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[E3-Sony] Sony E3 2018 Conference Thread (RATE THE SHOW)

How would you rate the Sony E3 2018 Conference?

  • A

    Votes: 67 15.6%
  • B

    Votes: 119 27.7%
  • C

    Votes: 138 32.1%
  • D

    Votes: 61 14.2%
  • F

    Votes: 34 7.9%
  • My attention span is too low for all these venue swaps

    Votes: 11 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Sony definitely had the edge in terms of visuals. That said, it is not my interest the graphics so much. There was some good gameplay shown, but not a lot.

Gameplay is king.
Please ban my account. Bunch of slack jawed phaggots sucking Sony's dick. You pussies will eat anything Sony serves. Think for yourself and quit following the crowd. TLOU 2 is the same crouching, crafting, stealth kill wannabe movie bullshit as last time. Literally nothing about the gameplay has changed. Not even the fucking font.

Death Stranded... Wtf did I just watch.

No mention of PSVR or PS Now indicates a complete commercial failure.

Meanwhile MS puts together the best presentation of E3. Clearly labels each game to avoid confusion of exclusive status and you Sony cock wads turn your nose up?! GTFO! If Mark Cerny showed up to your house I'm sure most would suck his dick.

Gamepass is the future of gaming fuck boys. Wether you like it not. Pay as you go access. For $90($30 for 6 months) I'm guaranteed Forza 4, Gears 5, and access to over 100 games.

MS acquired 5 new studios that will shit on whatever Sony puts out.

God of Walking is utter trash. Every game doesn't have to be 30 hours long and take years to make.

Enjoy the circle jerk phaggots. I'm out. And enjoy paying $60 for each horseshit exclusive game while o enjoy access for less than $5 a month. Enjoy not getting EA access and more shitty Shawn Phagden conferences 😂😂😂
Bye Felicia. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. And remember, Jesus loves you. 😇😇😇


Wasn't the greatest show, but it wasn't exactly horrible either.

Was hoping for gameplay of Death Stranding, but all we got was pre-made walking scenes and a thoroughly confusing sort of story that makes little to no sense.

Ghosts looked great. Spiderman seemed to be a batman/infamous mashup that actually looked interesting. RE2 for me was one of those "meh... yet another remake" impressions.

The commercial break after TLOU was unfortunate, but probably made worse by the crowd not wanting to follow directions and walk 100 feet in a reasonable amount of time.

MS had the trailers, but I think Sony did them better with exclusive versions of them. (At first I was "Ah crap, KH3 AGAIN???" but that turned to a "Oh actually different" as it progressed)

I'd say MS and Sony were tied 7.5/10


Not the YouTuber
Clearly mislabels you mean... Since those games will be playable on PC...

But either way Microsoft easily had the better show than Sony, not sure what you're crying about...

Every gamer watching E3 knows xbox exclusive means PC as well, it's not a hidden secret.

My biggest issue wasn't the latest grass hiding game in the Sony showing, it was the presentation, it was horrible. Worst I think they've done to date. What the hell was that intermission?


Clearly labels each game to avoid confusion of exclusive status

They do actually say "console exclusive" so the guy was right about that..

Gamepass is the future of gaming fuck boys.

Maybe not right about this though.. too late now - they got their ban


I have to give them an F simply because sony failed at what they wanted to execute. The plan was to move the audience around to 4 different rooms seemingly with musically acts in each room. After room 2 the abandoned that plan. So when you fail in your own plan you have to get a failing grade.

The 20 minute break and music interludes sucked. Showing essentially the same trailer 4 times over was bad planning and pacing. 3 out of the 4 games had no dates and might not even be PS4 games (Ghost is not running on a base PS4).

All this to say though in the end Sony did show some great games and exclusives. RE2 though 3rd party was a nice surprise. the big 4 will all be highly rated games. Ghost was jaw dropping. TLOU 2 was insane. DS no interest to me but I can see why some might be hyped.

but in the end if you can't even execute your planned conference you have to get a fail grade. Next time just be more basic, and plan your trailers to be a bit different not the same, cut scene then 3rd person over the top action scripted scenes.


Ghost... looked great, but I felt cheated. The "gameplay" shown looked way too scripted. Everything was a 1 hit kill, that wasn't gameplay. Makes me remember when Sony tried to fool us with "White Knight Chronicles" at TGS 2006.

