It's a new world, not 1998. RPGs aren't what they used to be. Shooters seem to be the new black, thus that is why there are so many being developed.Niks said:Motherfarking THIS.
For all their talk about the history of the PS1 and PS2, I guess they just decided to forget RPGs where an important factor that got the PS1 off its feet.
The only excuse I can think of is that they are waiting for TGS for that, but that includes a lot of hoping and praying.
Do you mean the XMB kicks the new MS dashboard in the ass, aesthetically? Feature-wise, no way. And aesthetics is a matter of opinion. I love the look.PistolGrip said:Actually XMB kicks MS new dashboard in the ass. Home kicks the copy cat avatar bullshit MS introduced.
spwolf said:Infamous, DC Universe and Booty were probably most interesting things there and we barely knew anything about them just few days ago...
Booty is fukin the shit for $15, they need to do more of that.
inertiatic said:Well, you guys heard it here first, Microsoft had a solid showing but half of it doesn't count so Sony wins.
manzo said:First of all, where the FUCK was Square-Enix?
3) Where was any other RPG other than the Eternal fucking Sonata?
spwolf said:Infamous, DC Universe and Booty were probably most interesting things there and we barely knew anything about them just few days ago...
manzo said:First of all, where the FUCK was Square-Enix?
3) Where was any other RPG other than the Eternal fucking Sonata?
Resistance 2 = awesome
GOW3 = HELL YEAH except only a shitty teaser trailer
Valkyrie PSP = AAAAWWW YEAAAAAAHH oh wait a mistake lolz
What a fucking waste of 2 hours. I can't believe I actually first endured the Nintendo conference and now this.
Shitty E3 minus the FF13 megaton.
kbear said:The two biggest reveals for Sony's conf were two CG trailers (God of War 3 and MAG). GoW3's trailer was like 10 seconds long, too. There was literally 5 seconds of Killzone 2 footage that was shown in a montage. Infamous looked nice. Resistance PSP was a surprise. Fat Princess looked great... reminds me of Castle Crashers with the cartoonish gore. Video service is a year late to the party but still cool. All of that stuff added up doesn't come close to Microsoft's announcements, though. How can anyone with a hint of objectivity disagree with that statement?
soldat7 said:The 'general people'? Well they'd be wrong then.
It will be interesting to see what the game journos have to say about the E3 conferences. I can't imagine any of them not picking MS as the clear winner in terms of the E3 conference at the very least.
Read this. Know this. Embrace it and accept it as truth.omg rite said:I stopped reading here.
Kingdom Hearts 3? There is ZERO information saying that it's anywhere near ready to be shown. What are you talking about? You can't be disappointed that wasn't shown.
Kingdom Hearst 2 wasn't shown at E3 either. It was announced at a Japanese conference.
But dude, FF7 Remake?
ANYONE who lists that as a reason why E3 sucked, let alone their #1 reason, is out of their mind.
You do remember MSFT actually showed games being played at thier conference right? No matter what you say that in itself was a 1up over the other conferences. All that other crap they annouced can be shown on the show floor to the journalists. But what millions will see is the conference and the games that are showcased at that live worldwide broadcasted conference. MSFT won on that front.PistolGrip said:In terms of the actual conference:
MS: D-
Nintendo: LOL WTF
Sony was the only one that announced new games. sure they were not big megaton games but they were cool games. Shit I am all giddy about Fat Princess and MAG sounds amazing. MS had the finishing move at the end though it the grand scheme of E3 doesnt mean much because they are practically announcing a port. MS conference was pathetic until the FFXIII announcement
kbear said:My final thoughts... MS won due to this:
*New dashboard/XBL overhaul unveiling
*8 player party system
*Netflix service exclusive
*Fall Out 3 DLC exclusive
*Rock Band 2 timed exclusive
*Portal Still Alive exclusive
*Geometry Wars 2/Galaga Legions exclusivo
*Banjo 1 XBLA
*Square Enix exclusives/timed exclusives (Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, etc.)
*Gears of War 2 live demo
*RE5 co-op live demo
*NBC/Universal announcement
*Lips actually looks hot
*FF 13 megaton
The two biggest reveals for Sony's conf were two CG trailers (God of War 3 and MAG). GoW3's trailer was like 10 seconds long, too. There was literally 5 seconds of Killzone 2 footage that was shown in a montage. Infamous looked nice. Resistance PSP was a surprise. Fat Princess looked great... reminds me of Castle Crashers with the cartoonish gore. Video service is a year late to the party but still cool. All of that stuff added up doesn't come close to Microsoft's announcements, though. How can anyone with a hint of objectivity disagree with that statement?
laserbeam said:I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.
Sony went on and on Pre-launch and uptil now about how Digital Distibution of movies etc were years off etc now they are offering HD movie downloads etc
laserbeam said:I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.
Sony went on and on Pre-launch and uptil now about how Digital Distibution of movies etc were years off etc now they are offering HD movie downloads etc
LCfiner said:And Blu-ray won't be mainstream for years, if ever.
LCfiner said:they're doing it because MS and Apple must be making enough money off of it to be considered worthwhile.
And Blu-ray won't be mainstream for years, if ever.
