Game looks awesome, but I'm going to wait for VR support.
Definitely in when VR launches, cause this looks amazing.
Game looks awesome, but I'm going to wait for VR support.
This is a roguelike? Ah man.
Game looks crazy good, kinda want to jump into early access, but I'm afraid I'll get burnt out before more content hits.
I get this, on the face of it, it does seem a little bare bones, but I am hoping the gameplay loop is compulsive in a Rogue legacy kind of way, and that the combat and ship control can carry that gameplay loop.Game looks really good but I am worried about content because of Early Access. Is it worth to buy right now?
This is a roguelike? Ah man.
So good to forget you backed something and then see a game key in your inbox
I'll post some impressions later
My current standard for arcade-y space combat is House of the Dying Sun, so I hope this can match that
Yeah, it's great, and has some excellent sound design tooWhoa.... I need to look into this. I'm super impressed with Everspace but this game looks fantastic as well.
But while House of the Dying Sun's combat nails the tight controls and dogfighting action, it wouldn't be nearly as satisfying without its stellar sound design. Personally, I argue the audio makes the game. The muted rumble and thuds of your weapons. The rasp of your oxygen mask. The tinny chatter of your wingmen, The mechanical whir when you reload or switch weapons. The sound design draws you into the combat, gives every action an immersive and atmospheric reaction. You feel powerful, you feel like a master pilot behind the cockpit among fellow warriors.
xbox play anywhere?
no neogaf hype?
Yeah, it's great, and has some excellent sound design too
Really it depends on what kind of game you want. Everspace is a roguelite, so you'll probably get more hours from itI only have enough money for one. I need your everspace impressions asap!
=Oddly enough, the game feels better with a keyboard and mouse than a controller.
For some reason SteamVR launches everytime I start the game and if I exit SteamVR Everspace closes too.
I use ShareX to screenshot bits of the screen while I'm playing games, because it uploads automatically to Imgur and has a great interface. Don't use ShareX while playing this game. I was trying to take a screenshot of something, and while ShareX is capable of freezing the screen to get the image, as soon as I backed out of ShareX, I was dead because it didn't pause the game. :/
xbox play anywhere?
The HOTAS stretch goal was never reached. T_T
A: If you pledged on the Kickstarter Space Cat reward or purchased the BASIC Edition or the GOD GID Pre-order you will get your key via email when we hit Early Access / GOG Games in Development on September 14.
Played for about 3 hours.
So far, I really like it. The combat feels great, the loot is interesting, and the steady perk rewards you invest your money in after death that are permanent seem balanced and helpful.
There is a great sense of exploration, risk and reward. Flying into a giant space hulk looking for loot and getting ambushed by 2 pirates is awesome.
The graphics are also fantastic. The best looking space shooter ever.
Only had time to give it the briefest of goes last night, but was really impressed. Though that said I only tried it with a 360 controller, and that felt far too floaty, will have to try with mouse and keyboard next time out.
In two minds about whether to play much more, as I think I would rather wait for the full version to be out. I kickstarted it so I have it now, otherwise I would probably have left this alone until it was finished
So umm, I still haven't received my key yet. Should I reach out to them?
Edit: Good thing I did, apparently there was a processing error and I wouldn't have received a key at all had I not.
Anyone knows how to select 3rd person view? I selected first person view on tutorial, but i can't find a way to select 3rd person view now.
Anyone knows how to select 3rd person view? I selected first person view on tutorial, but i can't find a way to select 3rd person view now.
Overall, I like it. The game is absurdly difficult at first, but it uses the Rogue Legacy system of spending money after you die on permanent upgrades for everything.
+ The VO is both funny and well done; it's unexpected but it does work.
= One thing not clear is that some upgrades require multiple steps. For example, to get a new weapon slot, you have to purchase that icon 4-5 times, each time with an increasing cost. This is helpful in a way because it gives you a way to burn money on things you can't fully afford yet (like RL you lose money after restart) but obv you could blow money on something that doesn't actually do anything yet either.
+ I also died during the tutorial but really after awhile you don't want it anyway. Just start fighting ships, grinding for cash, looking for asteroid loot, and expect to die. I think I died 10 times in my first hour, but getting a fresh start and upgrades makes it so I want to restart anyways...
- It really needs the extra starter ships in the promise list. Feels a lot like FTL in that regard.
= Yes if your sensors are damaged, you no longer have targeting waypoints anymore. It's maybe the hardest damage to come back from because now you can't see enemies or treasures unless you're reallllly damn close. I hope they reduce the repair cost.
- Although the game looks amazing the ship interior textures are blurry and I'm not sure they mean anything. A real waste not to put ship stats on there...for example, I don't see anything indicating your current speed, which is like a staple of X/T games.
- The one thing I don't understand still is that it doesn't use newtonian or Star Wars physics, really. You have to hold the accelerator or you will drift to a stop. I really wish there was a way to just toggle that on because holding W sucks basically everywhere except when you are maneuvering around asteroids/ships.
+ You get some more lore now and then, particularly jumping to new maps. Its good.
Is it fair to say it's Rogue legacy in space?
There is also a bit of Descent in there as well. I've come across large asteroids with tunnels in them, and you need to use strafing and the internal structure of the tunnels to pop out and take out turrets and pop back behind cover to avoid being hit.
Can you change the pilot voice to female or turn it off? I didn't like the one I've heard in the youtube video's.
i7 2600 and GTX 960 4GB does not cope well with Epic settings at all. It even drops a few frames on High. Hoping for some more optimization before I sink my teeth into this one. I know my PC is old(ish), but going by the recommended specs I thought performance wasn't going to be a problem.