Actually, I think (or at least hope) that that is the way the gameplay works. I've been hoping to see a game with swords where fighting enemies doesn't feel like beating a marshmallow to death with a baseball bat. As long as you're equally vulnerable, that could be amazing gameplay.
Ah, gotcha. They showed of plenty of exclusives but the only thing that fits all 3 criteria of "never revealed, sony exlusive, new IP" would be

That's a VR game, which no matter what anyone says is just a niche as mobile. So no, Sony had new exclusive new IP that is for standard console. Which is fine, the games they have coming are more than enough.


That's a VR game, which no matter what anyone says is just a niche as mobile. So no, Sony had new exclusive new IP that is for standard console. Which is fine, the games they have coming are more than enough.
Understood. We could have saved alot of time if you layed out your goal posts from the start lmfao. We went from "new IP, never revealed" to "new IP, never revealed, sony exclusive, not VR" lmfao


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Last of us 2, Ghost, and Spiderman looked great.

I didn't care for the whole music opening to every game and the pacing was just awful. Go back to straight conferences please. Fire whoever had this idea


I feel like sony had to know this was wack as all hell. Less concerts sony, more games, take notes from MS format and do that next year, stop wasting everyone's time. K.I.S.S, Keep It Simple Stupid!

They definitely dont need to take notes from them with all the multiplat mush disguised as exclusives. Sonys format at e3 2016 was golden where thy had the god of war orchestra and just killed it with game after game and not much talking was best format ive seen they need to do that format to the T. Microsoft kinda tailored there's like that.
I don't see what's wrong with having orchestras and other pageantry. If that's what gets the Sony fans all in a lather, why not? Sony is still bringing a bunch of open-world single player game that XBox doesn't have.


Every gamer watching E3 knows xbox exclusive means PC as well, it's not a hidden secret.

My biggest issue wasn't the latest grass hiding game in the Sony showing, it was the presentation, it was horrible. Worst I think they've done to date. What the hell was that intermission?
Than why not just say "Xbox/Window 10"

It's almost like they are trying to misinform the public...


Im not ashamed to wear my colors on my sleeve, Im a playstation guy through and through. I would give the conference an F. Its pacing was atrocious. We saw one game in the span of a half an hour. To contrast that MS had already shown probably close to 5 or 6. After the atrocious intermission I was still confused if there the crowd was going to move to another room and wed have another intermission. When it finally got going it ended abruptly. It was a disservice to the people watching the show and an insult the very devs they attempted to promote.

Havent read the whole thread so Idk if anyone has come to this conclusion but...Sony is in trouble long term with this joker Shawn Layden at the helm. Andy House and Adam Boys laid a good foundation so it wasn't obvious at first but with them both gone and Layden left to his own devices I forsee rough seas ahead for playstation. Hes a self absorbed, pretentious, pompous asshole and that's the exact kind of show sony gave last night. MS, who im no fan of, has obviously been humbled this generation and their show showed it. PSX 2017? Same story. E3 2017 was seen by some as a disappointment and a step back in terms of announcements from previous PS4 years. If its shawn vs phil for next gen, all my money's on Phil.


That's a VR game, which no matter what anyone says is just a niche as mobile. So no, Sony had new exclusive new IP that is for standard console. Which is fine, the games they have coming are more than enough.

Sony set the expectation well before the show that they were going to focus on the big 4 and not reveal some new amazing IP they were working on. I thought Ghosts looked amazing along with their other first party games.

Even though Xbox clearly has the better hardware Sony has consistently put them to shame graphics wise. That might start changing with Gears 5 (which blew me away graphically) but too long Xbox has let Sony hold that title for best graphics, even when their console is clearly the most powerful. They rely too much on 3rd parties to use the power correctly. State of Decay and SOT should have looked better than almost anything on consoles but neither are what most would consider graphic powerhouses. Xbox needs a jaw dropper in the worst way.
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I didn't really understand what was going with changing venues idea, that was a poor choice. In terms of the games though it was absolutely the best for me, the four games that they announced the show was about a couple of months ago did seem really impressive.

The Last of Us: Part II looked even more unpleasant than the first game which I think has been about the only game that's ever been able to make game violence feel really uncomfortable for me. If the game matches up to the first game then I'll be very happy with it.

