The argument that « easy mode will not hurt the game, why do you care?? » is also pretty wack. Not only did the developers repeatedly said no, but I also think it would dilute the genre.
When I talk to a friend and we say we beat the Nameless king, or maybe he tried but couldn’t, we BOTH understand the hardship of it, because everyone is on the same difficulty
When I know someone that beat a boss I couldn’t? This is my reaction
Making an easy mode removes all that, because now beating a boss is basically a checklist to either a platinum or an ending.
It’s the same reason all rowers train indoor on a Concept C2, even Olympic athletes, because it’s a benchmark. It sets the bar for your effort versus result and is consistant throughout the years.
Many games don’t give a shit about that, but do you even recall much of the fights you had in it? Can we even place a single boss from Jedi Fallen order in a top 50 tier list in the souls genre?