post-server issues too, nothing online related.
I'd like to know what reference are you using to say all that about DC.
Because even if an opinion is an opinion, what you just said is objectively wrong.
I .. I don't know whats happening. This is some wierd twilight zone shit here.
Hold me.
But how am I going to feel entitled for something free now?
I can't believe people are still waiting for this. The game has been $20 more than once since the release. If you were interested at all, you should already own the full game.
I mean, I get that the game is not for everyone.
I mean, I get that the game is not for everyone. It's just how you articulated and came to the conclusion of why you dont like it.Friend and I both played the game for hours. Both hated it. I'd take NFS Rivals over it easily and that was a pretty weak racing game.
The cult of DriveClub is equally weird to me. I don't get the game at all, sorry. I really thought it would click more after positive GAF post-patch impressions.
Well when movies get removed from the service I don't throw a hissy fit that's for sure. Especially with so many other movies. Or if I was that upset, I'd cancel my service I guessWould you call the movies you get in your Netflix subscription "free"?
Fuck Driveclub.
Dead to me.
They should just give the game away on PS Plus now, it's been way to long a wait. I was day 1 NO regrets
handling makes it feel unwieldy as hell and a weak sense of speed
Fuck Driveclub.
Dead to me.
I mean, I get that the game is not for everyone. It's just how you articulated and came to the conclusion of why you dont like it.
I feel like you're describing a different game. Driveclub isn't a sim, it's far from unwieldy. Jump from pretty much any sim racer to DC and that much is clear after the very first turn. Secondly, I'd argue that Driveclub has among the best sense of speeds of any motorsports racer.
I feel like you're describing a different game. Driveclub isn't a sim, it's far from unwieldy. Jump from pretty much any sim racer to DC and that much is clear after the very first turn. Secondly, I'd argue that Driveclub has among the best sense of speeds of any motorsports racer.
See guys, another case of demand falling off a cliff in NZ.It's seemingly the most traded in game in the country. Even this year post server issues. Checking NZ EB seems to show a similar situation. ($18 and $23 pre owned respectively). It's clearly not clicking with down under folks, that's one of the biggest bombas I've ever seen.
See guys, another case of demand falling off a cliff in NZ.
Friend and I both played the game for hours. Both hated it. I'd take NFS Rivals over it easily and that was a pretty weak racing game.
The cult of DriveClub is equally weird to me. I don't get the game at all, sorry. I really thought it would click more after positive GAF post-patch impressions.
Some people are really getting worked up over a racing game demo.
haha mad about video games
Honestly, Forza, GT, even other simcade racers, I feel like the low and mid tier cars are especially slow feeling, and even the faster cars don't feel quite hyperdrive break neck till you get in to the Formula stuff. It's generally very different in Driveclub, because of the exaggerated vehicle and suspension feedback, the narrow roads, the constant elevation changes etc, Driveclub feels more like a mix of Wipeout and a traditional racing game than it does most sim or simcade racers. Hell, I'm playing Project Cars now, and I've had to put world movement and high speed shake on to max settings, just to get the game to feel remotely as fast or visually threatening as Driveclub.
I did get plus for driveclub though. And when it didn't come out I cancelled my sub.
Protip: play the game with the Redline OST in the background. Soooooooo good and heartpumpingPeople can think DC is average or handles bad or whatever, but saying it has a weak sense of speed is just plain nonsense.
Fuck Driveclub.
Dead to me.
I can't believe people are still waiting for this. The game has been $20 more than once since the release. If you were interested at all, you should already own the full game.
At this point Driveclub imo should be released in PS+ as a full game (with the exception of the season pass content). Anything other than that will just bring (much) more negativity and won't be good for a potential sequel.
haha mad about video games
Are you sure you played Driveclub?Plays like absolute junk. Horrible handling makes it feel unwieldy as hell and a weak sense of speed. See I could live with that if it was were a sim and realism was key but in many ways it's trying to act like an arcade racer. It splits the difference between the two and ends up failing at both. It's not fun for simple high speed racing - PS4 desperately needs something there - and falls short as a sim in a world where GT exists. I'm not a gear head so I can't say I really paid much attention to the graphics.
The reason I got the game for free is my friend got it bundled with his PS4 and gave it to me and said it was the worst racing game he'd ever played. After seeing positive reactions on GAF I gave it a shot but I found myself agreeing with him. This was all recently and post-server issues too, nothing online related.
I can't believe people are still waiting for this. The game has been $20 more than once since the release. If you were interested at all, you should already own the full game.
An E3 'available now' announcement seemed plausible to me.
People saying Rivals is better are im sorry to say crazy
If you got it for Driveclub you wouldve gotten it the day Driveclub was released on PS Plus.
Otherwise why would you put that money towards the service and not towards just buying the full game?
At this point Driveclub imo should be released in PS+ as a full game (with the exception of the season pass content). Anything other than that will just bring (much) more negativity and won't be good for a potential sequel.