Ghost of Tsushima was quite possibly my game of the show. On a technical level it was everything I'd really expect from a first party Sony game but the setting, the combat and the atmosphere really sold it to me. Was surprised to see that the character had the ability to climb in the way he did. Looking forward to hearing the Japanese language version though, there was nothing wrong with the English language acting but with a game like this it's usually the way I prefer to play them.

Marvel's Spider-Man looked as good as ever and it's been good to finally get to see people playing in the open world. Looked like it played really well to me and it's been a very long time since I've been able to say that about a Spider-Man game. I've already pre-ordered this

Death Stranding. I'm probably more excited about this then any other game at the show due to a simple combination of Kojima finally getting to make the game that he wants to and due to me not really knowing anything about after seeing a few trailers. I wouldn't normally say that not knowing anything about a game would make me want to buy it but throwing Kojima in mix does has had that effect on me.

Also, free Call of Duty was a nice surprise, they were never really my sort of game but I'll happily play through it as it's free. The only real disappointment for me was no CTR remaster being shown, there is still time and Sony have seemed to like announcing games away from the actual show over the past couple of years so I could still get lucky...hopefully.

In all honest, probably not the best recent E3 for any of the big three but even with that it certainly doesn't look like I'm going to be short of really good games across the three platforms to play over the next couple of years or so. I know it's really unfashionable to be that way but I do generally find myself feeling that way.


I thought the presentation was awkward. No offense to the MC (Shawn?), but I find him a little grating and play cute. The flow of the conference was odd. I thought some of the games looked stunning visually, but a little samey and the brutality of it was a little relentless for my tastes (Spiderman was a nice reprieve). Not many of the games looked like titles I would buy personally, as I gravitate toward multiplayer and co-op experiences (probably why I'm an XBOX fan). The animated comedy bits fell completely flat. I gave Sony a C. They can do better.

The MS conference had more interesting diversity, far better flow, a far better MC and generally speaking a much more "fun" conference.
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Is it just me, or is Sony first party really pushing 'apocalyptic' style games? They are graphically amazing, but don't seem like 'fun'. Contrast with Microsoft getting Ori 2, Tunic stuff like that. Bright, cheery and fun! Sort of like when Sony was really pushing LittleBigPlanet & Rachet games. Now they're 'all in' on dystopia.
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Just watching through this and everything looks amazing other than spiderman. That demo was so dull and cheesy and way too long.


Going through all the comments and it's clear that Sony had at least one thing for almost everybody and I think that is key to their success. Despite their missteps with pacing and presentation setup, I think every PlayStation gamer will have a great supply of games till the PS5.

Also Nioh 2 is an exclusive game reveal that has been massively overlooked considering the acclaim garnered by the first game.


The problem with Microsoft is that their toxic company culture kills creativity. Plus they have like 130 billion in cash, they do whatever they please, no matter how long it takes. That's what we see around Xbox. Brute force, nothing else. It's essentially a playground for idiots. Oh well, we failed again, but here is a 50 page Powerpoint slide analyzing our failure. Time to remove the psychopaths in suits from the company and forget about that fu__ing old and used, shit smelling Microsoft name. Just create an entertainment division name it something like Fartmonkey and cut all ties from the mother company. It just poisons everything.

In essence Sony is human, Microsoft is a vile robot pretending to be a human.

No, in essence, they are both companies who want your money. Microsoft is just better at getting people to give them money. If Sony could switch places they would in a heartbeat, giving every PlayStation player a big middle finger along the way if Microsoft demanded it. Sony does not care about you, or any of us. They are not human, they are just a company that wants your money. People get way too caught up in these corporations like they are out to personally serve us, they are not. I will never understand why people give their loyalty to giant companies.
The problem with Microsoft is that their toxic company culture kills creativity. Plus they have like 130 billion in cash, they do whatever they please, no matter how long it takes. That's what we see around Xbox. Brute force, nothing else. It's essentially a playground for idiots. Oh well, we failed again, but here is a 50 page Powerpoint slide analyzing our failure. Time to remove the psychopaths in suits from the company and forget about that fu__ing old and used, shit smelling Microsoft name. Just create an entertainment division name it something like Fartmonkey and cut all ties from the mother company. It just poisons everything.

