Guys, here's the thing. This internet poll is for consumer outcry. I don't bank with BoA, and I never will, and there are plenty with me. As a consumer, BoA is not an issue to me specifically. In the bigger picture, I don't even have to worry about calling BoA a bad bank because they have the Federal Government of the United States doing that for me already. If they keep being shitty even with The Man on their case, there's jack shit this poll can do. I doubt anyone who matters at Bank of America even knows this poll exists.
Now on the other hand, EA is salvageable and what's more, this poll is visible to their executives who have to deal with shareholders who are investing in a company that thrives on consumer happiness (i.e., entertainment). I voted for EA for one reason: they can be told. I don't buy the games they have ruined (except for Medal of Honor, but that's more because the chaps at Danger Close are cool dudes), and I do want them to wake up and smell the entertainment roses, as do most consumers who have had to deal with their dreadful ideas which hinder enjoyment of the few free hours people have each day. EA is not the most evil corporation in the US, not by a longshot, but most of those companies are beyond our reach and far beyond this tongue-in-cheek internet poll. EA at least reacts (hilariously, I might add), and there's the chance that they might take the criticism to heart and see the game biz as a business of making people happy rather than a business of just making money.
That's what this poll is about, not some sort of terrible FINAL JUDGEMENT where we all turn our noses and hate on the winner and wish them a plague upon their household, but rather point out the company that's making our day-to-day lives a bit shittier because of their inane anti-consumer practices and ask them to step up, senpai. It's something that can be reconciled, not like Bank of America's track record. That shit is in a whole different league!