just started fighting the horseguy in the beginning and the fight is just UN FUCKING DOABLE on pc
Anyone else playing this on SX without VRR and not having any issues with performance? Based off of the comments in performance threads and elsewhere, you’d swear the game was unplayable garbage. I’m 16 hours in, just defeated Godrick, and I’ve yet to run into any issues that would hinder my enjoyment of the game. The frame rate is perfectly fine and I haven’t experienced any judder. I’m truly baffled by the complaints I’m seeing for the SX version.
So for main quest u follow the vague yellow lines ? Not sure what I'm doing and where I'm going tbh.
Googled it. Wide spread well known issue. No fix. Too much traffic. Just can’t play with other people.Network status check failed. Does it matter tho?
This transporter trap makes me want to cry.
I just died there for an hour. I am leaving because this is bs. It goes on forever and ever. And the stupid trap adjusts after your movement. So sometimes it is impossible to get by.This transporter trap makes me want to cry.
The first boss, Margit (I don't think a name is a spoiler?) is harder than any boss I fought in DS3, and I just recently played DS3 so it is fresh in my memory.I have to strongly disagree that this game is the easiest Souls game yet. Not sure how widespread that opinion is, but I saw enough of it on YouTube and figured From was trying to appeal to more players, but after playing it? Nope.
Sure, you can skulk around in the grass, but when it comes to bosses or even some upper tier normal enemies, like the guys on horses...this is still a From game.
Yeah, you should probably come back later for that guy. Go find some other place to go and have fun. You’ll stop him later.just started fighting the horseguy in the beginning and the fight is just UN FUCKING DOABLE on pc
The first boss, Margit (I don't think a name is a spoiler?) is harder than any boss I fought in DS3, and I just recently played DS3 so it is fresh in my memory.
DS3 the most attempts a boss took me I think is like 3-4? I beat most bosses in 1-2 tries. I spent hours fighting Margit last night.
to be fair, I was playing as a prisoner. I rolled a confessor this morning and it definitely feels more familiar. he starts with a broadsword, which was the main weapon I used in DS3, so the move set is very familiar.
so can someone please tell me what the purpose is of the game and how u actually progres.. coz im just running around killing enemys now but unlike other souls game u just progressed in the game from rest point to rest point and went with what ever u encountered but here I have no idea what the fuck to do? Is there a main progress line or something?
Thank you!What an amazing OT. Incredible jobBlack Chamber
lol wtf is that OT. someone has way too much time on their hands. they went so overboard that it's not even loading most of it for me hahaha and i have fast internet. well done.
Sounds like there's multiple? One I found put me in an enclosed area with a single strong enemy.I too couldn't believe what just happened. I made a run for it, grabbing anything i could. Legit new way to troll soul players after all those past traps.
Speak for yourself, it played mostly fine on my computer. Maybe a dip or two, but nothing as crazy as I've seen online.just started fighting the horseguy in the beginning and the fight is just UN FUCKING DOABLE on pc
Guess I'll just kill myself and respawn away from harm, ha ha... nope, gotta run away. Master level trolling right there.This transporter trap makes me want to cry.
Oh dear.
Sounds like there's multiple? One I found put me in an enclosed area with a single strong enemy.
The trap I found was at the top of a tower in a chest and sent me to a castle section in the north with one of those giants.
That was minme too. Did you find the trasure that took you there in dragon's burned ruins, in the lake near the starting place?Yea mine was totally different
Some mining area with some kind of insect monster guarding the miners that would 1-2 shot me. When i exited the mine, the sky was bloody red, fucked up alien mushrooms on the ground. Was way east of the map, i didn't have any map fragments for that place. I noped out.
Oh dear.
That was minme too. Did you find the trasure that took you there in dragon's burned ruins, in the lake near the starting place?
you get aSo I started over on my lunch break and have been trying to take down the tutorial boss. Got literally 1 hit away just now and missed a roll.
Now I have to get back to work for the next 3 hours. I don't even know what (if anything) you get for beating it, but now it's personal.
I can hear his voice every time I see a walking dead gif.
I havent seen anything close to that. I guess I have a magic PC.
I think there's two chests in that place, one where the nobles are chanting, and another between four walls that you have to double jump to get into, and one has Twinblade and the other other has the teleport.Twinblade?