Sure, the "fanboy"-card.
The gameplay shown, even if scripted, has been far more substantial than anything shown at MS' conference as far as exclusives are concerned.
Not to mention that the production values, graphics, animations, sound and overall details take a huge dump on anything that MS came up with.
Fair enough, but doesn't that go for MS' exclusives too, especially since their games are a bazillionth installment in each franchise (apart from Ori and Crackdown) ? In which case, my point still stands.Some of us don't believe another hide-in-long-grass stealth game with brutal kills & crafting is the second coming of Jesus Christ in gaming terms. Each to their own, but I've played that type of game before & it's not exactly the most exciting thing to look forwards to.
MS had a more entertaining show than Sony and that's great for them. Just strange when some people are making it seem like the crucial comparison is between the conferences and not the games. It won't matter who was the first to reveal a third party game when it's finally released. In the end an entertaining conference doesn't change the fact that MS first party is still pretty much in the same position as before for the foreseaable future. If Sony had rdr2 on their e3 show, of course the conference would have been better, but it wouldn't have made ps4 a single bit more appealing.
Did we really need to waste 15min of conference watching 2 guys playing instruments? I think that added nothing to the conference (even if the bamboo flute guy had a cute face).
Give it some time for the dust to settle and it'll sink in with them.
People are still high on all the games announced at MS's conference, but if you already take a look at that thread about MS's actual exclusives, it's apparent that a lot of people's minds got clouded by MS's clever PR.
This has been Sony's worst conference by far in terms of presentation, but in their defence, their competition has close to nothing to compete with them, so it isn't exactly strange that Sony came up with this bare-minimum conference.
Let's be honest, TLOU2 gameplay alone gives all of MS's exclusives combined a run for their money.
Still, I somewhat regret watching this at 3am. lol
Nintendo Direct. Superman x Super Mario crossover!!! lolI want to know where Rocksteady is (unless I missed something?), i.e. it has been 3 years since Arkham Knight. Yet we hear or see nothing, zip.
Some of us don't believe another hide-in-long-grass stealth game with brutal kills & crafting is the second coming of Jesus Christ in gaming terms.
That was due to technical issues on the Twitch stream. It dropped 2 or 3 times and there were issues with the soundPeople hated the conference.
This is the Twitch viewership on Playstation:
From 220k down to a little over 50k
MS knows how to present games and entertain?Break the cycle and say one positive thing about MS. I dare ye.
Okay, but the overall average for all E3 broadcasts also dropped from 1.31 million hourly average at the start of the conference to 1.19 million hourly average mid conference.That was due to technical issues on the Twitch stream. It dropped 2 or 3 times and there were issues with the sound
Yeah there's only so many times you can do "female killing machine hiding in the bushes" - I think by next gen people will realise they've seen way too much of this and the vocal complaints will become more noticeable.
Surprising how similar the gameplay shown is to the latest showings for Tomb Raider, even down to the mud covered protagonist.
We also had another bush-hider in Aloy in Horizon, but at least that had dinosaurs in ..
A lot of people switched to Youtube when Twitch went down, so unless you have youtube metrics as well, it's hard to say that those metrics are meaningful.People hated the conference.
This is the Twitch viewership on Playstation:
From 220k down to a little over 50k
If you want to compare these games it was pretty clear that the Last of us felt like it was in a total different generation than Tomb Raider. The amount of differences be it animations, atmosphere, brutality, mechanics, direction was really staggering. I felt really bad for the Tomb Raider devs.Yeah there's only so many times you can do "female killing machine hiding in the bushes" - I think by next gen people will realise they've seen way too much of this and the vocal complaints will become more noticeable.
Surprising how similar the gameplay shown is to the latest showings for Tomb Raider, even down to the mud covered protagonist.
We also had another bush-hider in Aloy in Horizon, but at least that had dinosaurs in ..
Game still looked pretty good though. I'm expecting genre fatigue to set in en-masse soon after though.
Yeah there's only so many times you can do "female killing machine hiding in the bushes" - I think by next gen people will realise they've seen way too much of this and the vocal complaints will become more noticeable.
Surprising how similar the gameplay shown is to the latest showings for Tomb Raider, even down to the mud covered protagonist.
We also had another bush-hider in Aloy in Horizon, but at least that had dinosaurs in ..
Game still looked pretty good though. I'm expecting genre fatigue to set in en-masse soon after though.
The problem with Microsoft is that their toxic company culture kills creativity. Plus they have like 130 billion in cash, they do whatever they please, no matter how long it takes. That's what we see around Xbox. Brute force, nothing else. It's essentially a playground for idiots. Oh well, we failed again, but here is a 50 page Powerpoint slide analyzing our failure. Time to remove the psychopaths in suits from the company and forget about that fu__ing old and used, shit smelling Microsoft name. Just create an entertainment division name it something like Fartmonkey and cut all ties from the mother company. It just poisons everything.It seems some XBOX fans still don't quite get why XBOX is doing so poorly compared to Sony. MS only buying studios now to make games after 5 years in, is such a joke, and it was just smokes and mirrors for the most part, because it's mostly studios that were already making games for MS, studios that are just pumping in a tonne of sequels with the same formula and games which didn't rate well like SOD2.