In essence Sony is human, Microsoft is a vile robot pretending to be a human.

Dude some of us are old enough to remember 2004 Rootkit. There is nothing 'human' about any of these mega corporations. They all want our cash and now.

I'll hand it to Sony. They took Microsoft's bungled 2013 and made it out like they were 'for the gamer', while MS was anti-gamer. Later we found out Sony was planning the same DRM scheme but dropped it when they found out MS was doing it. There is nothing ethical about Sony, just opportunistic. Gotta give them that, they always were more nimble in making moves that could spin things in their favor.
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While I can agree Microsoft brute forces their way through this industry and thus makes some really horrible decisions, let's not pretend Sony and Nintendo haven't been equally awful at times... "For the gamers" died with SEGA a LONG time ago...
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I think the whole idea under Phil Spencer is that they aren't 'brute forcing' anymore. Whatever that means, I assume it refers to bullying a 2nd party studio? Please tell me.

Texas Pride

Pacing sucked. The substance was on point. No SOCOM was a huge disappointment for me after the SOCOM: Coalition leak but it wouldn't surprise me if they saved that as a PS5 launch game to reboot the series. No new RDR 2 info was disappointing for the wife but I told her not to expect it. I think the quality of what Sony showed surpassed most of what MS showed. Says a lot about the quality of WWS.


Dude some of us are old enough to remember 2004 Rootkit. There is nothing 'human' about any of these mega corporations. They all want our cash and now.

I'll hand it to Sony. They took Microsoft's bungled 2013 and made it out like they were 'for the gamer', while MS was anti-gamer. Later we found out Sony was planning the same DRM scheme but dropped it when they found out MS was doing it. There is nothing ethical about Sony, just opportunistic. Gotta give them that, they always were more nimble in making moves that could spin things in their favor.

Sony couldn't even afford the complete DRM solution, they had already decided to do 360 style DRM for quite some time before that E3. Sure enough, they exploited the bad PR to get people to buy PS4s in protest.
Just like MS threw Don under the bus, letting people believe that that one person could have sole-handedly "set them on a bad path", so that they could play the good guys now.

Some of us are also old enough to remember MS in the early 2000s, nineties and even before. Sony Music's rootkit pales in comparison to some of that stuff.

Both companies couldn't care less about our well being and use tribalism to their benefit (especially MS in my opinion).
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I'm not entirely sure why everyone is so hard on the presentation. While admittedly awkward for us at home, Sony's clear plan was to create a unique experience for journalists in attendance and hit them with a wow factorthey would write about. It was a smart strategy with poor execution and they wisely abandoned it after one attempt instead of marching onward.

I applaud the effort to create an experience even though it failed. The games themselves won me over and that's really the goalpost IMO


In theory I loved what they're going for. The first venue matched the decorations of the dance The Last of Us trailer. In practice, you can't move that many people around and I'm surprised the idea got past the planning stages. Overall, I really liked the conference. I would have preferred a couple surprises like Socom or bloodborne 2 but you can't get everything you want


I'm not entirely sure why everyone is so hard on the presentation. While admittedly awkward for us at home, Sony's clear plan was to create a unique experience for journalists in attendance and hit them with a wow factorthey would write about. It was a smart strategy with poor execution and they wisely abandoned it after one attempt instead of marching onward.

I applaud the effort to create an experience even though it failed. The games themselves won me over and that's really the goalpost IMO
Thats because they were fortunate to be spared of the 25 minute awfulness that was the sony panel.

Reminds me a while back how I think microsoft gave everyone in the audience free xbox 360s and I was over here like... well that's dumb.
I watched the Live from E3 Days Gone demo and..... I dunno...

I can see why it's been delayed so much because it seems like the games infected AI is kind of janky.


How can someone find enjoyment in a single player story driven game?

First, let me remind some people that Last of Us is a single player game, which also featured multiplayer.

People who criticize Sony's story driven games want to make you believe that it automatically means the gameplay is terrible. What I've seen with the Last of Us II gameplay video was no short of a masterpiece. Sure, some parts may have been scripted, but based on Naughty Dog's track record, you're going to see a lot of that in the actual game. Having great gameplay is nice, but I also want a story that's going to captivate me.

