I'm personally am one of the rare few that are happy that TLOU2 was spoiled prior to me playing the game. It reduced the anger that I would have had towards Naughty Dog. If I experienced that game without any spoilers, my disdain towards the studio would have been crazy high. Playing it with the knowledge of what was to come created a sort of indifference towards the whole thing. Now, it's more apathy I guess.
For me, Naughty Dog represented peak Sony especially in the PS3 days. Uncharted 1, 2, 3, TLOU. They were all great games for the most part. However the transition to PS4 has taken Naughty dog in a direction that is not palatable to me. Their games are less fun, they're less replayable, they're more depressing, they have much more creator lead politics, etc. I cannot deny that the quality their games have in terms of graphics and animation, however in terms of gameplay, fun factor, and story, they're becoming less and less relevant to me. Uncharted 4 while having some fun segments is generally hard to replay because of pacing. Lost legacy is a really weak game that is the uncharted equivalent of oceans 8. TLOU 2 is depressing in terms of setting, it's bloated, ham fisted in story, poor in level design and generally hard to replay.
To me, this represents a general shift in Sony's portfolio and it's not surprising as their headquarters is located in the heart of edgy politics(California). Just for reference, here's how Sony's portfolio looks.
Uncharted - retire ND and replace with daughter (supposedly)
Ghosts - female in new game
Ratchet - bring in Rivet, maybe we get a game just for Rivet?
TLOU - kill Joel, move story on with Ellie
Returnal - female
Horizon - female
Intergalactic - female
There's nothing wrong with playing as a female in the game but as a male, I'm more likely to find male characters more relatable to me. As it stands, we have Spiderman and God of war left as the active big games with male leads. Wolverine I guess should be included in this list but it's not a game I'm going to play. I've played all the games listed and have no plans on playing another Ratchet game(story is too safe and boring), TLOU, Horizon(both games are unbelievably boring), Intergalactic(a product that looks completely disconnected from it's audience), and finally no more Insomniac games due to their safe and boring writing. So that leaves Ghosts of Yotei, and God of war along with any potentially new ips that might launch for story driven games.
I think people don't like Naughty Dog for a variety of reasons but for me personally, they represent Sony. The direction they're going in also coincidentally represents the direction Sony is going in and I personally don't like that direction. So in a way, they're forced to bear the burdens of my frustration with Sony as a whole.