I've been playing Souls games since the release day of Demon's Souls, I've beaten them all, I'm familiar with their storytelling style. And like I said, they've proven it can be done well enough with Bloodborne. But my problem with it isn't having to piece it together, it's that once you do - it's boring. It's just shite lore, shite story. It's dry. There's no emotion to it, no drama. It doesn't have to be that way.
But fans will say "You didn't put it together" even when you did, and you didn't like it. There's always a consideration of how fun it is to put all the lore pieces together, but never any consideration of whether the picture is any good once the puzzle is completed. And here, it's not.
EDIT: You mention Fumito Ueda. His work could not be more different. It is the opposite of dry. It is deeply personal and emotional. Lore doesn't feature too heavily at the expense of the core relationship and the core conflict in his games. I can't even see the comparison.