An adventure game is about a journey. if the plot is weak, then I'm going to be less motivated to move forward. Naughty Dog has created many memorable characters and that comes with good story writing.
I agree with you and also the gameplay I saw was very technical with very advanced AI and the AI reacted to the player. I thought it was crazy good!


Some of us don't believe another hide-in-long-grass stealth game with brutal kills & crafting is the second coming of Jesus Christ in gaming terms. Each to their own, but I've played that type of game before & it's not exactly the most exciting thing to look forwards to.
So what game is going to captivate you with gameplay that hasn't already been done? Enlighten me with your examples?


Is it just me, or is Sony first party really pushing 'apocalyptic' style games? They are graphically amazing, but don't seem like 'fun'. Contrast with Microsoft getting Ori 2, Tunic stuff like that. Bright, cheery and fun! Sort of like when Sony was really pushing LittleBigPlanet & Rachet games. Now they're 'all in' on dystopia.
Sony pushes everything. You think Playstation does not have colorful, chase the rainbow type games, then you'd be wrong. Yet many PS fans are after something more mature than what you would typcially get from Nintendo first party and more variety than MS which had the stigma as the shootbang, all grey brown type shootfest in the 360 days. If there was one company that always offered the most games in the most genres it's Sony and that doesn't change now including it's VR content.

There's Dreams, Concrete Genie, Wild etc.. and many colorful games in VR and on the indie scene....

I'm not entirely sure why everyone is so hard on the presentation. While admittedly awkward for us at home, Sony's clear plan was to create a unique experience for journalists in attendance and hit them with a wow factorthey would write about. It was a smart strategy with poor execution and they wisely abandoned it after one attempt instead of marching onward.

I applaud the effort to create an experience even though it failed. The games themselves won me over and that's really the goalpost IMO
People are judging this like Speech class in college, which is so wrong. Each press conference/whatever they call it has to be judged based on quality content and what they offering the millions of persons on the platform in question, exclusives matter, coming soon to the console matters. Talking mostly about content that has no forseeable release date, talking about multiplats that's not only available on your platform does very little on your outlook. What exactly is there to be excited about XBOX this year? Horizon? This has no chance against Spiderman for mindshare or pull. Do I have to play another Horizon game or can I just keep playing Horizon 3 or perhaps I can pick up Crew 2 which has more variety or perhaps pickup Sonic Racing, MotoGP or Dakar.......Then the outlook isn't so rosey. I think as the weeks/months goes by and PS4 sales and games keep racking up this year, people will see that MS is no different from the day before E3.....Nothing has changed for MS really.

Sony has a really weird decision making process. Why not show this in their presentation? It looks flipping amazing.

Spiderman has received tonnes of showings, just after Sony's showing, they demoed the game right there with the casters, literally the first thing they did....So coverage of Spiderman is not something people are not aware of. I guess Sony's showcase was mostly to show some of the bosses you'll be facing more than anything.....


Sony and Microsoft made feel like they are already working on another console.And I also think that Sony was trying to send a message for the competition saying that they are capable of creating gorgeous looking games.
Please ban my account. Bunch of slack jawed phaggots sucking Sony's dick. You pussies will eat anything Sony serves. Think for yourself and quit following the crowd. TLOU 2 is the same crouching, crafting, stealth kill wannabe movie bullshit as last time. Literally nothing about the gameplay has changed. Not even the fucking font.

Death Stranded... Wtf did I just watch.

No mention of PSVR or PS Now indicates a complete commercial failure.

Meanwhile MS puts together the best presentation of E3. Clearly labels each game to avoid confusion of exclusive status and you Sony cock wads turn your nose up?! GTFO! If Mark Cerny showed up to your house I'm sure most would suck his dick.

Gamepass is the future of gaming fuck boys. Wether you like it not. Pay as you go access. For $90($30 for 6 months) I'm guaranteed Forza 4, Gears 5, and access to over 100 games.

MS acquired 5 new studios that will shit on whatever Sony puts out.

God of Walking is utter trash. Every game doesn't have to be 30 hours long and take years to make.

Enjoy the circle jerk phaggots. I'm out. And enjoy paying $60 for each horseshit exclusive game while o enjoy access for less than $5 a month. Enjoy not getting EA access and more shitty Shawn Phagden conferences 😂😂😂
This is some next level butthurt... did Sony kill your dog or something?
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