Certainly, if you're present at the event and have access to the floor after the conference has ended, then there's no question you'll prefer brief clips during the presentation versus time-consuming demonstrations. Unfortunately, the majority of us don't fall into that category.gcubed said:maybe i'm missing something, is it better to show more games on stage, and let people play the games themselves, or show less games but let someone watch someone else play them?
kbear said:Do you mean the XMB kicks the new MS dashboard in the ass, aesthetically? Feature-wise, no way. And aesthetics is a matter of opinion. I love the look.
And I'm sorry, but Home has disaster written all over it. Delay after delay. You thought that footage with the dancing people was hot? Come on... be real, P-Grip.
My final thoughts... MS won due to this:
*New dashboard/XBL overhaul unveiling
*8 player party system
*Netflix service exclusive
*Fall Out 3 DLC exclusive
*Rock Band 2 timed exclusive
*Portal Still Alive exclusive
*Geometry Wars 2/Galaga Legions exclusivo
*Banjo 1 XBLA
*Square Enix exclusives/timed exclusives (Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, etc.)
*Gears of War 2 live demo
*RE5 co-op live demo
*NBC/Universal announcement
*Lips actually looks hot
*FF 13 megaton
The two biggest reveals for Sony's conf were two CG trailers (God of War 3 and MAG). GoW3's trailer was like 10 seconds long, too. There was literally 5 seconds of Killzone 2 footage that was shown in a montage. Infamous looked nice. Resistance PSP was a surprise. Fat Princess looked great... reminds me of Castle Crashers with the cartoonish gore. Video service is a year late to the party but still cool. All of that stuff added up doesn't come close to Microsoft's announcements, though. How can anyone with a hint of objectivity disagree with that statement?
A new thread would be nice.the disgruntled gamer said:So, should someone make a new thread, or do we put our E3 grades in here?
y2kenjination said:Yep, after Sony's keynote, the PS3 is officially doomed. I was expecting a megaton announcement, but instead...Resistance on PSP? LoL. MAG? LOL.
I can't believe Jack gave his presentation with a straight face. Most of the titles that were shown will ALSO be available on the 360. I don't think the average joe will care about Buzz, Rag Doll Kung Fu, or inFAMOUS. LOL!
Epic fail Sony, epic fail. It was fun while it lasted guys...but it'll truly be the end of an era. Nail in the coffin after the worst E3 press conference ever. Pack your bags guys, 'cause the console wars are OVAH!
Man, Microsoft must have been laughing backstage yesterday. Wada was all like "Btw guys OOOOH MUTHAFUKKIN FFXIII on the 360 bitches!"
All lost. At this point I want the 360 to succeed. They're just making all the right decisions. Their new HDD installation capabilities, Netflix integrations, and jRPG announcements have impressed the hell out of me. Microsoft the new Sony? BELIEVE.
P.S. WTF Nintendo still fails at life. Their press conference was worse than Sony's. GTA on DS? LOOOOOOOOOOOL!
omg rite said:You know, it's pretty obvious you're a silly fanboy, which I tend not to call people, but you take the cake.
Why, you ask?
Are you dense?
BenjaminBirdie said:I'm the biggest DC fan on the planet, but that looked wayyy too early to be shown off. Also, they keep trying to skirt around the fact that you can't play as the big heroes. Which is fine and understandable, but embrace it. Show me even just a CG trailer of a scrub making their way through the Green Lantern academy on Oa and then getting assigned to Earth.
Not just a few frames of the kind of character you'll actually end up playing surrounded by wall to wall heroes and villains you'll never touch.
laserbeam said:I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.
laserbeam said:I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.
Sony went on and on Pre-launch and uptil now about how Digital Distibution of movies etc were years off etc now they are offering HD movie downloads etc
Truespeed said:People need to remember that not all companies blow their wad in one press event. Some like to spread the wad over multiple press events to keep the momentum going.
P.S. WTF Nintendo still fails at life. Their press conference was worse than Sony's. GTA on DS? LOOOOOOOOOOOL!
laserbeam said:I agree but it basically makes blu ray a joke and they could have easily had a $299-$399 system at launch skipping blu ray.
Azrael said:Revisionist. Sony's been talking about digital downloads of movies since before the PS2 launched.
Blu-ray and digital downloads complement each other and can coexist in the marketplace. Blu-ray to own movies in HD with the best picture and sound quality packed with special features and downloads for renting and portability. Having the best of both worlds on PS3 is a good thing.
'Cause it's hilarious to imagine GTA working on the N64? Which is basically what this is?omg rite said:Why did you point out one of the most interesting announcements from their conference as an LOL?
Why is that LOL?
sillymonkey321 said:They would have been better off not showing DCU imo. They should have shown something on Motorstorm 2, but apparently that isn't coming out this year anyways.
a Master Ninja said:The new 80GB was the biggest misstep of their conference in my eyes.
Truespeed said:I agree. Giving people an extra 40GB was wrong.
Tormentoso said:And is funny because no every one knows that and they actually think that Sony was fallowing MS with video download,when sony has been behind something like this for ages.
Roxas said:They didnt even show Wipeout HD in the PSN montage did they?![]()
Tormentoso said:Most of the 360 games show are also going to be on PS3
GreekWolf said:If they had featured just one live, on-stage demonstration of a highly anticipated exclusive or third-party title, it would have done wonders for their conference.