Time to remove the psychopaths in suits from the company and forget about that fu__ing old and used, shit smelling Microsoft name. Just create an entertainment division name it something like Fartmonkey and cut all ties from the mother company. It just poisons everything.
In essence Sony is human, Microsoft is a vile robot pretending to be a human.
E3 is about games, that's what Sony showed.... games, whether you like their new conference format or not, whether the transition was smooth or not is irrelevant...Who showed the games, that are exclusive, that will rate well and sell well?.. Sony.
It seems some XBOX fans still don't quite get why XBOX is doing so poorly compared to Sony. MS only buying studios now to make games after 5 years in, is such a joke, and it was just smokes and mirrors for the most part, because it's mostly studios that were already making games for MS, studios that are just pumping in a tonne of sequels with the same formula and games which didn't rate well like SOD2. Ninja theory is not going to make anything for MS in a hurry, people actually applauded that as if they will play anything soon. Even the main games from MS, Gears and Halo won't see the light of day anytime soon. What does it tell you, when MS just released a console in the XBONEX (to tonnes of internal hype and marketing) and are already talking about XBOXTWO, they didn't even mention how XBONEX is doing in the space or anything. So yes, it's pretty clear that MS has seen the writing on the wall and is ready to belt out of this gen as soon as possible, XBONEX or not.....
So lets get this straight.....PS owners are playing Spiderman in September, RDR2 with exclusive content for the holidays, Days Gone in February. Playstation Experience in December to announce more games after this crop.......The Square enix Conference was basically a Sony Mini Conference with many exclusives to PS4, that are landing this year and beyond. So Sony could do whatever they want and yet they still showed what got them a juggernaut this gen, games, games games of high quality and graphics..
Pretty much all the multiplats MS announced will be on PS4 and sell much better there, so free marketing for Sony if anything. I love action games, so I guess I must get an XBOX to play Sekiro then? Ahh no, not even necessary. I saw a post earlier where a poster said he doesn't need to play two sword slasher games this year and he favors sekiro or why would anyone play Ghosts over Sekiro, as if the sekiro is releasing this year, neither is ghosts for that matter, but yet, those games won't play anything alike, one is more realistic. I'll play both @ said poster. Imagine a world where every japanese action game had to play like a Jet li Movie, those games have their purpose, but that would mean games like Sword of the samurai, Tenchu and Bushido blade would never get made, perhaps he was an xbox fan who likes no variety in games and nothing swaying from established formulas in his mind.......
This is silly levels of fanboyism here.The problem with Microsoft is that their toxic company culture kills creativity. Plus they have like 130 billion in cash, they do whatever they please, no matter how long it takes. That's what we see around Xbox. Brute force, nothing else. It's essentially a playground for idiots. Oh well, we failed again, but here is a 50 page Powerpoint slide analyzing our failure. Time to remove the psychopaths in suits from the company and forget about that fu__ing old and used, shit smelling Microsoft name. Just create an entertainment division name it something like Fartmonkey and cut all ties from the mother company. It just poisons everything.
In essence Sony is human, Microsoft is a vile robot pretending to be a human.
I am really surprised at how many of you care about the presentation... With how vocal a lot of you are about casual gamers, you'd think people here and "elsewhere" would mostly focus on the games shown....
First off, love the name; one of my favorite bands of all-time.
But I could probably sum up my problems with the presentation as this: Booth talking > Switch to church > Banjo Player > Game > Booth talking > Switch to auditorium > Flute player > Game... There was a lot of crap in the way of actually getting to the games. Microsoft, for all of their problems, just gave them to us at a rapid pace. That was far more preferable when it came to actually focusing on the games.
I am really surprised at how many of you care about the presentation... With how vocal a lot of you are about casual gamers, you'd think people here and "elsewhere" would mostly focus on the games shown...
But no, let's talk about Twitch views of the conferences to see which one was the most popular. Talk about lame.
Comparing the Last of us 2 gameplay to Tomb Raider. Do you have your glasses on?
If you want to compare these games it was pretty clear that the Last of us felt like it was in a total different generation than Tomb Raider. The amount of differences be it animations, atmosphere, brutality, mechanics, direction was really staggering. I felt really bad for the Tomb Raider devs.
There is no great tracking site for YT like this.A lot of people switched to Youtube when Twitch went down, so unless you have youtube metrics as well, it's hard to say that those metrics are meaningful.
I second this.When you have to sit through a shitty presentation to get to the games, it’s a problem. Why can’t Sony save the cash it wastes on stuffy venues and sound equipment and other nonsense, and just let the games speak for themselves? Why insist on wasting a viewer’s time?
For all the shit that Square-Enix got for its presentation, at least it didn’t waste our time with musical acts, lengthy monologues, cringeworthy jokes with no payoff, awkward “intermissions”, or annoying shoutcasters yelling over two dudes tapping touchscreens. Microsoft had the same idea, save for Phil Spencer loving to hear himself talk.
The games are what saved Sony’s event from being Nintendo 2008 levels of bad. If those are an A, but the overall presentation that showcases them is a flat F, you average to a C— which, as of this writing, is the popular pick.